
Favorite e-ring settings?


Mar 16, 2009
I am trying to decide between these two.



Maybe I will just let SO decide. I love them both.
I think those two settings each have a different vibe, but are both gorgeous! Personally, I would go for the first; I feel that my attraction for the second one might fluctuate with time because for me, it's an edgier and more modern piece. The first one is so timeless, I could love it no matter what mood I was in! :) I also love the etching on the sides. But then again, do you want your ring to look "classic?" Ultimately you should figure out what you want your ring to say about you, and how it should compare to the rest of the jewelery you wear (ie. should it stand out or fit in?).

My tastes in ring settings... well, they typically begin with "v" and end in "-erragio." :D
I like the first one better (as in I would buy the first one in a second). although I can definitely see why you like the second. How high is the halo? Will you have to get a curved wedding band for it and does that help you make a decision? :)
I would pick the second one. It is just absolutely stunning but they are both gorgeous. :)
I like the first one better, and I think it would look lovely with a matching wedding band.
Halos are really trendy now, but I think they will look dated in a few years. It's hard to go wrong with a classic solitaire.
Second one! Very beautiful! I love halos and think they have more finger coverage and overall fire!
I love that first one!
I vote for the first but am partial to solitaires. let us know which you decide.
I like the first as well. It's hard to appreciate the center stone in the second.
I LOVE the first setting. It's detailed but not too much, and I just think it's beautiful. The second one is pretty but I didn't have the same reaction to it as I did with the first.

ETA: Just out of curiosity, whose is it (vendor)?

One other thing that didn't wow me was the halo on the second ring. The stone seems to get lost in the halo.
Zoe|1301949874|2887668 said:
ETA: Just out of curiosity, whose is it (vendor)?

One other thing that didn't wow me was the halo on the second ring. The stone seems to get lost in the halo.

Both of them are from Blue Nile.

I see what you mean about the halo setting. I really think I am leaning towards the first one. I know I will love that one forever, but I may just like the halo now because it is so trendy.

I actually started this thread so everyone could post pictures of their favorite settings so feel free to share pictures of anything that catches your eye.
NCSUchick27 said:
I actually started this thread so everyone could post pictures of their favorite settings so feel free to share pictures of anything that catches your eye.

Haha, that's originally what I thought when I saw the thread title, but then you asked your question, so I answered. :twirl:

This is the Poppy from Maevona, I freaking love it!

These are some PSer's rings I've collected in computer folder, I love three stones, especially with pears

I also really like channel set eternity bands, this is also from blue nile (though I don't think they have it anymore)

The most important thing to me is that I want to a normal, plain wedding band that sits right up next to the e-r with no gap. I'd compromise with the Poppy and get a curved band.

and of course, I plan that the center stone will be a light medium tone 7 mm round or 8x6 oval blue sapphire.
My all-time favorite setting is the Ribbon ring from Tiffany & Co. I've owned one with a .32 carat center, and despite the small center stone, the setting actually took center stage. No matter where I went, people were grabbing my hand and admiring it. The "loops" protect the stone, and it actually looks best with a half to 3/4 carat center, max.


But with a 5x7ish Emerald cut center instead

suchende said:
But with a 5x7ish Emerald cut center instead

I think this will look SO good with a squared off stone. Good brainwave, I'm not feeling it with the round :)
Love the first one!
Mark Morrell's Petite Torchiere! :love: :love: :love:

It is my absolute dream setting! Unfortunately, we want a big diamond too. So, that setting is out of budget for now. Maybe someday though...*sigh*

They are both beautiful, but pretty different, too! I guess it comes down to whether you'd rather have a halo (more finger coverage) or diamonds in the band - or both? Just remember that you'll be wearing this ring for a long time (the rest of your life, unless you upgrade later), and that your tastes might change over time. I know that it's really difficult to predict if you'll feel differently about a setting ten years down the road or not, but I'd try to go with a style that I've consistently loved for a long time, if possible. That way, you're less likely to change your mind later.

Also, have you seen both setting types in person, and have you tried similar styles on? Sometimes things look differently on your hand than you'd imagined, and computer images can be deceiving, too. When my fiance and I first started talking about rings, I was absolutely certain that I wanted a specific three-stone Tacori setting, with diamonds in the band. After looking around at different styles, I realized that the Tacori setting didn't look as good to me in person, and that I really prefer the classic solitaire look.

Like I said though, they're both absolutely beautiful choices. Happy ring shopping! :)