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For me this speaks to one of the most difficult things about miscarriage. We hadn''t announced the pregnancy to family, I had only shared with my boss and coworkers who needed to know (taking time off for appts. and such) and afterwards I told a few friends. It was very isolating. I planned and hoped and grew attached to a being for 8 short weeks -- I had a missed abortion at 9 weeks that was discovered at 11.5 weeks -- and the loss felt so much bigger than that timeframe allowed for.Date: 12/31/2009 8:33:56 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo
These losses are something that IRL it seems people rarely talk about. It is very sad, but also very encouraging, to hear your stories. I had several close friends experience losses this past year and they felt like they were the only ones. I wish they had a place like this to talk about their feelings and experiences, and to know that they were not the only ones.
Fisher, what your friend went through is quite familiar. I opted for a D&C as the baby stopped developing 2 weeks prior to our discovering I''d miscarried and there were no signs that a natural miscarriage was gonig to occur anytime soon. I bled for weeks after the miscarriage, had a period, and then felt pregnant all over again the following month. It felt like my body was clinging to pregnancy even though there was no longer a baby. It was excruciating.Date: 1/2/2010 10:57:16 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly
During the time that she was losing the baby (it was long and drawn out, but they didn''t want to do D&C), she would call me to tell me about the ache in her body because her body wanted to be pregnant so badly. She said that aside from hormones being wonky, her body was so ''off'' and that it was confused as to where her baby had gone. She said that was the hardest for her, having her body''s systems trying so hard to continue with pregnancy (the breasts, the hormones, the bloating) when there was no pregnancy that would go full-term. She said that her body liked being pregnant and didn''t understand why it was fading.
I''ll always remember that because not only did her heart want the baby, her body wanted it, too. Just showed me how intense the loss is, because it effects all of you, not just emotionally. For some, the ''symptoms'' of pregnancy fade quickly, but she''d already grown a full cup size and that took well over a month to drop down again.
Noel, I definitely laughed out loud when I read what you wrote about your mom.Date: 1/2/2010 10:46:57 AM
Author: noelwr
my mom called me yesterday and, god bless her heart, she really creates her own world. like she thinks penguins must be fish because they swim so well and just realized the other day the universe doesn''t consist of just our galaxy. anyway, she was telling me yesterday that I really need to get this pregnancy removed if it doesn''t happen on it''s own because if I get pregnant again then maybe the dead baby will attach itself to the new one.sounds like a horror movie! well, I didn''t want to explain it all to her, so I was just like yes, mom, I''ll make sure.![]()
HOU, I actually spotted through 5 weeks of the pregnancy, had two ultrasounds where everythng looked great and then the third u/s as part of the nuchal screen where the miscarriage was discovered. I also spotted though 5-6 weeks of my current pregnancy. I have low platelet count, discovered during this pregnancy, which is the apperant cause of the bleeding both times.Date: 1/2/2010 1:48:06 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
Like you, KimberlyH, I never had any spotting whatsoever while waiting to miscarry, and now it seems that it''s taking a while for my hormone levels to drop (HCG was still 318 2 weeks after D&C)...boobies still bigger, still bloated....*sigh*. Oh, AND on top of all that, I thought I was done bleeding because I had gone a good 2.5 or 3 days without any....but no. Woke up this morning with bright red blood again. Grrrr. It''s now been 17 days since my D&C....I wonder how long is still ''normal'' to bleed post-D&C? I guess it''s just variable from woman to woman.
Date: 1/2/2010 4:36:01 PM
Author: KimberlyH
HOU, I actually spotted through 5 weeks of the pregnancy, had two ultrasounds where everythng looked great and then the third u/s as part of the nuchal screen where the miscarriage was discovered. I also spotted though 5-6 weeks of my current pregnancy. I have low platelet count, discovered during this pregnancy, which is the apperant cause of the bleeding both times.Date: 1/2/2010 1:48:06 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
Like you, KimberlyH, I never had any spotting whatsoever while waiting to miscarry, and now it seems that it''s taking a while for my hormone levels to drop (HCG was still 318 2 weeks after D&C)...boobies still bigger, still bloated....*sigh*. Oh, AND on top of all that, I thought I was done bleeding because I had gone a good 2.5 or 3 days without any....but no. Woke up this morning with bright red blood again. Grrrr. It''s now been 17 days since my D&C....I wonder how long is still ''normal'' to bleed post-D&C? I guess it''s just variable from woman to woman.
I bled for about 3 weeks after my D&C and then had a period 2 weeks after the bleeding stopped. I''m so sorry for your frustation.
To touch on what Mara said, after I miscarried I spent a ton of time reading anything I could get my hands on regarding the subject. Estimates are that between 25%- 70% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, but most occur before a woman even know she''s pregnant. 25% is the number reported by the AMA, those are pregnancies that are counted/recognized by OBs as miscarriages.
