
Finals are AWFUL!

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Nov 11, 2007
Hey Guys,

So I know this may sound stupid but I made a C in one of my classes and I am so upset! I usually get maybe one B for the semester. To make things worse, I dont think I deserved the C. I got a 60 on the final...which means i missed 16 out of 40. My first reaction was that something went wrong in the scantron grading process! I emailed my professor and he also said that he was suprised about my grade and that he would check it out. He is now refusing to let me see my test until January and who knows when he will look at my test. I really think that I bubbled the scantron wrong because I skipped some questions and went back to them. I am prepared to file a complaint if he doesnt give me my test back, or even look at my test at all! I know a C is not the end of the world, but i literally studied for a week! I also have been doing really well in that class...I just dont understand. I would be fine If i actually earned a C, but i am pretty sure I didnt! I have made A''s in all my other classes, so my GPR is fine . Well thanks for reading, it really helps to write about it!
Oh man....I do not miss finals. I graduated this past May, so this is my first December without Finals ever! Boy am I happy.

The professor HAS to let you see your final. At least, it''s a rule at my college. I would hate to wait until January...maybe he''s thinking you''ll forget and drop the case, but I wouldn''t - I would be persistent about the matter. Don''t let up, maybe he''ll give in, let you see your final, and come to find out - You made an A!
yeah thats what i''m thinking! He probably doesn''t want to take the time to deal with it and thinks I will forget about it...I WONT! Hopefully he will be kind enough to look at it before January! Thanks for the encouragement Cleopatra!
Try writing a thesis and taking finals. I don''t know if I''m going to make it to May.
awful! I''ll be there soon!
Awe, I feel for you jmwhite. I graduated almost 3 years ago, and I still burn with anger over one of my class grades. During my study abroad program, one of our professors traveled with us to teach an economics class. The only grades in the class were based on participation during sessions, a trip journal, and a final essay on what we learned about the economics of Barbados (where we were studying). There were 3 econ. majors with us, 2 business majors, 2 education majors (1 who was me) and 1 religion major. This sounds almost fake, but the 3 econ. majors threw their papers together in the last half hour before they were due, did not cite any research to back up what they were saying, and all got A''s in the course. The other education major, the religion major, and I spent a whole week working on the paper. We helped each other find research, and we really worked to incorporate what we had learned into the essay. We all got C''s in teh course. We were never allowed to see our graded papers either. Geez, you''d think I could just let it go, but I''d still like to give that professor a piece of my mind, because the experience of learning about the economy of a developing country really opened my eyes, but the thing I remember most about it is that my prof. felt I did not have an adequate understanding of it.
WOW! That sounds rough! Yeah...i''m planning on taking it to the academic grievances council if he won''t work it out with me! Thanks so much for reading and helps tremendously!
I''m in the middle of finals and I hate them, too.

I''m currently on both ends of grading -- I''m a grad student who''s taking classes and teaching at the same time. Jmwhite, it is possible that your professor has left town? I know that a lot of us are trying to get out of here as soon as grades are entered into the system, and if the test is in his office and he''s visiting family for the holidays elsewhere, he may not be able to review it or let you see it until he gets back. So, while aggravating, it may not mean that he doesn''t want to review it or hopes that you''ll just forget about it.

I hope that everything turns out well for you.
Hi Blenheim! First I must say that I love your puppies (you have cavaliers right? I might be mistaken)! He entered the grades from his home...they were entered @ 9 p.m. so I am assuming he was at home, but if he is leaving town and can''t get to the tests I understand that too. I am just frustrated because he doesn''t seem to want to help me at all...his tone in his emails are very condescending. Thanks for the advice!
Jmwhite I''m sorry to hear about your situation, it sounds like you''re very disappointed.

Just to give you some possible insight--believe it or not, it is just as stressful (dare I say MORE stressful) to be on the other end of things grading all of the finals and doing your professional research at the same time, AND juggling everything else that comes with being a professional educator.

I know it doesn''t feel like it when you''re the student, but your profs probably have very full, overbooked, stressful schedules. I can''t imagine that he''d be withholding your final from you for anything other than a valid reason, so hopefully you can sort this all out in January.

Good luck!
omg im in the same boat cause of a stupid history class...this prof. was insane but what ever this class is over this semester is over and i am soo happy!!! 3 more semesters to go!!!!
That sucks!
I''m sorry.

Try to keep this in context with how the professor has behaved the rest of the semester. If he''s has always been dismissive and condescending, I would be prepared to fight for your rights. On the other hand, if he is usually patient and gives his students adequate time and attention, then there is probably something else going on. Keep us posted and good luck!
Date: 12/13/2007 8:11:43 PM
Author: Sabine
Awe, I feel for you jmwhite. I graduated almost 3 years ago, and I still burn with anger over one of my class grades. During my study abroad program, one of our professors traveled with us to teach an economics class. The only grades in the class were based on participation during sessions, a trip journal, and a final essay on what we learned about the economics of Barbados (where we were studying). There were 3 econ. majors with us, 2 business majors, 2 education majors (1 who was me) and 1 religion major. This sounds almost fake, but the 3 econ. majors threw their papers together in the last half hour before they were due, did not cite any research to back up what they were saying, and all got A''s in the course. The other education major, the religion major, and I spent a whole week working on the paper. We helped each other find research, and we really worked to incorporate what we had learned into the essay. We all got C''s in teh course. We were never allowed to see our graded papers either. Geez, you''d think I could just let it go, but I''d still like to give that professor a piece of my mind, because the experience of learning about the economy of a developing country really opened my eyes, but the thing I remember most about it is that my prof. felt I did not have an adequate understanding of it.

That really wasn''t fair.
definitely feel for you! I''ve had four exams this week and another four next week-just cannot wait to finish!! I hope that you get your grade sorted out!
Thanks for all the kind comments!
I''ll keep you guys posted after I get back in January!
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