Hey ladies - you may remember my ''So Stupid'' post from two weeks ago,on holidays staying at parents, realised no proposal coming
Well, I just got home from holidays to find a good friend at work of mine proposed to his GF - don''t get my wrong, I am really happy for them, but I can''t help feeling disappointed, cause I keep thinking that I was convinced I would be telling my work mates today about my engagement. I feel like a bit of a party pooper being down, but I am trying to keep a brave face and really let my buddy know that I am happy for them. (It so irks me that they have only been dating for a about a year but and I have been a LIW for yonks!!).
To make matters worse, BF and I went to a friends wedding on Sat and I must have been looking a little wistful cause during their vows he just quietly grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze and this look, like I am sorry it''s not you up there looking so happy. That made me feel worse cause I don''t want him to think I am miserable everytime we go to a wedding and I feel like a bitch. At least he had the heart to think about my feelings, it was quite touching. It was such a beautiful romantic wedding and I was rapt for them, but I couldn''t help thinking when me! I must sound like such a brat, but this has been an emotional few weeks for me. Anyway, I am back at work today and trying to push all engagment thoughts out of my head. I can always hope though, we are going away for a short break in four weeks, just the two of us to the beach, staying at a fancy hotel, fingers crossed........ Thanks to everyone for listening and letting me get this off my chest. It really feels like I have friends to chat to here.
Well, I just got home from holidays to find a good friend at work of mine proposed to his GF - don''t get my wrong, I am really happy for them, but I can''t help feeling disappointed, cause I keep thinking that I was convinced I would be telling my work mates today about my engagement. I feel like a bit of a party pooper being down, but I am trying to keep a brave face and really let my buddy know that I am happy for them. (It so irks me that they have only been dating for a about a year but and I have been a LIW for yonks!!).
To make matters worse, BF and I went to a friends wedding on Sat and I must have been looking a little wistful cause during their vows he just quietly grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze and this look, like I am sorry it''s not you up there looking so happy. That made me feel worse cause I don''t want him to think I am miserable everytime we go to a wedding and I feel like a bitch. At least he had the heart to think about my feelings, it was quite touching. It was such a beautiful romantic wedding and I was rapt for them, but I couldn''t help thinking when me! I must sound like such a brat, but this has been an emotional few weeks for me. Anyway, I am back at work today and trying to push all engagment thoughts out of my head. I can always hope though, we are going away for a short break in four weeks, just the two of us to the beach, staying at a fancy hotel, fingers crossed........ Thanks to everyone for listening and letting me get this off my chest. It really feels like I have friends to chat to here.