
Feeding schedule for a 10 month old?


Mar 15, 2005
I'm looking for help with changing up Ks feeding schedule. For the last month or two, we've been doing the following:
8am bottle (5oz BM)
10am cereal + fruit
12pm bottle (5oz BM)
2pm yogurt + fruit
4pm bottle (5oz BM)
6pm meat and veg
8pm bottle (5oz BM)

Our nanny has ended up spacing out some of the feedings a little more, because she found K would eat solids better if it had been 3 hours since her last meal. Since we're getting to the stage of wanting to increase solids a little more and decrease the milk a bit, I'm thinking of maybe trying the following:
8am bottle (5oz)
9am cereal + fruit
12pm bottle (5oz)
3pm yogurt + fruit + bottle (2.5-3oz)
6pm meat and veg
8pm bottle (5oz)

Do you think it would work? How much was/is your baby eating and drinking at this age? She's been gaining weight well, and seems to like solid food lots. She's also well able to drink water out of a sippy cup, which we offer to her each time she has a meal of solids. I need ideas of where to go from here!
From memory only, this is close to what Hunter was doing at 10 months. That is when he started daycare so I recall it well:

6:30am BF (this is immediately upon waking)
8:00am cereal and fruit
12pm BF
12:30 lunch - avocado, cheese ,tofu (whatever and as much as he wanted)
3pm yogurt + fruit
4:30pm BF
5pm dinner
6pm BF before bedtime

So basically I would nurse him and then feed him about an hour or so later. It was and is my understanding that until 12mo the milk is much more important nutritionally than the food, so we would always make sure he BF before eating if we could. Usually he would eat about an hour or so after he BF. When we was 12 mo I no longer BF him at the 12pm feed and instead, he would eat lunch at that time and get a bottle of milk before his nap, and hour or so after lunch.
drk|1294431995|2816993 said:
I'm looking for help with changing up Ks feeding schedule. For the last month or two, we've been doing the following:
8am bottle (5oz BM)
9:30 cereal + fruit
12pm bottle (5oz BM)
Solid meal here of lunch
2:30pm yogurt + fruit
4pm bottle (5oz BM)
6pm meat and veg
8pm bottle (5oz BM)

So if it were me, the red is all I would do To change your schedule. Rather than cutting down on milk, offer food more. Then when she is closer to 12mo, cut the 12pm bottle and instead offer milk before her afternoon nap.
We did 4 bottles all the way until we transitioned to milk/sippies, and that wasn't until 14 months due to milk issues. But at 9 months we really started with finger foods as opposed to purees, and so as he started eating more and more of those, he did drop the ounces in his bottles on his own (down from 8 in each to 5-6 in each). IIRC, our schedule was 6 AM bottle, 7:30 breakfast, 9:00 bottle before nap, lunch when he woke up, bottle after his 2nd nap (around 2 I think), early dinner at around 4:30, bottle before bed at around 6 (he went to bed at 6:30). My kid has always been a big eater though.

Your proposed new schedule looks good though.
J is 11mo but his schedule hasn't changed much in the last month. Here it is:

7am: 6-7oz bottle (sometimes he'll take 4oz and sometimes 9oz, it really varies if he's teething, sick, well etc)
9:30am: solid breakfast. quick oatmeal, 2oz fruit puree, yogurt. 1/2-2/3 sliced banana
11:00am: 4oz bottle (then nap)
1:30pm: 4oz yogurt cup, 1 stick mozzarella cheese, 1 slice of chopped avocado
4pm: 3-4oz bottle
5:30pm: dinner (variety of items: mostly finger food, usually one spoon fed item (aka mashed potatoes) and 1 plum pack 4oz)
6:30-7pm: 3-4oz bottle before bed

in the last month we have almost entirely cut out the 4pm bottle, sometimes if he is fussy we'll give him 2oz and he'll drink it. but we tried to just make his lunch a little bigger. now he eats a whole banana with breakfast and will eat more like 1/4 an avocado.

he will almost always eat 100% of breakfast and lunch. dinner is iffier, he's crabby before bed and way more picky. he's in the ~30% for weight i think...and has gained 1lb in the last 2 months. he will typically STTN for 12 hours.

