
Ear infection in toddler EVERY week?! Advice please!


Oct 28, 2012
My almost 3 year old son seems to have an ear infection every week.... or it just never goes away. He complains of ear pain every week... this has been going on for 2 months!!! No fever, just fussing about pain! This in turn affects his appetite and sleep! We hold off on giving antibiotics because he takes them so often... the last time he took some was just about 3 weeks ago and the following week, he STILL complaied of pain and an ear/nose/throat specialist confirmed yet another (or persistent) ear infection.

We went to see the specialist mainly to discuss putting tubes in, but he recommended to wait unil fall/wintertime cause the cold season should be wrapping up and he expects ear infections to decrease.

In the meantime, he seems to have pain again (he complained last week and stopped, now started again yesterday). He goes to daycare and I asked DH to drop by at lunchtime to give him acetominophen.... I don't want daycare to call me to ask me to bring by son home because he keeps crying if ear pain... which has happened before!

SOOOO frustrated with my son's persistent or frequent ear infctions!!

Does this happen a lot to parents and toddlers? I feel like I am the only one with a boy with CONSTANT ear problems!!

Sorry to hear about your son's ear woes :((

My son, who just turned 3 last week, had tubes in at 10 months old. He had 6 persistent infections in 3 months, and his eardrums were blistered. We would have to change antibiotics in mid-course, etc., and became very uncomfortable with the repeated medication.

The tube procedure itself was easy and quick, but we've had some complications after. At his first post-surgery check at 3 months after, they discovered the tubes were starting to come out already. He did get 2 more infections (and oddly enough, his ears never drained), which we were able to treat with drops instead. The tubes were fully out of his eardrums a year after, at which point the ENT removed them from the ear canal, where they were lodged with wax :errrr: The issue was that the holes from the tubes never fully healed in one ear. It took a couple months for the left ear to heal up but the right ear still has a hole about 30% in size, which can affect hearing. The ENT said he wouldn't do surgery to close the holes until DS is 3, so we're not sure how to proceed. Since then, he's had several more ear infections, one of which could be treated with drops (since he still had the perforated drums at that point in both ears) and one which required oral antibiotics.

I've heard there's a shot they can give to help with pain- maybe investigate that further??

Good luck and hope he gets better soon.
I feel your pain. Tomorrows' ear check will mark 8 weeks of chronic ear infections for my 14 month old DS. We did 2 rounds of oral antibiotics and 3 shots. His chronic fevers have been absent for the past 5 days. I know that his ears are still bothering him and I am pretty sure that the Dr is going to tell me that while they are better, they are not 100% better and that we should wait and see. My Dr also warned me that the ENT might not want to pursue tubes right now due to the time of year. Keeping my fingers crossed for good healing, no more infections, and no more sleepless nights with a sobbing little dude in constant pain.
Hmm.... I never knew the existence of any shot. My son is on painkillers (alternting between acetominophen and ibuprofen) around the clock, but they don't help much... he starts to fuss in pain before I gave give him the next dose...

The ENT also said he wouldn't put in tubes because of time of year... but that was a week ago and BAM! My boy is crying in pain again! Very frustrating and as a parent, I feel helpless....
Fi.Z|1366292571|3429708 said:
Hmm.... I never knew the existence of any shot. My son is on painkillers (alternting between acetominophen and ibuprofen) around the clock, but they don't help much... he starts to fuss in pain before I gave give him the next dose...

The ENT also said he wouldn't put in tubes because of time of year... but that was a week ago and BAM! My boy is crying in pain again! Very frustrating and as a parent, I feel helpless....

The shot is an cephalosporin antibiotic. It is called Rocefin, I think. They did a series of 3 shots two weeks ago and he has been slowly getting better since. This is kind of the last antibiotic before tubes. Its a fairly standard treatment from other moms I have talked to.
I have heard that reflux and ear infections are related, if that gives you any clue. We suspect our son had untreated silent reflux as a baby, which could've caused the ear issues. Also, he has food allergies and respiratory issues- I think it's all related somehow.
Have you tried removing all dairy from his diet? It will take at least two weeks of absolutely no dairy to see if removing helps. If it does, then you can talk to a nutritionist about how to make sure he gets the proper vitamins/minerals on a diary-free diet. Another you can try removing would be all gluten. Again, with this, you would want to speak to a nutritionist if gluten is the cause.

