
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

iLander|1289185337|2758020 said:
gemgirl|1289158472|2757674 said:
Kaleigh|1288920532|2755445 said:
Best of luck on the ring, I haven't bought from ebay... If it was misrepresented then don't you have the right to get a refund?? I would wait to get it appraised and then email the seller, and work something out??

I am getting used to my new "life". My friends have been very supportive, but find I don't discuss this disorder much with family... DD is working with a great guy who is in the end stages of ALS... So I keep a lot to myself. I am thankful for PS and for the support group I found online.

I am not here as much, but think of you all...

Wishing you all the best going forward during the busy holiday season ahead. :wavey:

Thanksgiving we will be in FLA, and no I don't have to cook. I am so psyched. I guess there are some + to being ill.... LOL!!!



That's OK Kaleigh, you pop in whenever you can. We'll be here :wavey: ! I wonder what Thanksgiving time will be like in Florida? I mean weather-wise. Being a New Yorker, I'm used to watching the nice people walking in the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade either a)
freezing their little butts off or b) freezing and being stuck in either cold rain or snow flurries. It's usually seasonally cold here.

I have done enough of freezing my A** off so FLA will be a nice change. It will be the high 70's?? It could rain every day and woudln't care... Time away with my kids, is it for me....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh|1289187153|2758035 said:
iLander|1289185337|2758020 said:
gemgirl|1289158472|2757674 said:
Kaleigh|1288920532|2755445 said:
Best of luck on the ring, I haven't bought from ebay... If it was misrepresented then don't you have the right to get a refund?? I would wait to get it appraised and then email the seller, and work something out??

I am getting used to my new "life". My friends have been very supportive, but find I don't discuss this disorder much with family... DD is working with a great guy who is in the end stages of ALS... So I keep a lot to myself. I am thankful for PS and for the support group I found online.

I am not here as much, but think of you all...

Wishing you all the best going forward during the busy holiday season ahead. :wavey:

Thanksgiving we will be in FLA, and no I don't have to cook. I am so psyched. I guess there are some + to being ill.... LOL!!!



That's OK Kaleigh, you pop in whenever you can. We'll be here :wavey: ! I wonder what Thanksgiving time will be like in Florida? I mean weather-wise. Being a New Yorker, I'm used to watching the nice people walking in the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade either a)
freezing their little butts off or b) freezing and being stuck in either cold rain or snow flurries. It's usually seasonally cold here.

I have done enough of freezing my A** off so FLA will be a nice change. It will be the high 70's?? It could rain every day and woudln't care... Time away with my kids, is it for me....

Lisa~ I truly hope that being in Florida will be a relaxing time for you. You can always come here for support. You have been through a lot this year. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good morning my lovely ladies! Happy Monday to you!! I hope everyone is responding well to the time change. I must say that I loved it! An extra hour of sleep, sun up at 7, cool crisp fall air! I'm hoping for a good week, and I've ordered the same for all of you!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1289223366|2758214 said:
Good morning my lovely ladies! Happy Monday to you!! I hope everyone is responding well to the time change. I must say that I loved it! An extra hour of sleep, sun up at 7, cool crisp fall air! I'm hoping for a good week, and I've ordered the same for all of you!!

A lovely sentiment! Thank you!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1289223366|2758214 said:
Good morning my lovely ladies! Happy Monday to you!! I hope everyone is responding well to the time change. I must say that I loved it! An extra hour of sleep, sun up at 7, cool crisp fall air! I'm hoping for a good week, and I've ordered the same for all of you!!

Thank you, Uppy!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1289223366|2758214 said:
Good morning my lovely ladies! Happy Monday to you!! I hope everyone is responding well to the time change. I must say that I loved it! An extra hour of sleep, sun up at 7, cool crisp fall air! I'm hoping for a good week, and I've ordered the same for all of you!!

Thanks Uppy! Yes, that extra hour of sleep has made all the difference, though I don't like it getting dark at 5pm.
We had strong winds today and a bout of hail this afternoon. It looked like tiny diamonds crashing to the earth - I wish!

Making sea scallops tonight. One of my favorites. Now it is time to get up and go walk on the treadmill before I get dinner started.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks Uppy!!

I am loving this extra hour of sleep. Much needed!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well, the med the doc put me on for fibro has been a roaring success thus far, BUT....I'm afraid I've now seen the limits of its effectiveness.

