
Fess Up! Silly "pet" names for your pet..


Jun 6, 2010
I'll start. Our schnoodle's name is Zoe (the name we adopted her with). I call her (in no particular order):

Lovechop (like lamp chop)
Muffin chop
The beast (usually when I've caught her digging in the yard)
Furry sultan (when she reposes on our bed, looking every inch the diva)
Puppy/puppy girl

It's a miracle she actually responds to Zoe, given all of my nicknames for her! :oops:

Your turn...what totally silly, makes no sense nicknames/pet names do you have for your animals??
I'm not touching this one with a ten foot pole, if I did you would all think I had totally lost it....!!! :lol:
I call Alex (our fourth cat) "Marbles" - as in, he's long lost his :halo:
JD used to call Bella, The Fats, b/c she was overly large. Clementine, I call mommy's pretty clem, but really fast so it sounds like mommyspriyclem. Goose I call either priygoose or we call her The Gooses. Opilio, they call Opie. Sometimes I say Opilio like the Activia commercial.

We don't get crazy w/the nicknames b/c we go all out on their names to begin with.
Amelia (cat) is Stinky Pinkleton. Nora (also cat) is either Noralita Senorita or Petunia Pigface.
My cat, Monster, loves to scale things. Cat towers, chairs, people... So his nickname is Mon-Monzilla. Like Godzilla. ::)
My white pittbull is named Snow. When I sweet talk her I call for snow-bear. I have no idea why...she looks like a pink skinned piggy - dog.
For the record, she is the sweetest/smartest/best behaved dog I ever had.

Gratuitous Dog Picture Included
moneymeister|1402083716|3688025 said:
My white pittbull is named Snow. When I sweet talk her I call for snow-bear. I have no idea why...she looks like a pink skinned piggy - dog.
For the record, she is the sweetest/smartest/best behaved dog I ever had.

Gratuitous Dog Picture Included

OMG I'm in love she is sooooo cute

I have so many nicknames and for some reason none of them are coming to me :sick:
LOL are you sure you want to know Yenny? :cheeky:
Here are our nicknames for ours in no particular order:

We call Francesca: Queen to be of the universe, ruler of all that lives, all that has ever lived and all that will ever live, we bow to your knees.

or Frankfurter, blackened hotdog or just baby panther

Tommy we call mocha leopard or Thomas J Cat
Fred we call cow kitty or Frederick J Cat
and Bobby has the nickname of snow leopard or horse kitty or Bobby bird

OK so now you realize that we are certifiable. There's no use pretending anymore hahaha.

Love everyone's affectionate nicknames for their sweet furbabies. :appl:
Oh boy.
Great thread idea.

My SO has come up with lots of whacky names for our dogs.
While not a complete list, these are all that come to mind now.

Gua Gua
Guap Guap
Gwizzy Gwizzy
Gwiggy Gwiggy
Wijee Wijee

Baby Monster

Gorditas (Spanish for little fatties)

Chicken Little
Constance Marie

Lorelei|1402080562|3687989 said:
I'm not touching this one with a ten foot pole, if I did you would all think I had totally lost it....!!! :lol:

C'mon Lorelei, as you can see you are in good company...
missy|1402084419|3688035 said:
LOL are you sure you want to know Yenny? :cheeky:
Here are our nicknames for ours in no particular order:

We call Francesca: Queen to be of the universe, ruler of all that lives, all that has ever lived and all that will ever live, we bow to your knees.

or Frankfurter, blackened hotdog or just baby panther

Tommy we call mocha leopard or Thomas J Cat
Fred we call cow kitty or Frederick J Cat
and Bobby has the nickname of snow leopard or horse kitty or Bobby bird

OK so now you realize that we are certifiable. There's no use pretending anymore hahaha.

Love everyone's affectionate nicknames for their sweet furbabies. :appl:

Just an addendum to my original post. Note that our darling Francesca is Queen to be -as there is no mistaking who the ruling queen of our household is. :cheeky:

Dooly is called:

Gom (Korean for bear)


Little sh*t.
Kenny! OMG so cute I remember them!

And Missy... :love: boy can you see the attitude!

I am so glad for the surprise pictures! :appl:
double post
CJ2008|1402085934|3688053 said:
Kenny! OMG so cute I remember them!

And Missy... :love: boy can you see the attitude!

