
From TMZ...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Betty Baguette
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With just a little education and a couple of reasonably inexpensive tools, most lab diamonds can be identified from mine diamonds. This is especially true for diamonds from D to K color. It takes more costly tools to identify the rest, but there are very, very few which can't be identified by major labs.

For the consumer, you need to be aware that a large number of lab diamonds are being sold at quite high markups. Just like nearly anything else, you need to shop around until you understand what a fair cost is for any particular item.

Yes, both kinds of diamonds are being graded on the traditional diamond grading system, but without any rarity in lab diamonds, there is little justification for pricing them according to a system where the grades combine to indicate rarity of the top grades. None of the lab diamonds are rare and likely never will be.

Buyers of Bling and Iced jewelry can get a huge bang for the buck with lab stones. Since that sort of jewelry is not an "investment", it doesn't much matter. More conservative consumers, can have the pleasure of choice and how much to pay. If anyone new to the business says both types of stones are "the same", it just shows their level of grasping traditional diamond dealing history is limited. I support both kinds of diamonds for consumers, but would not imply they are identical to one another except in how good both can look to admirers.
This topic has been frequently discussed. Some would agree, some would not. I have never dealt with him so his opinion on diamonds would not persuade me one way or another. Have you made purchases through him?

No, I was just surprised to see the topic discussed on TMZ of all places.
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