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I ran into two guy friends I hadn’t seen in about a year yesterday and I woke up feeling a bit strange this morning… I guess I need to talk about it a little…
The ladies that were here when I first came on PS might remember that I struggled for the last few months with a decision to transfer to a local college because I hated the one I was in. With the help of a psychologist, I finally decided it was best for me to leave. Monday I got my acceptance letter from my first choice college here and I’m thrilled, so all is well.
Some may also remember that last summer, J asked me if I wanted to move in with him if I transferred. I said no for three reasons: 1) I don’t want to move in with a man I have a romantic relationship with unless we are engaged. 2) My parents are paying my rent through college and they will stop if I move in with J, which means I would have to work during term or take out loans because he doesn’t make enough to support me. 3) We’ve been long-distance for three years, half of which was 300 miles away. I think we should take some time not being long-distance before moving in together; moving in together straight up would probably be too abrupt a change.
I thought about it for about a month before I gave him my answer. I asked for advice to a couple of friends and to my sister, and the general reaction was that I was “freaking out” about money and commitment, not trusting my boyfriend and one “friend” even told me I was blackmailing him into proposing. They told me I shouldn’t get engaged before living with him and that I should move in with him as soon as possible because otherwise I’d “miss the boat”. I was hard for me to be judged so harshly on my convictions and for trying to do what’s best for my relationship because I do want it to last for life, but I decided to not give up on that no matter what.
J, for his part, was surprised, but he understands that I shouldn’t throw away the chance to not only get out of college debt-free, but with a little money in the bank. He also understands that we need to take things one step at a time to make this work. He didn’t expect me to want to be engaged before moving in with him, but he respects that, and he admires the fact that I hold on to what I believe in. From what he told me, I think he was considering proposing in 2006 or 2007 anyway, so it’s not like I’m pressuring him or anything. Serious engagement talk started last September.
So, yesterday I ran into A and B, two friends from High School. I told them I’m going to the UdM in September, and the first thing they said was: “So you’ll be moving in with your boyfriend then.” It wasn’t even a question. I said no, and seeing their stunned and questioning faces I just waved it off and said it was complicated. It’s not exactly complicated: I’m 99,9% sure he’ll propose this summer, we won’t be long-distance starting September and we’ll move in together (and very possibly get married) once I’m done with college; I just didn’t want to get into an argument about my convictions again.
Anyway, A told me he’s been having a hard time passing his classes, so he’s taking a break from college and working for now. He’s moving in with his girlfriend of 1½ years in July. She’s 20 and in college. B is going back to college after a year break and moving in with his girlfriend of 2 years, who is 22 and also in college.
I’m not questioning the choices J and I made, I just feel a bit strange about all this. I guess I just wonder where my convictions about marriage and such come from if they’re so different from everyone else’s around me, you know? I like to think that my decisions are the “right ones” and that what I’m doing is sensible, but… I guess we’ll see how things go.
Has anyone here been through this kind of thing, doing something you are/were convinced is the best thing to do while almost everyone says you’re nuts? How did you handle it? Do you think I’m nuts to do this this way?
Thanks for listening and caring, as always.