
Gate in room


Mar 4, 2010
Have you ever used a gate at the entrance to your child's room? We just switched N from a crib to a toddler bed (waited until he actually asked to be moved), but now I'm a bit concerned with all this new-found freedom he has, and I'm afraid he might want to roam around the house instead of going down for a nap or bedtime. Do you use a gate at the room door, or do you think it's like caging them in?
mayerling|1437415956|3905265 said:
Have you ever used a gate at the entrance to your child's room? We just switched N from a crib to a toddler bed (waited until he actually asked to be moved), but now I'm a bit concerned with all this new-found freedom he has, and I'm afraid he might want to roam around the house instead of going down for a nap or bedtime. Do you use a gate at the room door, or do you think it's like caging them in?

We did for a short time. We put it in the door jam so that we could still close his door. I'm trying to remember- we put him in the toddler bed around 19 months and I'm sure the gate was gone by the time he was 2. I have no problem with doing it if it's needed to keep a kid safe.
DS1 is going to be 5 in a few weeks and we just took the gate out of his doorway about 6 months ago. We put him into a bed before he was 2. We put the gate up as soon as we moved him to the bed and left it there until recently. We did this for safety reasons and I honestly never thought of it like a cage. We live in a style of home called an American Four Square - to make the most of every square foot, there's basically no hallway upstairs. There's a 6'x6' square with 5 doors off of it. Four bedrooms and the bathroom. So, you exit any given door and you're just a few paces from the stairs (if that). I feared him waking up in the night and tumbling down the stairs. We only took it off because he knew how to get it down.

DS2 is 2.5 and still in a crib happily with no signs of change any time soon. I'll probably put a gate up when he's in a bed too because his room is the closest to the staircase. We've thought about putting a swing gate at the top of the stairs instead but aren't keen on the idea of mounting anything to our banister.
My first LO isn't quite here yet, but we will have to use a gate eventually. Probably much sooner than toddler bed, but more like highly mobile. Ours is an old house and there are stairs directly into the nursery space, so it's a safety concern. The dogs will hate it, but they'll have to adapt :lol:
We have a gate at the top of our stairs. We just transitioned K who is going to be 3 in October from crib to toddler bed about 1.5 weeks ago. She also decided she wanted to stop wearing her sleep sack, but that ended up with her coming to our room at 2am so we put the sleep sack back on, and she has slept better until last night when she showed up at 2am again in the sleep sack! So, I would recommend putting the gate up from my experience.
A few of my friends have had success with gating when their kids moved to the toddler bed. We have a cheap baby gate that works well in doorways.

We moved my 3-year-old to her bed for her 3rd birthday and I was worried about the new freedom. As it turns out, she's not once (in 6 months) gotten out of her bed herself. She waits for me to come get her, so the new freedom really wasn't an issue. We may end up needing the gate for our 1.5 year old on day, though.