
Favorite baby names

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Date: 9/14/2007 7:10:58 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
Date: 9/14/2007 6:38:04 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Help name my child!!!!

Haha, okay *if* it is a girl we are down to Tessa and Natalie. Our last name is 3 syl. McC------- name (scottish/irish). I posted about it in the preggo thread but I am looking for more help. Two things, WHICH do you like better and any good ideas for a middle name? I do like Natalie Grace. We tossed around Natalie James (I like boy names on girls). Maybe Tessa Claire. My former middle name (I dropped for my maiden) was Elizabeth. Might be fun to use but it is a longer don''t know. Or any other names we should think about?

T, I LOVE Natalie and think you could do Natalie Grace or Natalie Claire.

But I have to comment on Clio''s other name list....all my kids names are on that list! William (family last name for the middle name), Caroline Elizabeth, and Anna Grace. Those are family names mostly. (Yes, also from the south!)

Tacori, I just have to say that I really do like Natalie James. I think it flows better than Tessa Claire.
Date: 9/14/2007 8:31:46 PM
Author: EBree
Date: 9/14/2007 8:26:55 PM

Author: sunkist

Ebree, I think Henry is so cute for a boy! I love Eleanor too, that was on my list of names but it was recently taken in the family. I also love all of the nicknames that could come out of Eleanor, some of them may depend on how you spell Eleanor. But you could have Elli, Elle, Nora, Ellen.

Isn''t Henry adorable? I tend to go for the names ''popular in the early 1900s'', but they''re classic AND they aren''t popular now, which are my main two criteria!

I absolutely love Nora as a nickname for Eleanor. I think we''re seriously leaning toward it as THE girl name, but we''ve got some time to decide.
What are some others on your list?

My list?? I haven''t even shared all of them with my husband
But sure I''ll share my list with you. The only reason I haven''t shared them with hubby yet is that I love the names so much I don''t want him to veto them even before we have a child conceived!

So, girls are Meredith Lien and Emily Mei. Boys are Zachary Graham and Owen Elias. My husband is Chinese so I like the Chinese middle names for the girls. That way even after they are married they will still for sure have an ode to thier chinese heritage in their names.
Ooh, I like! Especially Owen Elias. And I'm Emily, so I'm definitely a fan! Biased, though.
I love the Chinese middle names.

FH is so picky about names and I figured early on that if we had to decide while I was pregnant, it could be a long, firey battle. So we got it over with fairly early.
Date: 9/14/2007 6:44:48 PM
Author: ephemery1

Ella, I LOVE Katelyn for all the same reasons you do.... its classic and versatile. It also helps that my little cousin gives the name good connotations for me.
BUT fair warning if you''re going by the SSA list: the truest way to figure out popularity is to add up all the births for each spelling of the name. So with Kaitlyn, Katelyn, Caitlyn, Caitlin, Katelynn, Kaitlin and Kaitlynn.... there were a combined 16,902 births in 2006, which puts it at #5 on the list!! Which probably explains why Sabine has so many in her class.

I actually learned that the hard way, because DH and I had always loved the name Jack... but I discovered it comes in at #4 on the list just using Jack and Jackson, without counting any Johns that will go by Jack... ugh. Just a bit too popular right now I think.
Oh crap. Good point, Ephem!! Oh well, popular or not, I still like it and it was a name that hubby and I both agreed on really quickly, so we never really even came up with any other girl names!

Tacori, I think either of your names is a winner, so maybe you should just wait to see which the baby looks like (provided the baby is a girl!) and decide then? I''ve heard of plenty of people going in with their "this is IT!" names and then deciding on a totally different name that "fit" the baby better after they saw her live and in person!
Date: 9/14/2007 8:54:16 PM
Author: EBree
Ooh, I like! Especially Owen Elias. And I''m Emily, so I''m definitely a fan! Biased, though.
I love the Chinese middle names.

FH is so picky about names and I figured early on that if we had to decide while I was pregnant, it could be a long, firey battle. So we got it over with fairly early.

Thanks, Ebree. That is cool that you and hubby are really thinking about real baby names. My husband throws out names now and then, but they aren''t serious. He wants kids and he knows I''m ready for kids, but he''s still in the "getting ready to be ready to have kids" stage. He said next year we could start our family, but as far as getting off birth control he''s not ready to start thinking about that ( or taking chances) until next year. So planning baby names is my fun for now! :)
Date: 9/14/2007 6:04:46 PM
Author: Clio
I tend to like very traditional names. My kids' first names are Sarah (after my mother), Emily (after my sister), and Thomas (after my father). Their middle names are all family surnames (and two of them are called by their middle names). They also have a second, Vietnamese middle name from my husband's family.

I will admit that I'm pretty, um, rigid about names. I will only use names that are in the family. I have no problem using names that relatives have used; in fact it's very common in my family for cousins to have the same name. As a southerner, I'm all about using surnames as first/middle names, but any surnames I use must be actual names that occured in my family, not a random name that sounded good to me.

I found this very interesting, Clio. It reminded me a little of the English Royal Family! I remember that the Duke and Duchess of York were unable to name their first daughter Annabelle and were given a list of names from which to choose, names which had been used in the Royal Family before! I believe the Princess Beatrice was she who would have been Annabelle!

I wouldn't make up a name that sounded like someone's surname (but wasn't in my family) and use it as a middle name, but neither would I limit myself to family names for first or middle names. That was done in my family for generations and I find it terribly boring. Both sets of my maternal granparents are names John and Mary. There are numerous Anns and is just too confining to me! You may have a more interesting family, however!

Hey, someone on here listed 3 girls names she likes, and two of them are my first and middle name. I feel very honoured. (But of course won''t say who it was

I like, for a boy, Jacob, Sebastian, and Leor. I also like Max.
For a girl I like Chloe, Naomi, and Molly. I love the name Miriam, but I know a horrible person called Miriam, so there goes that name!
You may have a more interesting family, however!

Ha, Deborah, not really! Last time I counted, there were about 15 Sarahs in my family, including my elder daughter. The other family names are just as plain. It gives me a lot of comfort, however, to know that I am honoring those who came before me by naming my children for them. My kids seem to like the link they have to their family, as well. My younger daughter and my sister have an incredibly close relationship, and I do think that part of the reason is that my daughter is named for my sister.

But, I fully acknowledge that my naming practices wouldn''t work for a lot of people.
gage for a boy, michelin, or imogen for a girl
Date: 9/15/2007 10:00:00 AM
Author: Independent Gal
Hey, someone on here listed 3 girls names she likes, and two of them are my first and middle name. I feel very honoured. (But of course won''t say who it was

I like, for a boy, Jacob, Sebastian, and Leor. I also like Max.

For a girl I like Chloe, Naomi, and Molly. I love the name Miriam, but I know a horrible person called Miriam, so there goes that name!

How funny. Both DH and my grandmothers were/are named Miriam. I just can''t get into it even though it would be special to both families.
I love Delaney! That's one of my all-time favorites. My FI's last name begins with an L and it's also two syllables long, so I'm not sure Delaney L______ would sound great together. Same thing with Claire, Chloe and Olivia and Ellie/Ella. Why do I love names that have Ls in them so much?! Plus, one of my cats is named Zoe, and that would be weird to have a Zoe and a Chloe in the same house.

Boys names are harder...I like Ben, Matthew (but not Matt), Jacob, and Nathaniel. I'm sure there are others I like but I can't think of anymore at the moment. My sister loves more unique names for boys -- Asher, and Hunter are a couple of them.
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