The pressure here has been genuinely tanking - from 982mb to 967mb - since about 11am Sunday, and it just keeps going and going....And I feel like an 18-wheeler has been TRYING (and trying and trying and failing and re-trying) to park on top of me. The weather can be gorgeous, (which it is) but if the pressure is moving, I'm DONE.

If someone wants to come shoot me now, I'm good with that..... sigh...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger|1289300310|2759015 said:
Well, the med the doc put me on for fibro has been a roaring success thus far, BUT....I'm afraid I've now seen the limits of its effectiveness.

The pressure here has been genuinely tanking - from 982mb to 967mb - since about 11am Sunday, and it just keeps going and going....And I feel like an 18-wheeler has been TRYING (and trying and trying and failing and re-trying) to park on top of me. The weather can be gorgeous, (which it is) but if the pressure is moving, I'm DONE.

If someone wants to come shoot me now, I'm good with that..... sigh...

Sorry you're feeling poorly. After I had my car accident about 15 years ago everytime a front would move through I would get the worst pains in my neck ( I had pain but whenever it would rain or go from warm to cold or vice versa the pain was unbearable). Then one day the doc gave me Botox treatments in my neck and ever since I have not had one single problem with my neck (it has been 7 years).

My heart has been feeling fine so far and no episodes of blood pressure spikes. The meds are low (only 2.5 mg) but must be doing its job. I have also been taking L-Arginine 500mg once a day and I truly believe it has been helping relax my blood vessels as well. I ran out of it 2 weeks ago and noticed I started to feel sluggish again. About 5 days after taking it again I have been feeling very well and have this great energy. I have read a lot about this supplement which is an amino acid and when I told my doctor I wanted to take it he said he was going to recommend it to me anyway.

So I am taking 2.5 mg Norvasc(calcium channel blocker) 81 mg aspirin, 100mg CoQ10, 500mg calcium 2times a day (Viactic chews that contains 500 units of D3) and an extra 500 units vit D3 for a total of 1500 units a day. I also drink 8oz of low-sodium V8 juice. I eat a handful of slivered almonds in my oatmeal, a banana, and either a naval orange or kiwi fruit if berries are not in season or a cup of blueberries (I froze about 10 qts this summer), a vegetable with dinner every night, fish 3 times a week, and pizza with low fat cheese.
I have been exercising 5 times a week either on the treadmill or recumbent bike. So now my bp came down to 105/70, my LDL is 70, HDL 120, and triglycerides are 50. The doctor was very impressed with my HDL. I still am having PVCs and PACs though but much much less. I have become used to the big "thump" after I skip a beat.

I see my pacemaker doctor on Monday and will see how much my own heart is beating on its own. Would it be wishful thinking that I don't need the pacemaker anymore? I doubt that, but am least hoping my heart is beating more on its own than relying on the pacemaker.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Karen, what med is it that the doc put you on? I'm just curious. I have issues with pressure changes too, but sometimes the joint pains are the least of my issues. I've been fighting off depression lately and it's been a bit of a rollercoaster.

Socool, good luck on your test results! Sounds like you are doing great.

I got my ebay ring appraised yesterday. It went great, I'm so relieved. My husband took it to the toughest guy available and he was quite impressed actually. I think my DH appreciates that I know what I should be able to get with my budget, and that it would appraise much higher. I will post pics after Christmas since that's when I will have it. ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lyra|1289320282|2759157 said:
Karen, what med is it that the doc put you on? I'm just curious. I have issues with pressure changes too, but sometimes the joint pains are the least of my issues. I've been fighting off depression lately and it's been a bit of a rollercoaster.

Socool, good luck on your test results! Sounds like you are doing great.

I got my ebay ring appraised yesterday. It went great, I'm so relieved. My husband took it to the toughest guy available and he was quite impressed actually. I think my DH appreciates that I know what I should be able to get with my budget, and that it would appraise much higher. I will post pics after Christmas since that's when I will have it. ;))

lyra, I am so happy that the appraisal has put your mind at ease. Can't wait to see photos of your ring!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lyra|1289320282|2759157 said:
Karen, what med is it that the doc put you on? I'm just curious. I have issues with pressure changes too, but sometimes the joint pains are the least of my issues. I've been fighting off depression lately and it's been a bit of a rollercoaster.

Socool, good luck on your test results! Sounds like you are doing great.