I had a lot of ear infections as a kid but it wasn't until I was around 12 that I started having physical symptoms of milk intollerance/allergy. When I became pregnant, I was able to eat dairy (which I've read happens to other women w/dairy issues), but then after my second son was a year old, the dairy problems started up again. I recall when he was in his first year, I got an ear infection, which was really odd because I was either 29 or 30! Later, I had food allergy testing done and milk & eggs came back positive, but the tests weren't 100% accurate because other things cause me problems (almonds make me itchy) but the test didn't show an allergy to them.
As of this morning we are fluidy but not infected. My pediatrician did refer me to the ENT to start a dialogue about treatment, but told me not to be surprised if they want to wait until June to place tubes if he does reinfect. On another note, my otoscope came yesterday and DH and I have been examining each others ears. My older DDs even let us look last night. There is a learning curve and little kids don't like to sit still.
I don't know why it would be necessary to wait until fall to get tubes if he remains infected, that just seems cruel. My pediatrician said that studies done in undeveloped countries where tubes are not available that most kids ear infections naturally clear up by June, so if it persists past June 1, then tubes would definitely be appropriate. I might make an appointment with another ENT to get a second opinion.
How long has your child been in day care? Could his reoccurring infections be linked to his day care in some way?
Oh boy... naptime this afternoon was a nightmare. Almost 2 hours straight of just sad. I will discuss the possibility of milk allergy to my doctor... would there be other symtoms as well? Or is ear infections enough to suspect the milk allergy?

He started Biaxin yesterday evening.... i hope it kicks in soon. My 1 year old was coughing all of last night too and tonight, I hear her coughing again in bed... gonna be another sleepless night for mommy!

Thanks! I will keep in mind about waiting until June 1st for the tubes. I have a follow up with the ENT mid May ...

My son started daycare when he was 18 months...daycare probably doesn't help with all the germies going around...

I wonder if it could be genetic as well. DH has problematic ears too and actually remembers having ear infections as a child. He actually had his eardrums pierced for draining when he was a child in eastern Europe... no tubes... now he has scarring and ear problems as an adult so he is weary about the whole tubes prcedure :sick:
MC|1366301509|3429809 said:
Have you tried removing all dairy from his diet? It will take at least two weeks of absolutely no dairy to see if removing helps. If it does, then you can talk to a nutritionist about how to make sure he gets the proper vitamins/minerals on a diary-free diet. Another you can try removing would be all gluten. Again, with this, you would want to speak to a nutritionist if gluten is the cause.

I had a lot of ear infections as a kid but it wasn't until I was around 12 that I started having physical symptoms of milk intollerance/allergy. When I became pregnant, I was able to eat dairy (which I've read happens to other women w/dairy issues), but then after my second son was a year old, the dairy problems started up again. I recall when he was in his first year, I got an ear infection, which was really odd because I was either 29 or 30! Later, I had food allergy testing done and milk & eggs came back positive, but the tests weren't 100% accurate because other things cause me problems (almonds make me itchy) but the test didn't show an allergy to them.

I am deadly allergic to almonds! Among other nuts....

Maybe I will mention an allergy test for my son to his pediatrician... she is kind of spaced out though sometimes... annoying
I've read that ear infections are definitely affected by your genes - so there is something to the fact that your hubby had them too. I agree about checking for a milk or soy sensitivity. They will probably test a stool sample for microscopic blood or elevated white blood cells. Signs include red ring around bum, mucus-y poo, arching back, being in pain, swollen lymph nodes. It does take two weeks to clear the system. And very often it is dairy and soy so if you do a test on your own I'd eliminate both to start. Sadly I know all about it because my little one has dairy/soy allergies. But he's never had an ear infection thank God!
momhappy|1366329047|3430115 said:
How long has your child been in day care? Could his reoccurring infections be linked to his day care in some way?

