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- Nov 13, 2007
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- 16
Hi Ladies! Sorry for being MIA, lots of things going in my life. I left my job and have been looking for something for awhile now. In the meantime, I''ve been working my part-time jobs everyday. My schedule is all out of wack because I work nights now so I am hardly ever on here! I see that lots of the LIW got engaged (Congrats to all!) and there are a bunch of new LIW (
hi to all!) I must have been gone for quite a while cause I got bumped off the list (sorry! But I understand). Anyways, I just wanted to put this out there and see what he LIW thought---you all have great advice and none of you will think I am crazy (I hope).
My bf and I have been together for a year and half. That''s not really all that long but at the same time, we both just had a feeling that we would like to end up with each other in the forever sense--one day. I remember meeting his family for the first time and his parents told me that he called them back when we first started dating and said that he had met the women he wanted to marry (me). As I posted in my first post, I have been married once before.. I was very wary when I met BF but there was just something about him that swept me off my feet. In the beginning we talked about getting engaged and married, kids, etc. But then we had kind of a rough period this last summer so those things stopped.
One day BF just came to me and said that he didn''t want those things right now and he was just not ready for a relationship. Needless to say, we broke up, I was heartbroken because it seemed like he misled me. This was back in Sept. We got back together and rebuilt the relationship from ground zero. I didn''t know if I wanted to even do this again at the time because he had said he wasn''t ready for a relationship, it took a bit of convincing for me to let that go, and alot of effort on his part. Now we have been together 7 months from the breakup. We don''t talk about marriage because it seemed like a lot of pressure for both of us before. But I still think about it. When I got back together with BF he said that he still wanted to marry me someday and he would prove it to me (because he had said he didn''t when he was pulling away and trying to be "free" last summer). But at the same time, he is telling me that he doesn''t want kids until his late 30s. We are 27. He also seems to be in no rush to get married, which I, in a way, feel the same because of my previous marriage, but I also just want to spend the rest of my life with him.
I guess I just need some advice because I do believe that he wants to marry me. But is someday 10 years from now? Or is it a year from now? I want to have kids before I get too old, for the welfare of the children and for myself. I am still young but I don''t want to start having kids in my mid-thirties. I am confused how guys can flip flop so much. One second they are all good with everything and then they are not. Right now, I would be happy to get engaged to him, but I also think he''s got the guy mentality that engagement=married. Granted he''s got a few ghosts in the closet . He''s had a handful of real relationships in the past where he''s been cheated on. I am the first girlfriend he''s had where he''s fought for, meaning we fight and we talk it out until we reach a compromise, whereas in the past, he would just bail out at the first sign of trouble. Sorry for the rambling, I just need some advise. I know there is pressure from his parents to get married and have kids but I don''t want to pressure him. However, I would like to figure out what''s a compromise for both of us. Do time lines work? Are ultimatums the only way? I don''t even think I am at that point yet, but I don''t ever want to resent him. I hope this big ramble makes sense!

My bf and I have been together for a year and half. That''s not really all that long but at the same time, we both just had a feeling that we would like to end up with each other in the forever sense--one day. I remember meeting his family for the first time and his parents told me that he called them back when we first started dating and said that he had met the women he wanted to marry (me). As I posted in my first post, I have been married once before.. I was very wary when I met BF but there was just something about him that swept me off my feet. In the beginning we talked about getting engaged and married, kids, etc. But then we had kind of a rough period this last summer so those things stopped.
One day BF just came to me and said that he didn''t want those things right now and he was just not ready for a relationship. Needless to say, we broke up, I was heartbroken because it seemed like he misled me. This was back in Sept. We got back together and rebuilt the relationship from ground zero. I didn''t know if I wanted to even do this again at the time because he had said he wasn''t ready for a relationship, it took a bit of convincing for me to let that go, and alot of effort on his part. Now we have been together 7 months from the breakup. We don''t talk about marriage because it seemed like a lot of pressure for both of us before. But I still think about it. When I got back together with BF he said that he still wanted to marry me someday and he would prove it to me (because he had said he didn''t when he was pulling away and trying to be "free" last summer). But at the same time, he is telling me that he doesn''t want kids until his late 30s. We are 27. He also seems to be in no rush to get married, which I, in a way, feel the same because of my previous marriage, but I also just want to spend the rest of my life with him.
I guess I just need some advice because I do believe that he wants to marry me. But is someday 10 years from now? Or is it a year from now? I want to have kids before I get too old, for the welfare of the children and for myself. I am still young but I don''t want to start having kids in my mid-thirties. I am confused how guys can flip flop so much. One second they are all good with everything and then they are not. Right now, I would be happy to get engaged to him, but I also think he''s got the guy mentality that engagement=married. Granted he''s got a few ghosts in the closet . He''s had a handful of real relationships in the past where he''s been cheated on. I am the first girlfriend he''s had where he''s fought for, meaning we fight and we talk it out until we reach a compromise, whereas in the past, he would just bail out at the first sign of trouble. Sorry for the rambling, I just need some advise. I know there is pressure from his parents to get married and have kids but I don''t want to pressure him. However, I would like to figure out what''s a compromise for both of us. Do time lines work? Are ultimatums the only way? I don''t even think I am at that point yet, but I don''t ever want to resent him. I hope this big ramble makes sense!