
Gene Winza...finally here!


Jun 5, 2011
So, I'm pretty disappointed in my ability to photograph this puppy. But, here's what I've got. I'll take more tomorrow. It's not necessarily destined for the setting it's sitting in, I'm still trying to decide which of three stones will go into that. Winza unheated sapphire, 1.32 ct, 6.74 x 5.043 mm.




Hideous. Send it back. :naughty:
Yes, I agree. You don't need a lovely rosy sapphire like that... might as well send it on to me!
Triple that. Toss it into the sea and it shall reached me one day. :lol:
Ha ha. Thanks, guys. I should have prefaced those pics by saying they aren't really accurate for colour! My phone is washing them the stone out, or desaturating it, or something. I find pink sapphires as hard to photograph as orange stones!
Nice stone, thanks for sharing!

DK :love:
For those of us with poor memory, can you please post Gene's picture as reference too?
Oooh aaah, then I can't wait to see your next pics of it!

--- Laurie
Actually I'm curious which other 2 stones besides your pink sapphire are chosen for the setting? :love:
Okay, it looks a bit better/more accurate on my computer. Not so much on my phone! Chrono, I meant to do that last night, in the first post. It was late...

It is HOT! Do you feel that the inclusions amps up the glow factor of the Winza?
Snowyrin|1391778026|3609942 said:
Actually I'm curious which other 2 stones besides your pink sapphire are chosen for the setting? :love:

So, while I still love big stones, here are two of my favourites. I can't believe one is an oval! The oval is also a sapphire from Gene (more magenta vs the hot pink of the new one). The cushion (which is what I originally was thinking of for the setting) is from Gary at Finewater.


Allow me to vote for Gary's stone or your new sapphire in the setting. Totally meant to be! :appl:
Oh cripes!! YOU got it. Lucky duck :))
Wowza! Love the cushion and your new pink POPs!!! Either will look great in the setting. Can't wait to see what you decide!
I'm green with envy! Gorgeous!
It is amazing and looks perfect in that setting! Wowza! :love:
5555 i was just a few minutes late. When i first saw it, it still shows the button “add to cart”. After i found my credit card, it appears to be " out of stock". So lucky you, very nice sapphire indeed.
Snowyrin|1391779869|3609963 said:
Allow me to vote for Gary's stone or your new sapphire in the setting. Totally meant to be! :appl:

I agree with Snowyrin! The sapphires are all stunning, and I love that setting too! Your new hot pink could also be gorgeous in yellow gold!
Love the sapphire-it is beautiful!!!

As far as the setting, my first choice would be that amazeballs cushion from Gary. Your new sapphire from Gene is a very close second though.
You lucky lady! In Gene's picture it's poping! But your photo washed it out quite a bit! Knowing how accurate Gene's photo is, I would be thrilled to have that stone.

But honestly, I'm not crazy about the photo pink sapphires in that setting. On the other hand....That PURPLE is meant to be set in there preloved Tacori. Wow to that purple sapphire! Or is it a spinel?
I love them all, but seriously, if you ever want to sell that purple cushion from Finewater, can you sell it to me?

Do you have a picture o the Finewater listing for the purple stone? I am wondering how to interpret his photos. I think the stones are more saturated in real life than in Gary's photos?
Thanks, everyone! I am leaning towards the cushion for the setting, partly because I've had that stone the longest, and have been looking forward to setting it. And I only have one purple stone set, a totally different kinda purple (would you believe I used to hate pink and purple before gems entered my life??? :lol: ). Preg, here's the vendor pic of Gary's. I'm afraid this little guy is currently on my CDH list, though, especially if it goes into this setting! ;)

I also got some more shots of the Winza, the sun is actually out today!




Chrono, hard to say about the inclusion/glow factor on this one... I'll have to think about that.


The Winza looks much better in this round of pictures. The setting looks like it was made for the purple cushion; the colour, shape and size all just go well together.
NKOTB|1391797624|3610166 said:
Chrono, hard to say about the inclusion/glow factor on this one... I'll have to think about that.

Those pics are just :lickout: :lickout: :lickout: What an unbelievably fun stone. I am quite envious!
Chrono - agreed. :)

Jereni - thanks!
Love the stone in your second round of pics - and I imagine those are much more what you see in hand? It really is an amazing color.

And what does CDH stand for?
Yes, Minou, I'd say so. It also performs well in indoor lighting, so should be a nice evening stone, but I've given up trying to get accurate pics of that.

Cold Dead Hands. ;))
NKOTB|1392067751|3612156 said:
Yes, Minou, I'd say so. It also performs well in indoor lighting, so should be a nice evening stone, but I've given up trying to get accurate pics of that.

Cold Dead Hands. ;))

Hahahaha! Your CDH are going to be filled to the brim, aren't they? :lol:

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