I asked in a few stationary shops for the elusive 'one inch hole punch', and the assistants just looked at me like I was crazy!
You can buy stickers that fit onto the bottom of the pot exactly, though that depends which ones you're using. This is what I used to do, but my handwriting is terrible and sometimes the pen would smudge, so now I type the stats in a square grid, print on thick paper and put in the bottom of the pot.
Cute tape has some kind of fun things over there ! Thanks.
I just realized I can use the adhesive shipping labels I bought & print it out on the printer in small font (I don't love my small handwriting much), maybe.
I don't label my gems jars, however, if I chose to, I would order one sheet of these 1" removable labels that you can print on your computer. It would probably only be of interest to those who have a lot of stones, but it looks like a fun idea to me. You can get removable or permanents labels.
You can order one sheet of removable labels (68 labels) for $4.16 + $4.95 shipping, BUT, you can get 10 sheets for $9.77 and the shipping is still $4.95 (you have to put in your zip so it could be more to different locations).
My gems are currently listed on an excel workbook because I like to keep as much info on them as I can, and I just number them on the sheet according to where they are located in the gembox, BUT if I was going to keep a large number of stones in a collection, I think these circles would be a great investment.
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