Unheated sapphire
I am looking for an elongated shaped unheated sapphire (or spinel) in a silvery-lavender shade. I need to stay under $600. This is to replace my lavender sapphire engagement ring which has very unfortunately disappeared.
I've asked for more info on this colour as I'm picking up silvery and a little bit of blue, but not really the lavender. I think it is lovely in the video, but again not really getting the colour.
I do love the size!
Any thoughts on this stone? Any other stones I should be looking at?
Thank you so much!
I am looking for an elongated shaped unheated sapphire (or spinel) in a silvery-lavender shade. I need to stay under $600. This is to replace my lavender sapphire engagement ring which has very unfortunately disappeared.
I've asked for more info on this colour as I'm picking up silvery and a little bit of blue, but not really the lavender. I think it is lovely in the video, but again not really getting the colour.
I do love the size!
Any thoughts on this stone? Any other stones I should be looking at?
Thank you so much!