I got my ebay ring appraised yesterday. It went great, I'm so relieved. My husband took it to the toughest guy available and he was quite impressed actually. I think my DH appreciates that I know what I should be able to get with my budget, and that it would appraise much higher. I will post pics after Christmas since that's when I will have it. ;))

Well, it's something of an off-label use for fibro, but the doc put me on low-dose naltrexone, or LDN as it's called. Naltrexone is an anti-opioid primarly given to oxycontin addicts - which I'm NOT, I feel obliged to say. It's generally given in 50 mg tabs, but this dosage is, as I mentioned, low, so I'm on 4.5 mg a day. It took about 8 days to kick in, but I have felf decidedly better, although today has been a thrash. Oh well, perfection isn't attainable so why fret, right? The only drawback, is if it comes that I must have surgery of any kind, I'll need to be off of it for a few weeks, otherwise any pain meds I'm given won't work, and that won't do. But so far so good - it's cheap and generic and no side-effects that I can discern. The only real cost is the fact that in such a low dose, it has to be compounded to that dosage.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good morning ladies. I am a bit tired this morning for whatever reason. Dropping the dog off at the groomers in a few minutes and then heading out to Kohl's for a bit of shopping (I got a 30% off coupon). Then I may just take a nap when I get back. Just had to sit down for a few minutes before I leave. Hope you all have a great "pain free" day.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hi, ladies, I just got off the phone with DH's doctor. DH will need to have a biopsy of his prostate (high PSA level for his age - earl 50s). I'm not finding much help on line about this -- there's conflicting information even on the hospital/research center websites. Have any of you faced this with your DH or a family member? Got any insight to share? I could sure use some collective wisdom from you ladies. I'm worried.

ETA: And to make matters worse, when I asked about the likelihood of cancer, the doc said, well, at his age with these levels, it's a 50-50 chance that the biopsy will show cancer. WTH?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Portree|1289405362|2760041 said:
Hi, ladies, I just got off the phone with DH's doctor. DH will need to have a biopsy of his prostate (high PSA level for his age - earl 50s). I'm not finding much help on line about this -- there's conflicting information even on the hospital/research center websites. Have any of you faced this with your DH or a family member? Got any insight to share? I could sure use some collective wisdom from you ladies. I'm worried.

ETA: And to make matters worse, when I asked about the likelihood of cancer, the doc said, well, at his age with these levels, it's a 50-50 chance that the biopsy will show cancer. WTH?

No insight to share, but I will send my hopes that your DH is fine. That's so worrisome! I would freak if my guy showed signs of serious illness. He's my life, as I'm sure your DH is yours. I'll be thinking of you guys..
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger|1289439277|2760620 said:
Portree|1289405362|2760041 said:
Hi, ladies, I just got off the phone with DH's doctor. DH will need to have a biopsy of his prostate (high PSA level for his age - earl 50s). I'm not finding much help on line about this -- there's conflicting information even on the hospital/research center websites. Have any of you faced this with your DH or a family member? Got any insight to share? I could sure use some collective wisdom from you ladies. I'm worried.

ETA: And to make matters worse, when I asked about the likelihood of cancer, the doc said, well, at his age with these levels, it's a 50-50 chance that the biopsy will show cancer. WTH?

No insight to share, but I will send my hopes that your DH is fine. That's so worrisome! I would freak if my guy showed signs of serious illness. He's my life, as I'm sure your DH is yours. I'll be thinking of you guys..

Thanks, ksinger -- I really appreciate it. You hit the nail on the head. Besides being worried about DH having to go through some unpleasant testing, and the possibility of cancer, I worry about what I will do if he gets sick -- he's the one who takes care of me when I get sick. He never gets sick. Well, we'll know more in a few weeks. Fortunately, I have a boatload of family obligations and Thanksgiving, too, to keep my mind off of it.

Hope everyone is feeling a little better and looking forward to family time over the holiday.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lyra|1289320282|2759157 said:
Karen, what med is it that the doc put you on? I'm just curious. I have issues with pressure changes too, but sometimes the joint pains are the least of my issues. I've been fighting off depression lately and it's been a bit of a rollercoaster.

Socool, good luck on your test results! Sounds like you are doing great.

I got my ebay ring appraised yesterday. It went great, I'm so relieved. My husband took it to the toughest guy available and he was quite impressed actually. I think my DH appreciates that I know what I should be able to get with my budget, and that it would appraise much higher. I will post pics after Christmas since that's when I will have it. ;))

Congratulations, lyra. Can't wait to see photos. I've always loved that setting.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Portree, I am sorry to hear about your husband. I am sure you already know this but there are really good reasons to be positive - if they picked it up via an elvated PSA level, that should mean they've picked it up in its VERY early stages, and the chances for recovery are extremely good.

