
Fancy Intense Diamond(video inside)


Mar 7, 2014
Hi All,

Today I went to a local jeweler to view a fancy intense diamond. I knew going in that this diamond had medium blue florescence, so I was convinced it would not be as desirable as one without florescence. I was surprised on how well the diamond looked. I'm no gemologist or fancy colored diamond expert so I thought I'd share the video I made. Let me know what you think.
Patrick704|1402693391|3692614 said:
Hi All,

Today I went to a local jeweler to view a fancy intense diamond. I knew going in that this diamond had medium blue florescence, so I was convinced it would not be as desirable as one without florescence. I was surprised on how well the diamond looked. I'm no gemologist or fancy colored diamond expert so I thought I'd share the video I made. Let me know what you think.

Hi Patrick,

The stone looks nice in your video, I assume this video was done under the store lighting? Did you get to see the stone in different lighting conditions - like outdoors in natural sunlight or in fluorescent lighting to see how you like it? I can't really speak about how fluorescence affects value, but here is an old thread that discussed it with regards to yellow diamonds.



I actually saw it in several different lightings.Outside, in store and a low light room. The movie was made using my phone and the flash was on which caused alot of sparkle.
What are the stones specs? Are you comparing this stone to any others?

kroshka|1402699608|3692719 said:
What are the stones specs? Are you comparing this stone to any others?


Fancy intense SI1
1.3 carats
Depth 64%
Table 68%

They're having a cushion with no fluorescence shipped in monday. I'll post a video of that one as well.
many yellow stones have florescence
treasurehunter|1402708921|3692837 said:
many yellow stones have florescence

They do, I read that sometimes that can cause a greenish tent. Maybe it's on a case by case basis because I didn't see any negative effects. I'm glad I went and checked the diamond out for myself.
Patrick704|1402710185|3692850 said:
treasurehunter|1402708921|3692837 said:
many yellow stones have florescence

They do, I read that sometimes that can cause a greenish tent. Maybe it's on a case by case basis because I didn't see any negative effects. I'm glad I went and checked the diamond out for myself.

It is definitely on a stone by stone basis. Also, I think the greenish tint seen in some yellows is more the fact that there is an underlying modifying color of green in the stone although it may not be enough that GIA will state it in the color designation to call it a greenish yellow diamond.

It looks really nice. A lot of fancy intense stones I've seen don't have that saturation or have visible bowties.
As a general rule, I do not work with yellows that have blue fluor. In many cases the fluor can wash out the color almost entirely under certain light conditions. In other cases the color may be attractive due to the fluor but it is unpredictable and yes it has to be evaluated on a stone by stone basis. It can happen that the stone will get a greenish tinge but if I want that I will get a greenish yellow. Otherwise, if you want a true yellow stick to a stone with no fluor. Certain stones and certain colors will exhibit amazing,often chameleon like effects due to the fluor but this is more of an exception than a general rule.