
Garnets and Emeralds


Jul 27, 2010
Hello all,

Within the past year I've made some rather impulsive purchases and now I don't know what to do with them.
Any ideas?


to wd53-looks like a nice brood of stones-the larger stones would go nicely in rings-one per ring & the smaller stones could be incorporated into a pendent in any one of dozens of configs that would make wonderful eyecandy & would be out for all to see as they are hung around your neck on a yel gold chain-the rings could incorporate the garnets to enhance the larger stones-the garnets are tuff stuff & the emerald should be treated with tlc-so go strut your stuff & show what u non-binding opinion.....
m76steve said:
to wd53-looks like a nice brood of stones-the larger stones would go nicely in rings-one per ring & the smaller stones could be incorporated into a pendent in any one of dozens of configs that would make wonderful eyecandy & would be out for all to see as they are hung around your neck on a yel gold chain-the rings could incorporate the garnets to enhance the larger stones-the garnets are tuff stuff & the emerald should be treated with tlc-so go strut your stuff & show what u non-binding opinion.....

That's a great idea about the pendant for the tiny garnets Steve! Only thing is that they're genuinely tiny, under 15 points each.
But imagining them in different configurations... I hadn't thought of that! I can definitely see a flower in the making! :D Much thanks!
Very pretty... How big are the emeralds? I like the color of both emeralds. The lighter one is very caribbean.
Treenbean said:
Very pretty... How big are the emeralds? I like the color of both emeralds. The lighter one is very caribbean.

Thank you! The Columbian is 1.4ct (7.5 mm X 6 mm) and the Zambian is 1ct (7.1x5.1x3.5 mm.)
A duo of emeralds bypass ring?
I was thinking that... but wouldn't it be weird since they're a. not the same size and b. different colors?

ETA: I've also never seen it done with emerald cuts...
Those garnets are awesome! Mind sharing your source?
I have not seen garnet of that color:) They are pretty though! Can I know what color does it change to?
Lavatea, I've been trying to go back to find the original ebay seller, but I'm having great difficulty. It was a "lot" of color change malaya garnets, totaling over 1.08ct.
Great suggestion Crascu, but all of my garnets are under 3.8mm.
Chictomato, it goes from that purple color to green. I tried to photograph it, but my camera doesn't want to indulge me, but I did the best I could. All of them have that green hue like the one in the middle, hopefully you can see it. :)

wakingdreams53 said:
Lavatea, I've been trying to go back to find the original ebay seller, but I'm having great difficulty. It was a "lot" of color change malaya garnets, totaling over 1.08ct.
Great suggestion Crascu, but all of my garnets are under 3.8mm.
Chictomato, it goes from that purple color to green. I tried to photograph it, but my camera doesn't want to indulge me, but I did the best I could. All of them have that green hue like the one in the middle, hopefully you can see it. :)

Hi wakingdream thanks for the reply!

They appear more blue than purple in the first few photos:) Nice and sparkly ::)
I really love those garnets. I'll have to add one to my wishlist, lol.

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