
Gem Book Gifts for the holidays.

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Nov 16, 2003

Dear Friends,

Opps posted on the wrong forum. Tis the season (almost) so what do I give to my gem lovin friends? Let me see:

For Josh: Anything that isn''t about Richard Homer

For AnA: Is there anything she hasn''t read?

My Suggestions:

"The History Of Mt. Mica" by Augustus Hamlin. A reprint by Rubellite Press of a classic book written in the Nineteenth Century. Beautifully bound and richly illustrated:

"Secrets Of The Gem Trade, The Connoisseurs Guide To Precious Gemstones" by Richard W. Wise. Highly Recommended by , Rapaport, Canadian Jeweler, Metalsmith, Gem Market News, Orchid and Gems & Gemology: Comes signed: Brunswick House Press:




You are kidding, right ?




Ah, excellent Dick. Self promotion at its best. While we are at it, might I recommend my own autobiography.....not from your press:

I am a Supermodel, Do You Know What I Mean? The Turn I Took on the Catwalk that has nothing to do with Gemmology.

P.S. Ana: disregard that comment made by Dick/Sage: even if tongue and cheek, it''s not worth your consideration.


I responded in the first thread Sagebrush/Dick started!

I thought it would be a great idea to compile a list of the best books for *newcomers*. Ones with pretty pictures and no math. *I* was thinking of Richard Hughes'' coffee table type book on rubies and sapphires! I have not found it since we moved, so don''t have the exact title near the computer.

In defense of Richard Wise''s book, it is excellent. As for mine, just a few copies left, at the link below:

Ruby & Sapphire

Now where do I get that catwalk tome?


No offense intended

--I acknowledge my comment was sophormoric in view of the fact that Richard H. and Ana are very successful people and therefore require none of my help. I just wondered why an otherwise harmless message would be prefaced as such............... Hence, with all my shortcomings you can see that my own "book" is a work in progress..........



Ouch! Actually, I really didn''t mean to say anything than "Thank you! This is so nice of you! Of course I didn''t get to read much of what I''d wish to... " Just thought these would be self evident.


The Pricescope Pin is still pegged to my computer


- $100 / year shipping included is just something warm and fuzzy out of the blue.



Just back today from Burma... Things there are complicated and simple... as usual!

Just a word to say that I''m currently reading Richard Wise Book, which is to my opinion currently excellent... For Richard Hugues book, its an other story I was my bible for more than 7 years!

I strongly recommend both to any gem interested people.

All the best,

Gee Guys,

All meant in fun. AnA is one of the most knowledgeable people on the forum and my remark was meant as a compliment.

Best regards for the holiday season.

P.S. If you havent bought Richard Hughes Ruby & Sapphire it along with Stephen Hofer''s Collecting and Classifying Coloured Diamonds are absolute "musts" for any serious gem collectors library.

Best regards for the season.
I have bought the Hughes book - Wow !

But how about a suggestion for a more basic and inexpensive "buying guide" for the basic consumer? I have this one - and it has some really good information and pictures.

Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald Buying Guide
Hello Mogok,

How is Burma. I was born there but left when I was 2 years old so don''t remember anything about it. My father told me not to go back since as a naturalized american the Burmese Government has first claim on me and can detain me if they feel like it and the US can''t do anything about it.
To Both Richard''s:

How about a special Pricescope discount on those books?
Hello MJO,
I've bring in Mogok 3 years ago several Indian citizen that were born in Mogok back in mogok for the first time in their life after they left the country in the 1960s... There was no problem. It was great time for me as because of them i was able to meet new people there and learn more about the place...
If you want to go back to Mogok, you can contact me an why not join me in one of my future expeditions there? I'm all the time trying to bring people with me there as it is a good occasion for me to learn more about the place, make new friends,... and help me to pay for the travelling expenses.
As you may be have seen on AIGS website, I bring there several of my students:
AIGS Italian student in Mogok
AIGS french student in Mogok

We had very good trips.
All the best,
So here we are on a forum that deals with, ounce for ounce some of the most expensive things on earth. So ya say ya want cheap information ok here''s the best deal of the season:

Max Bauer, Precious Stones. 2 Volumes. Dover Editions, N.Y. This is a reprint of a classic book originally published in 1904 and translated by L. J. Spenser that covers sources, quality, gemology, the works. One of the best books ever written in the field. I bought both volumes at B&N for $20.00. Can''t beat that!

If you watch early morning TV you get a good idea what is really important to America. Seems like anything you purchase from those ubiquitious infomercials costs, you got it, nineteen ninty five. So get Max Bauer.

Want something with pretty pictures of foreign lands and can''t afford a trip with Mogok?

Try the Fred Ward Gem Series Got one on pearls, ruby & sapphire, opal, etc. Each and every one can be had for nineteen ninty five or less.

Ho, ho, ho....
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