if shopping online ie Etsy or eBay there are many many sellers of emeralds.
Some emeralds are genuine, earth mined, minor oil only while others are everything from dyed Quartz, to beryl that has been bleached and then filled with green flux (glass) to emeralds from Zoisite, to lab created emeralds (many different qualities and types of manufacture) to even green glass.
Yes, cedar wood oil is a traditional method of improving appearance by “hiding” crystalline imperfections but it is done under heat and with vacuum, not really the sort of thing one can do at home. The modern method, which is permanent, (oiling does event dry out) is using Opticon. Again, not something you can do yourself at home.
The emeralds you have bought I wouldn’t class as “gem” material. To be expected if both cost $80 and they are very included and also probably highly treated. Unfortunately there is nothing anyone can do or any further treatment applied that will improve their appearance.
Gem quality emeralds cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars per carat.