I should have clarified, the spotting wasn''t indicative of miscarriage because it had been going on for weeks but ultrasounds provided sound evidence that the baby was perfectly fine, I''m just a bleeder. So we went to the 3rd ultrasound thinking everything was okay (I still had a nagging feeling, but my husband was positive everything was just fine).Date: 1/2/2010 9:13:26 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
Date: 1/2/2010 4:36:01 PM
Author: KimberlyH
HOU, I actually spotted through 5 weeks of the pregnancy, had two ultrasounds where everythng looked great and then the third u/s as part of the nuchal screen where the miscarriage was discovered. I also spotted though 5-6 weeks of my current pregnancy. I have low platelet count, discovered during this pregnancy, which is the apperant cause of the bleeding both times.Date: 1/2/2010 1:48:06 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
Like you, KimberlyH, I never had any spotting whatsoever while waiting to miscarry, and now it seems that it''s taking a while for my hormone levels to drop (HCG was still 318 2 weeks after D&C)...boobies still bigger, still bloated....*sigh*. Oh, AND on top of all that, I thought I was done bleeding because I had gone a good 2.5 or 3 days without any....but no. Woke up this morning with bright red blood again. Grrrr. It''s now been 17 days since my D&C....I wonder how long is still ''normal'' to bleed post-D&C? I guess it''s just variable from woman to woman.
I bled for about 3 weeks after my D&C and then had a period 2 weeks after the bleeding stopped. I''m so sorry for your frustation.
To touch on what Mara said, after I miscarried I spent a ton of time reading anything I could get my hands on regarding the subject. Estimates are that between 25%- 70% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, but most occur before a woman even know she''s pregnant. 25% is the number reported by the AMA, those are pregnancies that are counted/recognized by OBs as miscarriages.
Oh wow, I didn''t realize you had spotted so much! I just read what you had written above about finding out the baby had stopped developing without any signs of a natural miscarriage on the horizon...I guess THAT''s the part we have in common. I''m glad you at least have an answer to why you have spotted so much, and that it''s something your doctor is aware of now, so that he/she can treat you appropriately if needed!
The bleeding I had earlier today has now all but stopped...just a little tinge on the TP. So I guess that''s good.
You know, those stats on how common miscarriage really is kinda made me feel better through all of this...it''s almost like, once you start talking about it, other women come out of the woodwork with their own miscarriage stories!!! Sooo common.
Date: 1/2/2010 10:47:42 PM
Author: KimberlyH
I should have clarified, the spotting wasn''t indicative of miscarriage because it had been going on for weeks but ultrasounds provided sound evidence that the baby was perfectly fine, I''m just a bleeder. So we went to the 3rd ultrasound thinking everything was okay (I still had a nagging feeling, but my husband was positive everything was just fine).Date: 1/2/2010 9:13:26 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
Date: 1/2/2010 4:36:01 PM
Author: KimberlyH
HOU, I actually spotted through 5 weeks of the pregnancy, had two ultrasounds where everythng looked great and then the third u/s as part of the nuchal screen where the miscarriage was discovered. I also spotted though 5-6 weeks of my current pregnancy. I have low platelet count, discovered during this pregnancy, which is the apperant cause of the bleeding both times.Date: 1/2/2010 1:48:06 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
Like you, KimberlyH, I never had any spotting whatsoever while waiting to miscarry, and now it seems that it''s taking a while for my hormone levels to drop (HCG was still 318 2 weeks after D&C)...boobies still bigger, still bloated....*sigh*. Oh, AND on top of all that, I thought I was done bleeding because I had gone a good 2.5 or 3 days without any....but no. Woke up this morning with bright red blood again. Grrrr. It''s now been 17 days since my D&C....I wonder how long is still ''normal'' to bleed post-D&C? I guess it''s just variable from woman to woman.
I bled for about 3 weeks after my D&C and then had a period 2 weeks after the bleeding stopped. I''m so sorry for your frustation.
To touch on what Mara said, after I miscarried I spent a ton of time reading anything I could get my hands on regarding the subject. Estimates are that between 25%- 70% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, but most occur before a woman even know she''s pregnant. 25% is the number reported by the AMA, those are pregnancies that are counted/recognized by OBs as miscarriages.
Oh wow, I didn''t realize you had spotted so much! I just read what you had written above about finding out the baby had stopped developing without any signs of a natural miscarriage on the horizon...I guess THAT''s the part we have in common. I''m glad you at least have an answer to why you have spotted so much, and that it''s something your doctor is aware of now, so that he/she can treat you appropriately if needed!
The bleeding I had earlier today has now all but stopped...just a little tinge on the TP. So I guess that''s good.
You know, those stats on how common miscarriage really is kinda made me feel better through all of this...it''s almost like, once you start talking about it, other women come out of the woodwork with their own miscarriage stories!!! Sooo common.
The stats helped me too. I did get to a place where I had read too much and it was becoming obsessive and I''d started to think I had every malady associated with miscarriage, so I stopped reading, but having information did provide me with some comfort.
I''m glad your bleeding has stopped, will keep my fingers crossed it doesn''t come back. Such a sad reminder of what has occured.
