
Frida Kahlo exhibit in Philadelphia

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Jun 17, 2005
I saw it tonight at a special showing and while I knew her work vaguely and knew her as Diego Rivera''s wife, I really knew very little about her. I know Salma Hayek played her in Julie Taymor''s biopic, and I recall her stern face with the heavy almost one large brow. This exhibition is only going to be in three cities in the US and apparently it might be the last time these photos and paintings are allowed to leave Mexico.

She died young and was a very tragic figure. Her art was a way to express her pain, both physical and mental. She was clearly so talented yet was mostly very tormented. I had never really seen much of her work other than a couple of self portraits, she liked to paint herself. The themes in her work were strong and often a bit overwhelming, but I really got a sense of her tonight.
I''ll be seeing the exhibit on March 26th, and I''m really looking forward to it. I saw the Diego Rivera exhibit here several years ago, which had some of Frida''s work. She was an amazing, strong person.
I will be seeing the exhibit on March 29. I have heard from a few others that have seen it that some of her work was "overwhelming", but I am very interested in seeing it myself for the first time.
she was also quite intelligent: one of 35 women in a college of 2000 back in 1918. she had polio as a child and as a result she always wore a skirt or pants in an attempt to hide her withered leg. her father proposed to her mother the night his 1st wife died........he was from germany/austria and emigrated to mexico. her mother was of ingenous background. dad supported her continuing into college but mom did not....she had daught her daughter to sew and cook, what more did she need to know? Frida was an extraordinary young woman even before she had her famous accident and started painting.

movie zombie
She was so very hurt by life, there were things that just were so tough for her. Diego was a notorious womanizer and they split once and remarried. She was supposedly also bisexual and while he did not mind her having affairs with women, he did mind when she dallied with men. He though had an affair with her own sister!

Between the accident and the polio and the miscarriages and his cheating, she had a terrible time in life much of her life. She endured multiple surgeries and was in terrible pain much of the time.

The painting about Dorothy Hale is so interesting, as is the one which shows all of the world leaders and a baby being born and is so filled with themes you must study it, walk away, and come back again.

Her style and talent grew as she progressed. Some people say she might have committed suicide but that is just one view. Though in her pain and agony I would not be surprised at all.
I remember reading about her in Vogue quite a few years ago. Also remember the docudrama in which Salma Hayek portrayed her...I would love to see an exhibit. I don't suppose a Chicago exhibit is happening?
Monnie - Unfortunately the exhibit will not be going to Chicago. Here is the remainder of the US schedule:

February 20 - May 18
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

June 14 - September 28
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, California

I just saw it in Philadelphia this past weekend and would definitely recommend seeing it to those who are able.
thanks for the dates: i will see it in san francisco!

movie zombie
Too bad the exhibit won''t be in my state; I love learning about artists from exhibits because they give some pretty good information on that person and then seeing the art gives you a complete feel for the person. Thanks DF!
I love Surrealistic art and it was in college that I learned about Frida Kahlo (the movie was pretty good too!). This exibit was fantastic--saw the one in Philly. There was much I did not know about her style and her life. If you can check it out, I would definitely recommend it! Also, if you ever visit Mexico City, visit La Casa Azul, which was her house and has since been turned into a museum. It is amazing!
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