
Ettiquite when gem price is not listed on website

Marsha Ayers

Oct 5, 2017
I have been lurking here for a while learning about gems. The people who frequent these boards are so generous with their knowledge!

Today I have my own question. I have been casually looking for a gem to have fashioned into my engagement ring. A few of the sites I've been looking at don't have prices listed. For example, I was looking at some really amazing sapphires on a well known lapidary site. They about knocked my eyes out and I want to know if I can afford one :love:. Generally my rule of thumb is, if you have to ask, you can't afford it but I'm not sure that's true in this case. I'm not sure what value vendors get from not listing their prices but they must get something out of it, or they would do it. I'm wondering what the etiquette is for those of us who are casually seeking gems. Is it OK to contact if price is a factor or should I just stick to the sites that list prices?

Thank you for your insight,
Absolutely ask! I wish all the frequently discussed lapidaries listed their prices but unfortunately, that is not the case. I know in the case of Roger Dery that he has many sapphires that he cut from rough years ago (his inventory is very deep) and as a result, for a long time his prices were low for the quality and level of cutting. So if there's someone I'd ask, for sure it would be him - and he and his wife Ginger are two of the nicest people!
I agree with minousbijoux - definitely ask. I haven't found the prices to be higher for comparable stones (color, size, etc.) when the price is not listed up front.
I'd ask. I've only encountered one seller that complained about people asking for a price. For the most part, the sellers are very nice and happy to provide info (even though it doesn't always turn into a sale).

I too wish that everyone would post their prices right upfront. Sometimes, I just want to know what something is going for (even if i'm not in the market to buy).
Absolutely ask! I wish all the frequently discussed lapidaries listed their prices but unfortunately, that is not the case. I know in the case of Roger Dery that he has many sapphires that he cut from rough years ago (his inventory is very deep) and as a result, for a long time his prices were low for the quality and level of cutting. So if there's someone I'd ask, for sure it would be him - and he and his wife Ginger are two of the nicest people!

What is his website? Thanks.
Don't be shy and ask!

If they don't want to make business with you ( wholesale for example) they will tell you. Otherwise a good vendor will answer all your questions - it is part of online business.

In a gem show you see the gem in different light conditions with your own eyes. Pics are often misleading course many gems are difficult to picture.

It is better to answer questions and the customer don't buy than shipping a stone around the world for several weeks and get it finally back.

But: A high or very high price does not mean you get a high quality!

Unfortunately some vendors are still recommended here who rip off customers.
I would start with something cheeky to warm them up. "I see there's no price listed for this gem. If you're having a free giveaway, where do I sign up? Can I put in more than one entry?"

And add lots of cute emoticons lololol.
Some vendors sell to both Trade and directly to customers, and so find it uncomfortable to post prices publicly or found that their Trade customers aren't happy to see pricing listed, so they do so out of courtesy to their Trade customers.

Just ask. :))
Thank you for the feedback, everyone. I won't be shy about asking. Now I'm heading over to that site to check out the Aussie Sapphires that I've been dreaming about!
Some vendors sell to both Trade and directly to customers, and so find it uncomfortable to post prices publicly or found that their Trade customers aren't happy to see pricing listed, so they do so out of courtesy to their Trade customers.

Just ask. :))

I see. That makes sense. I'll stop being irritated about it now that I know there's method to the madness!
By all means ask! Like some others, I get frustrated if the price isn't listed. Most do it because they do both retail and trade business, as has been mentioned, but that seems like a weak excuse to me. I like John Dyer's approach to listing the retail price but making it clear that trade pricing is available. With a few vendors, I get the sneaking suspicion that they don't disclose prices because they may charge different prices for different people, depending on how eager the customer seems to make a purchase. That's probably just my cynical nature coming out though :lol:
Ask! I ask sellers for all kinds of crazy info; I figure if they don't like me asking, I don't like buying their products :D
Some vendors sell to both Trade and directly to customers, and so find it uncomfortable to post prices publicly or found that their Trade customers aren't happy to see pricing listed, so they do so out of courtesy to their Trade customers.

Just ask. :))

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