D&C done April 1st -- thought you were having a baby, April Fools! But you get to spend some quality time in the maternity ward at the hospital where your baby would have been deilvered. Bled for several weeks, had two periods, got pregnant mid-June, positive pregnancy test July 3rd. My OB shared that in her practice she noted a 10% higher second miscarriage rate for patients who didn''t wait a full cycle to try again, she said it was our choice and that the information was antecodtal but noteworthy as she''s been practicing for 25 or so years. We took her recommendation. My second cycle was a bit wonky, as I mentioned I still had all the symptoms of pregnancy, and our attempt was half-hearted. Third time was the charm? I got pregnant the first month our first time around.Date: 1/2/2010 11:02:56 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
So here''s another question for you ladies who have survived a loss (or losses) and went on to have healthy pregnancies...when you did get preggo again, how in the world did you not worry your tail off during your entire 1st trimester?!?!
Or DID you just worry your tail off?![]()
Date: 1/2/2010 11:02:56 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
So here''s another question for you ladies who have survived a loss (or losses) and went on to have healthy pregnancies...when you did get preggo again, how in the world did you not worry your tail off during your entire 1st trimester?!?!
Or DID you just worry your tail off?![]()
Kit, for the first few months of my second pregnancy I was torn, wanting to be excited but feeling like in doing so I was going to forget the first pregnancy. Obviosuly, not rational or logical but it was how I felt.Date: 1/3/2010 11:51:01 AM
Author: Kit
Kimberly, I''m so happy to hear you''re a few weeks away from delivering your baby. Hopefully your baby will help you with the healing process. It''s interesting about what you shared about your family not knowing. A friend who had a m/c also didnt'' tell her family because she was only like 6 weeks along, and actually it made it harder because the family wasn''t able to emotionally support her in the way that they would have been had they known, you know? It''s a tough choice regarding who to tell, but my advice to friends now is, only tell the people who you''d want to support you if something bad happened. I am always so amazed at people who go shouting it from the rooftops at an early stage. I mean, it is a personal decision and I respect that but I wonder if they really know what they are doing? My cousin announced on facebook of all places that she was like 4 weeks pg and then announced later that they had heard the heartbeat. What will she do if she miscarries a few weeks later, post that on facebook as well? Maybe it''s a generational thing. Hmm. For me, I definitely could NOT have handled telling person after person what had happened, it would have absolutely killed me.
After experiencing two identical misscarriages in 4 months, my dr refered me to a reproductive endocrinologist. Mentally this was very healing for me because it allowed me to aggressively persue a successful pregnancy instead of waiting to get pregnant and have another m/c. After alot of time, money, and blood work my RE had a suspected cause and we were given the OK to try again with the help of a handfull of pills each morning and two very expensive hormones.Date: 1/2/2010 11:02:56 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
So here''s another question for you ladies who have survived a loss (or losses) and went on to have healthy pregnancies...when you did get preggo again, how in the world did you not worry your tail off during your entire 1st trimester?!?!
Or DID you just worry your tail off?![]()
Time is moving way too quickly, and I''m spending time every day just enjoying this stage. I think my experience has made me appreciate the process moreso than I would have otherwise; silver linings, I''m always on the hunt for them.Date: 1/3/2010 2:26:22 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
Kimberly, I''m so excited for you...30 weeks!! Not much longer now!!It''s pretty cute the way your hubs is so protective of you and the little one.
Gosh, I just can''t wait to feel what it''s like to be pregnant...I just feel like I only got the tiniest taste of it (i.e. the sore boobies and nausea), and none of the fun parts (like having a cute belly and feeling/seeing the baby move!). That will be so much fun.![]()
Just for fun, I peed on a stick this morning, and the line is suuuuuuuuper duper faint now (whereas about a week ago it was definitely still positive), so that makes me feel more encouraged about my HCG dropping even more.![]()
Noel and Geri, how are you ladies doing? Hanging in there?
I worried for the whole pregnancy. I had some bleeding on and off, so I was sure, right until delivery, that every day would be the last day of my pregnancy and that it would all come to an end. I was having cramps too and I actually thought at one point, come on, lets get it over with...Date: 1/2/2010 11:02:56 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
So here''s another question for you ladies who have survived a loss (or losses) and went on to have healthy pregnancies...when you did get preggo again, how in the world did you not worry your tail off during your entire 1st trimester?!?!
Or DID you just worry your tail off?![]()
Speaking of this, has anyone heard of buying a fetal doppler for personal use? Now, I am not talking about what Tom Cruise did e.g. buy an entire ultrasound machine for Katie. No, just one of those little handheld things that you can use to hear the heartbeat. They sell them on eBay. I am thinking if these are safe and reliable then why not spend $75 or so to ease the worry?Date: 1/2/2010 11:02:56 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
So here''s another question for you ladies who have survived a loss (or losses) and went on to have healthy pregnancies...when you did get preggo again, how in the world did you not worry your tail off during your entire 1st trimester?!?!
Or DID you just worry your tail off?![]()