
Fancy Deep Yellow Engagement Ring Pricing


Jun 12, 2014
Hi everyone. I appreciate any feedback and help.
Basically, I've been pretty much dead set on this stone for over 6 months. I've searched for a better option, but my budget was 10-15k, maybe 20k absolute tops. The only nicer stones I found were zimmi vivids, but those were 30-40k.

Anyway, here's what I ended up with. The stone was 15.3k on blue nile. I found it in the NYC diamond district, and negotiated it down to 13k. The setting was approx another 1k. I love the color, but cannot find anything comparable, and I've constantly been thinking that I'm paying too much. Most of the other fancy deep stones I see have an overtone or a different cut, and are quite a bit cheaper.

So I pulled the trigger after months of trying to find something I liked more. The only diamond I found to have a better color was a zimmi vivid yellow, also 1 carat, but unfortunately it was priced over $30,000.

What do you guys think of this stone? I personally think it's great, but was hoping to get some expert opinions of if it was a good value or not really. It ended up at $13,000 for the stone, and another $1,000 for the setting in platinum.
I took all these pictures under normal light; some I used a flash on. Not sure if that was great, but I think it gives a fair picture of the stone. Under direct sunlight it's obviously going to be brighter and warmer, but I really enjoy the strength of the deep yellow.






We can't say a thing about value without having other information... like carat weight, clarity, and face up size. What lab graded it?

Please post the link to the lab certification...that will help to inform the discussion. Don't see very many round, fancy colored diamonds, although they are nice!

Hi kmzandrew,

I assume you did a lot of research, looking and searching in the past 6 months prior to purchasing this stone. That being said, you found a color you love and there are not many vivid yellows in that price range for around a carat in size. It's been my observation over the years that fancy colored diamonds in the round shape are much harder to come by and ones that are saturated very nicely have a premium on them over other fancy shapes. It is hard to find comparable stones specifically for Fancy Deep Yellow/Fancy Vivid Yellow AND for the shape to be a round. At the time of searching were you set on a round shape stone and did it have to be vivid or deep in color, or did you check out comparable stones in fancy intense? That would have widened your choices and price ranges, but I think the ring you picked goes very nicely with the stone and the overall package of it looks lovely.

Sorry if this did not help you value wise, and it's just one opinion. I don't think you overpaid. Is it possible that you could have found something similar for cheaper (i.e. a better deal), yes that is possible, but the color may not be this color that you love or the round shape. This particular stone obviously stuck out since you have had your eye on it for 6 months before purchasing it.

As far as color goes, it looks nice from the photos you posted. Many a time a color designation of fancy deep may have a modifier color of brown in it and that can lower the stone's value.

Now that I've seen the report, I think you paid a decent price for the stone. I couldn't find a round comp and most of the one carat fancy deeps I am finding are brownish yellows, which this obviously is not. (Caveat: I am not a FCD expert.)

It's a very striking stone in a beautiful ring!