
fracture filled rubies !!!

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May 29, 2004

Anyone, I would like to see the images of fractured filled rubies.
how it looks like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like to have Some information on fractured filled rubies too.
Good question! I''d like to hear more about fracture filled rubies, too!

I have a pretty ruby that was "diagnosed" as fracture filled and heat treated. The cert said that special care should be taken cleaning it...sort of like an emerald, I guess.

I can see nothing with the naked eye or a looks fine to me.

It's unclear if you are referring to fracture-filled rubies, where a fracture is filled with a high-RI glass, or flux-healed rubies, where fractures are healed shut via minute quantities of synthetic corundum dissolved in a flux.

As to the former, you can find an article with pics discussing it here:

Lead-glass impregnated ruby

And as to the latter, see my most recent article (complete with many pictures) on the subject here:

Fluxed Up: The Fracture Healing of Ruby

Flux-healing has been around since at least the early 1980's. Using glass to fill fractures has been around in diamond for over a decade (the so-called Yehuda treatment). It made its appearance in ruby last year.

Flux healing is completely permanent, glass filling of fractures can be removed.

And there is a further treatment, surface repair, where glass is used to fill surface cavities and pits. All are discussed in the above articles.
I agree with Richard which has given a very clear presentation of the subject.
Currently in Bangkok we see now a new type of glass filling (which is not very new but which have a second youth..) many rubies from Madagascar, most of them in large size (over 3 carats, if not to say over 5 carats) are found filled with lead glass. The inclusions of the stone still present an "overall natural unheated" aspect that can fool the "jeweller gemologist" ( Hello Richard Wise...) that has decided to try to buy a stone not heated at very high temeprature that might have been heated with additives like beryllium.
These stones are heated at low temperature in order to be clarity improved by some lead glass (very soft) that will hide important fissures. This clarity improvement does not improve the gem durability as "flux filling" is doing. It is a treatment obviously performed to decieve people.
AIGS laboratory see such stone near everyday now and it is called currently in Bangkok the "new treatment" which is a little bit confusing as up to few months the "new treatment" was the treatment using beryllium. They are easy to detect by any experienced laboratory especially if they have an EDXRF.
If you want to see some examples here a photos of one of these stones, the lead glass can be seen as it show a blue-orange "flash effect":


You can see several pictures of stone with traditional glass filling, flux and synthetic corundum filling and lead glass filling on the following photo gallery:

foreign substance filling in fissures and cavities

All the best,
when scanning from the PC any ruby the color red looks something different . why its like that?
blue sapphire also look sometimes black?. still as per my knowledge fractured filled rubies are fetching good price especially Burma Ruby.
Date: 11/28/2004 3:59:22 AM
Author: coolguynamek
still as per my knowledge fractured filled rubies are fetching good price especially Burma Ruby.
Depends on how they are filled flux filled ones are up there the other ones are mostly being used to comit fraud.
Thats what the experts are trying to tell you.
I dont have a problem with flux healed heated stones if it is disclosed and they are priced right.
You can get an awesome looking duriable stone for a discount this way.

The others I have no use nor tolerance for and would take synthetic over them anyday.
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