Kids in daycare are at much higher risk for ear infections as they are exposed more illnesses that could result in constant fluid in the ear. My LO does not go to daycare but has seasonal allergies that are a contributing factor. Genetics can also play a role too, I guess. My dad had chronic ear infections as a baby in the days before tubes. They eventually removed his adenoids at age 5 when he lost his hearing due to chronic infections and he has been plagued with sinus problems and congested ears most of his life. One ENT remarked that even as an adult, his right eustacian tube is considerably smaller than his left. I have always had problems with fluid in my right ear and the right is usually the worst for DS. Coincidence? I'm not sure.

Fl.Z, have you tried topical numbing drops in his ears? We haven't, but other moms have mentioned getting them from their MDs.
ponder|1366332967|3430158 said:
momhappy|1366329047|3430115 said:
How long has your child been in day care? Could his reoccurring infections be linked to his day care in some way?

Kids in daycare are at much higher risk for ear infections as they are exposed more illnesses that could result in constant fluid in the ear. My LO does not go to daycare but has seasonal allergies that are a contributing factor. Genetics can also play a role too, I guess. My dad had chronic ear infections as a baby in the days before tubes. They eventually removed his adenoids at age 5 when he lost his hearing due to chronic infections and he has been plagued with sinus problems and congested ears most of his life. One ENT remarked that even as an adult, his right eustacian tube is considerably smaller than his left. I have always had problems with fluid in my right ear and the right is usually the worst for DS. Coincidence? I'm not sure.

Fl.Z, have you tried topical numbing drops in his ears? We haven't, but other moms have mentioned getting them from their MDs.

My pharmacist recommended drops today because I was feeling kind of desperate. He said they are antibiotic drops and also have local pain relief elements so since they act only lcally, it is ok to give in addidtion to the Biaxin.

So far, m son has fallen asleep tonight without a peep. It has been a bit iver an hour... no pacifier too. I am trying to cut it out since I think i doesn't help... but poor thing... he is sooo attached to it, especially when he is not feeling well. But he also understands that it is "for babies only" and I've been telling him it would makehis ears hurt more :?
Fi.Z- my son also has nut allergies! I really think it's all related. When he gets a bad cold and cough, we start Nasonex and sometimes Flovent (inhaler), and that usually keeps the cold from developing into an upper respiratory issue, which then leads to ear infections, etc. for him. Fortunately, he's not a mucous-y, phlegmy kid in general- only when he's sick, so dairy is not an issue with us.
Fi.Z|1366331447|3430141 said:
MC|1366301509|3429809 said:
Have you tried removing all dairy from his diet? It will take at least two weeks of absolutely no dairy to see if removing helps. If it does, then you can talk to a nutritionist about how to make sure he gets the proper vitamins/minerals on a diary-free diet. Another you can try removing would be all gluten. Again, with this, you would want to speak to a nutritionist if gluten is the cause.

I had a lot of ear infections as a kid but it wasn't until I was around 12 that I started having physical symptoms of milk intollerance/allergy. When I became pregnant, I was able to eat dairy (which I've read happens to other women w/dairy issues), but then after my second son was a year old, the dairy problems started up again. I recall when he was in his first year, I got an ear infection, which was really odd because I was either 29 or 30! Later, I had food allergy testing done and milk & eggs came back positive, but the tests weren't 100% accurate because other things cause me problems (almonds make me itchy) but the test didn't show an allergy to them.

I am deadly allergic to almonds! Among other nuts....

Maybe I will mention an allergy test for my son to his pediatrician... she is kind of spaced out though sometimes... annoying

You could have him allergy tested, but Rosebloom mentioned eliminating dairy and soy to see what happens and I'd recommended that first because allergy tests are not 100% accurate. Also, insurance only covers some testing...I had the immediate and delayed reaction tests plus the candida testing, etc., and after insurance deductibles, still ended up paying close to $700. Just the two allergy tests were $240 and I requested these through a naturalpath that was covered under my plan and they missed some foods.