I am so glad for the surprise pictures! :appl:

Oh yes, she does have the cattitude as we call it. :bigsmile:
But mostly she is sweet as sugar and in fact that's another nickname I forgot to share. We call her black sugar at times. Cause she's so sweet (when she wants to be)!
Miss Charlie has many nick names :

Charlie Pants via her Auntie Lorelie

Charley Marley ( boyfriend felt it fit her, she's a pisser )

Mama She's such a loving soul

And i repeat the ryhme fuzzy buzzy was a bear, fuzzy had no hair... She looks like a bear to me....

She is a mix of maltese and Yorkie smart at as heck. If We ask her to get a specific toy, she will go and get it.. :))
My dog's name is Charlie... DH and I have a million ridiculous names for him, but the ones I can think of are:

Oh Mah Charlin (sung to the tune of Oh My Darling Clementine)
Hot Pocket (a la Jim Gaffigan)

If anyone ever eavesdropped on us at home with him they would never know his actual name is Charlie.
I don't currently have a pet, she died around 3 years ago, but we had all kinds of great names for her!
bunny monkey
pookie poo
bunny monster
monster moo
sweet puppy
most involved other animals names, bunnies and cows are household favourites, and occasionally making the sound that went with them while she just ignored me.
Ya'll have me ROFLMAO!! I KNEW that I was in good company here and that we have a lot more than bling in common! That photo of Snow is amazing! Talk about a happy pup! Kenny, your pups are precious, though the one in the tiara seems a bit bored of it all.... ;))

What I find so funny is that many of us have nicknames that have nothing to do with their actual names and that several of them hint at their (ahem) "royal personalities".... :lol:
Here lately I have been calling our dog, pughy butt...she is getting to fat lol
My dearest pal Buck died 2 yrs ago, but I called him Mister Man -- they even called him that at the vet! -- and Beauty, because he was.

Charlie (who is a She), I call Little Pot 'cause she's small for a Siberian, and also BooBoo, as in I'm Yogi & she's BooBoo. She's my little sidekick.

Moneymeister, that is the CUTEST wackiest dog I ever saw! What a fun character he must be. Love Kenny's babes, too & always have. Your kitty is gorgeous, Missy -- I've always wanted a black cat. Cattitude -- I gotta remember that, terrific!


EQ (while she was still alive):
Pusser Gato
Gato Sinko
Round Fuzzy
Princess Pusseroo

Nutter Bean
Nutty Buddy
Best Buddy in the whole world
Mr. White Pants
Peanutter Butter

Ms. Belly Boo
Tinkie Belly Boo
Tinker Slice
Lady Tinkerton

Yes, we're a bit crazy! LOL
Stinky the dog, as he loves rolling in fox poo and dunks himself in smelly ditches!

DK :))
Booboo Nicknames

Taz Nicknames
-Tazzy Modo (form of Qusaimodo)
-Tazzy Motors (adapted from the above name)

-Napalm (he destroys things)
-Palm Fronds

I guess nothing all that unusual!
We have 3, Jack, in my avatar, I saw at our breeders on a return from vacation, (where we board as well) & saw him. He was maybe 6-8 weeks old. I went back the next morning & brought him home.

He's my baby, & we call him Baby, or Skippy. He's so happy & thrilled with everything.

King, the brown & white one is 'Stinky', & Pepsi is the Grandma of the trio (figuratively), Tee Fee. Don't ask why, don't know. Can't find a picture of all 3.

Lorelei|1402080562|3687989 said:
I'm not touching this one with a ten foot pole, if I did you would all think I had totally lost it....!!! :lol:

Me too! Hahahaha.
Well, our older cat was named Winston at the shelter, but we call him Bitty or Bitty Bear. The younger cat wasn't named at the shelter but we called him Teddy, which, of course, became Teddy Bear.

One week ago we went to an adoption event and adopted a black lab mix who is four years old and had lived his entire life in a backyard cage. One bit of attention his previous owners gave him was a name which we decided to keep as it was clearly an omen-BEAR.

So now we have Bitty Bear, Teddy Bear and Bear-Bear-the three Bears. Very fitting!
Catty Potatoes ( I know, so dumb and nonsensical but I like saying it for some reason)

Boo boo kitty

Miss Kitty

Lorelei and IndyLady, if I can admit to Catty Potatoes, you shouldn't be embarrassed by any nickname! :cheeky:
Our 3 cats

Muta (named after Muta from The Cat Returns)
Jiji (Named after Jiji from Kikis Delivery Service)
and "The Kitten"