


Jun 27, 2011
I'M ENGAGED!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

and i'm so glad that he made me wait while he planned the very special moment in our lives! so, here's the story:

FI had a friend of his take me shopping under the guise of my giving the friend fashion advice and buying new clothes. i (of course) gladly accepted and off we went to the mall. i had the poor guy trying on jeans FOR-E-VER! hahaha! he was such a good sport though. all the while, FI was setting up the proposal in our townhome. he knew i wanted something very intimate and private so this was perfect.

when i got back (which was timed with text messages between the two of them), i walked in and found roses and a letter right inside the door. the letter ended by telling me to go to the first station which was a different room in the house. in that room i found another letter, a blown up picture from the day we first met (which was on a hike and a random picture was taken of us talking/laughing), tealight candles, and a soundtrack of nature (to match what was going on in the picture). the end of that letter then told me to go to the next station which consisted of the same setup except a different picture & soundtrack which matched the picture. each picture/soundtrack was from a pinnacle point in our relationship including one from right after he first told me he loved me, vacations & road trips we took, etc. and each station had a letter that ended by telling me which room to go to next. all the while, he was hiding. on my way to the final station i found two stuffed animals that he had given to me for my birthday that are characters from a book he wrote (and subsequently handmade/bound/decorated)for me - another incredibly romantic thing he's done. the characters had little speech bubbles over their heads made from paper and they had cute things they said to each other about us. i then followed a trail of rose petals that led me to the last room where i found myself on live camera and a song playing in the background. he actually wrote the song and performed all the vocals/instrumentals himself and had a friend produce it. he then came out of hiding from around the corner and we had the most amazing moment EVER. of course i was bawling all over the place :-) he also explained that each picture of the stations represented stages of our relationship/past starting from the very beginning that all led up to the present moment which is why i was live on camera in the last station since it represented now. it was absolutely unbelievable and surreal! we then went to dinner at the melting pot and then to a bed&breakfast he had booked for us. the B&B went out of their way to make it special by setting up candles and scattered rose petals all over the room. we also had a bottle of champagne waiting for us. it was all picture perfect! we then spent the rest of the weekend driving to first my family's house and then to his family's house (which are a few hour drives) so that we could share the news in person.

it was amazing.
he is amazing.
and i am marrying the man of my dreams!!!

i'll post pics of the ring after i get home from work today. just thought i'd type out the story while i have a free moment :-)

I'm welling up reading that story, so thoughtful and meaningful!

I'm glad you're off the list and can be called a fiancée now!
Thank you TwistedPrincess!!!! It is definitely exciting to be the "finacee" and we can't stop saying things like "we're getting married!" and referring to one another as fiance/fiancee any time we address each other, hehe :-)

And now for the ring....

1.78 J VS2 August Vintage Round from GOG
Setting: Vatche Royal Crown in Platinum
Size: 5

Please ignore the weirdo nailpolish (i had no idea he was going to propose that week or else i would have chosen something a little more traditional, heh)




Congratulations! :appl: :appl: :appl: Very creative and thoughtful proposal.

I love the Vatche Royal Crown. :love: Lucky girl!
Congratulations!! That made me cry!! :love: The ring is gorgeous!! Enjoy being engaged!! :appl:
What an amazing proposal story!! And gorgeous ring. Congratulations!
Congratulations! Love the nail polish :)
Congrats on your engagement! :appl:
Your e-ring is stunning!! Congrats!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

ETA: Your proposal sounds amazing, it gave me goosebumps :love:
That sounds like the sweetest thing! Such a lucky lady to be marrying a man who loves you so much! Congratulations!! :love:
Congratulations!!! What an incredible engagement story! And the ring is just perfect on you. Have fun planning your wedding!!
Beautiful engagement story!!!! Congratulations x 10000!!!!

That stone is a stunner and the setting is perrrrfect!!
Awe! Thank you all for such sweet comments! You all surely made my wait much more tolerable!!!

***********************DUST DUST DUST DUST***************************** to everyone still on the list!!!!
Congratulations, Miss PA-C bride-to-be! The ring is gorgeous, proposal endearing, and nail polish adorable! :)
Congrats! I love the nail polish and of course the ring!
it perfect :appl:
Congrats!! :appl: :appl:

I love that setting and the stone too! And what an amazing proposal! He really put a lot of thought into it and it's so great that you will have the video of it.
So you are the blessed lady who got that! CONGRATULATIONS! I love how the RC compliments that diamond too. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.

Kind regards,
Jonathan & the GOG team
Stunning!! Congrats :)
What a romantic proposal and beautiful ring! I wish you both a life of happiness, good health and prosperity. :love:
PAC-W, I lurk over here occassionally and just had to tell you that that is one of the sweetest proposal stories I have ever heard. Congrats!!!
Btw- I like the nailpolish :)