It won't harm your son to have ALL dairy removed from his diet for 14 days. Read labels careful as there are lots of hidden sources and if your son has an intollerance (rather than an actual allergy), he might be able to eat small I can have a baked good with eggs as an ingredient and be okay, but if I have two scrambled eggs, I get a pounding headache hours later (delayed reaction) so later you can test his threashold. He won't become malnutritioned for just a couple of weeks. You can give him enriched organic Rice Dream/Rice Milk for those two weeks. He will be fine! If he seems to improve, you can always try adding the cow's milk back and see if the infections start up again just to make sure it wasn't coincidence. If he does have an allergy to milk, then talk to the ped about alternatives. My older son was breastfed for his first year and then I wanted to wean him so we could start for baby #2 and he refused to drink cow's milk. He ended up drinking soy milk for a year then finally decided he would drink cow's milk. He is healthy and on the thin side...I didn't know back then that there would be controvery over soy, but he drank it for a year and is now fine. (Or another option would be goat's milk, but from what I read some people can't handle that either. I never tried it because I'm not that adventurous! lol ;)) ) Either way, IF the cow's milk is the cause, talk to a nutritionist or read some allergy forums to see what other moms do!
My daughter had ear infections for six months straight. She got tubes right before she turned 1 and has never had another ear infection since. She is now 9.
luvsdmb|1366726816|3432879 said:
My daughter had ear infections for six months straight. She got tubes right before she turned 1 and has never had another ear infection since. She is now 9.

Ugh, son's been on the Biaxin antibiotic for a whole week now...and he is still constantly in pain so I ggive tempra or advil around the clock... seems like the Biaxin isn't working... but what's next? Yet another antibiotic? Poor kid's stomach!!!
ponder|1366332967|3430158 said:
Genetics can also play a role too, I guess. My dad had chronic ear infections as a baby in the days before tubes. They eventually removed his adenoids at age 5 when he lost his hearing due to chronic infections and he has been plagued with sinus problems and congested ears most of his life. One ENT remarked that even as an adult, his right eustacian tube is considerably smaller than his left. I have always had problems with fluid in my right ear and the right is usually the worst for DS. Coincidence? I'm not sure.

This is interesting. I got ear infections as a child, and then again as an adult. A few winters in a row I'd end up with them in both ears. I also had another problem with my eustachian tubes, where they were staying open and not properly closing (so whenever I'd speak I'd hear my own echo...ANNOYING). I never thought that the two could be related, but maybe they are.

Edit- I think it's called Patulous Eustachian tube. Interesting factoid- when I moved to high elevation from sea level it stopped happening. But whenever I go back down to sea level it starts right back up.
amc80|1366754890|3433186 said:
ponder|1366332967|3430158 said:
Genetics can also play a role too, I guess. My dad had chronic ear infections as a baby in the days before tubes. They eventually removed his adenoids at age 5 when he lost his hearing due to chronic infections and he has been plagued with sinus problems and congested ears most of his life. One ENT remarked that even as an adult, his right eustacian tube is considerably smaller than his left. I have always had problems with fluid in my right ear and the right is usually the worst for DS. Coincidence? I'm not sure.

This is interesting. I got ear infections as a child, and then again as an adult. A few winters in a row I'd end up with them in both ears. I also had another problem with my eustachian tubes, where they were staying open and not properly closing (so whenever I'd speak I'd hear my own echo...ANNOYING). I never thought that the two could be related, but maybe they are.

Edit- I think it's called Patulous Eustachian tube. Interesting factoid- when I moved to high elevation from sea level it stopped happening. But whenever I go back down to sea level it starts right back up.