i think your schedule looks good, i would maybe just try cutting back some of the daytime liquids so that she is hungrier for solids. At the lunch meal can you give her water instead of bottle/milk? We started with a sippy with J at 6mo and he's a pro now and we just give water with meals since that's all the water he drinks (he's formula fed). I will have to start transitioning him to milk at some point but right now we're just putting 2oz of milk into his breakfast bottle to make sure he is ok with the taste but I haven't thought about a true transition plan yet.

at some point also we're supposed to incorporate snacks, which is already hard from a schedule perspective because it already feels like we're always feeding him since he sleeps 12hours--we only have 12 hours to get all his food in him! but sometimes instead of that 4pm bottle we'll give him some annies cheddar bunnies or something.

also our pedi told us to feed him until he doesn't more (solids) from a weight perspective. but i can kind of tell when he's hungry vs just picking at what's on his tray.
I introduced sippy cup at 6 mo with juice. When he realized juice only came from the sippy he figured it out. I started milk in the sippy at mealtimes at 11mo so not much for bottles during the day, but added in snacks. We quit formula cold turkey. Bedtime milk bottle until 1 yr, milk in a morning bottle until about 14 mo when he finally gave up the bottle.

Every meal was solids then bottle immediately from 6 mo until 11 mo. Any drink between meals was sippy cup-water, milk, juice.
Thanks for the advice. Sounds like she may stay at 4 bottles for a little longer then. Our nanny has just been stretching the feedings out so much that she gets a bottle at 5:30pm and then isn't really hunger for dinner with meat before it's time for her bedtime bottle. We've been feeding her every two hoursish today, and she's eating ok. Not the same quantities of solid food as she gets with our nanny, but an ok amount.

Mara - K also sleeps 12 hours a night, so it really does feel like constant feeding to get everything in in the daytime. (Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way!)

One of my baby recipe books has suggested meal plans, and they have 9 month olds eating 3 meals a day plus snacks in between. The meals all involve solids + milk, and then there's a final snack of milk before bed. That seems like a crazy amount of food to me.

SS - that's interesting that you did solids then bottle. I don't know how much K would drink if she had solids then bottle. Right now she's only drinking 20oz of milk a day, which doesn't seem to be that much.
HUnter still eats all day at 22 months. He has breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and gets milk 3-4 times a day as well. That has been his schedule since about 12 mo.
C is almost 9 months:

Wakes at 9
10 am: breakfast cereal : 6-7 oz
11 am: bottle: 6oz
Immediately takes a nap until about 1
Lunch at 2: 6-7 oz veggies or fruit
Bottle at 4: 6oz
Nap from 5 until 6
Dinner at 630: 6-7 oz oatmeal
Nightime bottle around 9: 8 oz

We don't do a bottle in the morning, bc we realized that he wasn't really hungry. That is how we got down to 3 bottles per day.
JT was/is a big boy. He took 4 8oz bottles until around 9 mo then dropped to 6 oz 4x a day. When he went to milk, dr advised 2%.

Lily is 6 mo and still wants an 8 oz bottle every 3 hrs throughout the day and only a few bites of food at dinner. I'm not sure what kind of schedule she'll do!
we do solids first then formula/milk as well... because i guess around age 12mo they should only be drinking like 10-13oz per day of milk. J waffles...we feed him as much solids as he wants and some days he only takes like 13oz and other days he'll take 17. like yesterday he drank 8oz at 7:30am and then ate a full breakfast (for him) at 9:30am, a 4oz bottle at 12, a lunch at 2pm, dinner at 5:30pm and then 4oz bottle at 6:30pm. this morning he drank 9oz.

i just let him eat and drink as much as he want, because he's not a big boy or anything and i feel like he must be burning a ton.
bumping for my own use :bigsmile:

our schedule

6 am bottle
9am bottle and oatmeal
12 bottle and then baby food I made (sweet potaotes, pear, etc)
3 bottle and then baby food
6 pm bottle and then oatmeal and then bed