
Flightboarding looks like fun


Apr 30, 2005
I'd bet the hard core surfers will HATE these things and the yuppies who use them to invade what they consider to be their 'territory'.

It looks dangerous, and tricky to master, as there are lots of new things to concentrate on to operate it.
So I'd be sure to learn properly.
Get a lesson from the dealer, or at least watch the below video.

Debbie Downer alert: I'd try it if I wasn't ao concerned about skin cancer.

Oh, to be young again, with several thousand dollars to blow on a new toy. :dance:

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Wow, looks like fun...
If I was 20 years younger :)
That does look fun, but probably too much of a learning curve/mastery curve for me.

I'm with you guys, if only I was 20 years younger!
No thank you

(insert chicken emoji here)
Imagine being hit by the metal part of that board, as if being hit by a surf board or a big wave is not bad enough!

DK o_O
I'm just out here trying not to flip a kayak, man.
I have been kayaking since I was in my late twenties and I am now in my mid seventies. Flipping a kayak is just part of the fun of running a river.

I would love to learn to fly one of these boards, but I do not think I will be around one till I am closer to 80. Still, I look forward to doing it some day.
Debbie Downer alert: I'd try it if I wasn't ao concerned about skin cancer.

LOL, have you never used waterproof 100 SPF sunscreen? I never used sunscreens until I was in my late teens, so I have had a few small skin cancers removed over the years and one malignant melanoma a few months ago. The doctor told me I was good for another 20 years as it was only a tiny cancer and all of it was contained in the biopsy. I told him he was nuts as I was going to be 76 in a few weeks and I had no intention of living to be 96...

I don't think he understood I was just yanking his chain.
LOL, have you never used waterproof 100 SPF sunscreen? ...

I strongly dislike putting anything on my skin including simple lotion.
I just avoid all activities in the sun.
If I have to work on the yard I do it when the sun is very low in the sky, and wear a big hat, pants, long sleeves, and gloves.

When I was a kid the family went to the beach in the summer and put on suntan oil, no hats.
I think it had no sunscreen.
People wanted tans back then; some still do. :nono:
Obviously, you and I will never agree on this.

I do not regret a single burn or tan I ever had. I have hiked tall mountains, but none that needed ropes, not fair to ask a small man to hold me if I should slip, so I never learned to climb. I have walked in jungles in Vietnam, swam in a jungle stream while hiking down two thousand vertical feet to fill five gallon cans of water and carry them back up the same trail under the guard of squads of grunts when the Vietnamese kept shooting at the helicopters bring water to us at our LZ. I have walked in deserts in Arizona and California, and spent weeks at a time camping in the mountains of Idaho and Montana. I have water skied, snow skied, kayaked, rafted, hunted and fished in the sun. The sun and I are buddies, and should skin cancer kill me, it was worth it to have lived my life.

I respect your choices and I treasure your humor. You always make me think. If we are ever in the same town, I will buy you a meal inside a restaurant, away from the sun.
Holy Crunch berries! Those things are EXPENSIVE!!!