Whenever I am congested and my ears are fluidy, like they are right now, I can hear myself breathing in my right ear. I sound like Darth Vader. It is very distracting.
Just want to chime in that I suffered through exactly this around age 3 or 4 (I don't remember anything beyond screaming in pain every night at bedtime, and feel for my poor mother) and they wanted to put tubes in my ears as a solution. When I was taken off dairy, the infections cleared within two weeks and other than some scarring that makes airplane trips hell, I haven't had a problem since.

So definitely echoing the dairy suggestion as a place to start before you move on to permanent surgical solutions with long-term side effects. I feel for you and your wee one!
I think we are going to stop dairy tomorrow. His fever has not returned but there is still fluid in there and by my amateur otoscopic skills it still looks a little inflamed. I am hoping that this also helps DD#2's eczema.
Fi.Z|1366753931|3433177 said:
luvsdmb|1366726816|3432879 said:
My daughter had ear infections for six months straight. She got tubes right before she turned 1 and has never had another ear infection since. She is now 9.

Ugh, son's been on the Biaxin antibiotic for a whole week now...and he is still constantly in pain so I ggive tempra or advil around the clock... seems like the Biaxin isn't working... but what's next? Yet another antibiotic? Poor kid's stomach!!!

With all of those antibiotics, I'd give him probiotics for his digestive system. At the very least, make sure he's eating a healthy yogurt with probiotics or you can buy probiotic supplements at the grocery store. I buy a product called "Flora Bear" in the refrigerated section at Whole Foods Market (they are pleasant-tasting chewable probiotics for young kids).
ponder|1367034273|3435424 said:
I think we are going to stop dairy tomorrow. His fever has not returned but there is still fluid in there and by my amateur otoscopic skills it still looks a little inflamed. I am hoping that this also helps DD#2's eczema.

You may want to try eliminating wheat for the eczema and see what happens...and possibly try also gluten-free for a few weeks.
momhappy|1367101112|3435863 said:
Fi.Z|1366753931|3433177 said:
luvsdmb|1366726816|3432879 said:
My daughter had ear infections for six months straight. She got tubes right before she turned 1 and has never had another ear infection since. She is now 9.

Ugh, son's been on the Biaxin antibiotic for a whole week now...and he is still constantly in pain so I ggive tempra or advil around the clock... seems like the Biaxin isn't working... but what's next? Yet another antibiotic? Poor kid's stomach!!!

With all of those antibiotics, I'd give him probiotics for his digestive system. At the very least, make sure he's eating a healthy yogurt with probiotics or you can buy probiotic supplements at the grocery store. I buy a product called "Flora Bear" in the refrigerated section at Whole Foods Market (they are pleasant-tasting chewable probiotics for young kids).

Excellent reminder momhappy! We have been living on probiotics for the last few weeks. My LO is a little too young for chewables so I have been dissolving the culturelle or florastor in his drinks. It helps SO much.
MC|1367124803|3435982 said:
ponder|1367034273|3435424 said:
I think we are going to stop dairy tomorrow. His fever has not returned but there is still fluid in there and by my amateur otoscopic skills it still looks a little inflamed. I am hoping that this also helps DD#2's eczema.

You may want to try eliminating wheat for the eczema and see what happens...and possibly try also gluten-free for a few weeks.

I know, I know. I realize that gluten is most likely the culprit with eczema, but hers is really very mild. She is having her first flare up in over 2 years and it really doesn't bother her. I'm just hoping it may help since I'm cutting dairy with DS. Honestly, I can only handle eliminating one at a time right now.
It sounds as though it is not fully going away.
My sister had repetitive ear infections as a child and she had to have tubes put in. I hope this isn't the case with your baby!
Fl.Z, how is your little man doing? We saw the ENT this week and the right ear is slightly infected and the left has fluid. We are doing tubes the first week of June.
My DS reinfected again, so we did the tubes last Thursday. He is sleeping SO much better! His appetite and overall demeanor have improved too. Everyone keeps commenting on his smile. Apparently he is smiling a whole lot more now. The actual procedure was so quick. 15 minutes from when the nurse took him back to the time the doctor came out to talk to us. 5 minutes after that I was holding him.

FL.Z, if your DS is still having problems, I would push for tubes.