
Gem Advisor / Diamond Calc

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Aug 30, 2002
Can someone run a diamond calc or Gem advisor on the following diamond:

1.22 Round Brilliant
Depth - 59.7
Table - 56
Girdle - Thin to Medium, Faceted
Culet - None
Polish - Very Good
Symmetry - Very Good
Color - F
Florescence - none
Crown Angle - 33.5
Pavillion Angle - 40.1


Any thoughts
I am doing some HCA revision at the moment and this stone that scores 1.6 will soon be graded as around 2.2.

I would not recomend the stone unless you are attracted to the very large spread.
When I ran the HCA is scored high....all excellent...what is the problem?

John Tsantes
The stone will look too dark
J.T., please bear in mind that Garry is a "cut nut", and all his answers are relative to his focal point of perfection.

Put another way, if he were a Romeo, there would be very few women he would sleep with.

Now, that's okay for somebody like Garry, but for the rest of us in the real world a Jennifer Aston with a slightly broken nose would work just as well as Ms. Universe.

Rich, GG
Sarasota Gemological Laboratory
Not true Richard; I would sleep with many women (even all at once) except my wife would break my nose :)

One of the great things about life is as you get older you can enjoy looking at a greater age range of the opposite gender.

Is this true for ladies too?

Back to diamond cut - I am not a perfectionist, but I have learned that the majority of people shopping around these parts end up being a little anal in expectations. So I respond in the same manner and give'em what I think they want :)
jT if you would like to know what this stone looks like give me a decent email address that will take a big file and I will send you something special :)
On 10/14/2002 9:37:42 PM

One of the great things about life is as you get older you can enjoy looking at a greater age range of the opposite gender.

Is this true for ladies too?


For the most part - No. You men are so easy & predictable.

And with all due respect - Garry you ARE a perfectionist when it comes to diamond cut. You are a self admitted "Cut Nut"
On 10/14/2002 2:34:32 PM

Can someone run a diamond calc or Gem advisor on the following diamond:

1.22 Round Brilliant
Depth - 59.7
Table - 56
Girdle - Thin to Medium, Faceted
Culet - None
Polish - Very Good
Symmetry - Very Good
Color - F
Florescence - none
Crown Angle - 33.5
Pavillion Angle - 40.1


Any thoughts

The stone with your proportions is not o that chart, but you can assume that the 40.2 / 33 stone is very close to what your stone would look like.
You can click on the stone and see a bigger image and then it will calculate things like light return (not so high because of the blackness) and light leakage (which is low).
Do the same thing with a stone from nearer the middle of the chart - say 40.7 34.4.
When the calculations are finished (it takes a while) you can click on each result and get a very complex breakdown.

Sergey and his crew are pure genius :)
Serg, this is very helpful thing. Thanks!



Took a look at the stone with Pav - 40.3 and Crown 33.6..

All the results came back very good...not excellent but very good...

Do you think 7100 is a fair price?

Do you think you could run a Diam Calc on the specs? Would really appreciate it...I'm going to purchase the stone tomorrow and I'd like to get as much info as I can..

Thanks in advance
You can do everything and more with Sergeys tool.
Have you seen how to make a movie of the stone?
You mentioned you were "doing some HCA revision at the moment and this stone that scores 1.6 will soon be graded as around 2.2"

When will your revisions be complete and implemented in Cut Advisor?

Also, I am a PhD mathematician/statistician, so your Holloway model is very interesting to me. Is their any where to get details on your model (besides the tutorial). I know you probably don't want to release the EXACT formulation of your model b/c of the patent. Any info would be appreciated.
Getting very close, thanks for the interest.

The only data to change will be very shallow stones.
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