My father had prostrate cancer a few years ago and while it was very scary at first, he went through treatment and is now completely fine and cancer-free. He also picked it up in the very early stages, through regular PSA levels testing. iIt is SO important for men to have their PSA levels tested regularly - please ladies, if the men in your life aren't already doing this, please make them! It's such a common cancer but the available treatments and IN PARTICULAR early detection mean the rate of recovery is quite high.

Sorry to interrupt your thread... :wacko:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Rae~|1289517912|2762655 said:
Portree, I am sorry to hear about your husband. I am sure you already know this but there are really good reasons to be positive - if they picked it up via an elvated PSA level, that should mean they've picked it up in its VERY early stages, and the chances for recovery are extremely good.

My father had prostrate cancer a few years ago and while it was very scary at first, he went through treatment and is now completely fine and cancer-free. He also picked it up in the very early stages, through regular PSA levels testing. iIt is SO important for men to have their PSA levels tested regularly - please ladies, if the men in your life aren't already doing this, please make them! It's such a common cancer but the available treatments and IN PARTICULAR early detection mean the rate of recovery is quite high.

Sorry to interrupt your thread... :wacko:

Nah. We're not quite THAT cranky. You're certainly welcome here. :) It's just most of the younger women who come in here probably go, "Yeesh, that place is DEPRESSING!!" and run VERY fast. ;-)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Portree|1289405362|2760041 said:
Hi, ladies, I just got off the phone with DH's doctor. DH will need to have a biopsy of his prostate (high PSA level for his age - earl 50s). I'm not finding much help on line about this -- there's conflicting information even on the hospital/research center websites. Have any of you faced this with your DH or a family member? Got any insight to share? I could sure use some collective wisdom from you ladies. I'm worried.

ETA: And to make matters worse, when I asked about the likelihood of cancer, the doc said, well, at his age with these levels, it's a 50-50 chance that the biopsy will show cancer. WTH?

I'm sorry Portree, I don't have any insight for you, but I just wanted to let you know I will be thinking of you and your husband and hoping for a positive outcome to all of this. I'm really sorry you and dh have to deal with this, it's certainly scary and nerve-wracking to receive news like this, but please try to stay as positive as you can. I know that's easy for me to say, and it's very difficult when you feel you can't even get reliable info from any source, and I truly sympathize with your anxiety and worry. Big hugs to you, hang in there, I can only imagine how hard this is for you.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Rae~|1289517912|2762655 said:
Portree, I am sorry to hear about your husband. I am sure you already know this but there are really good reasons to be positive - if they picked it up via an elvated PSA level, that should mean they've picked it up in its VERY early stages, and the chances for recovery are extremely good.

My father had prostrate cancer a few years ago and while it was very scary at first, he went through treatment and is now completely fine and cancer-free. He also picked it up in the very early stages, through regular PSA levels testing. iIt is SO important for men to have their PSA levels tested regularly - please ladies, if the men in your life aren't already doing this, please make them! It's such a common cancer but the available treatments and IN PARTICULAR early detection mean the rate of recovery is quite high.

Sorry to interrupt your thread... :wacko:

I agree with Rae, my dad had it in 2004 and is well and no signs of cancer at all now since the surgery. Apparently it is a cancer that has a great prognosis if they catch it early. It is great that your DH's doc is poractive!
Big hug to you Portree and your DH.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna


My husband had PC surgery at 52 on March 31. This is considered young for this type cancer, and it is far more involved than for an older man. Please reply if you would like more info. Pink Tower
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Pink Tower|1289583652|2763476 said:

My husband had PC surgery at 52 on March 31. This is considered young for this type cancer, and it is far more involved than for an older man. Please reply if you would like more info. Pink Tower

Thank you, everyone, for your support. I appreciate this thread because of the candor and understanding --but I do wonder if we scare the younger members with our topics! Some days it sounds as if we're all falling apart!

Anyway, PinkTower, thank you for your offer to share more information about this. I've got a big family event coming up on Sunday, so my house is full of visiting relatives for the weekend and I won't be on PS much. But, yes, please share whatever you are comfortable sharing about you and your husband's experience with this, and I'll check back next week. I hope your husband is doing well. DH has his appointment right after Thanksgiving, so we won't know anything for sure until December.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

What part of the country do you live in, Portree? We are in the South.

Basically, that determined it all for us. The newer surgery is the DaVinci. My husband's doctor had had PC himself at a young age, and he only recommended DaVinci be done at Cornell, Mt. Sinai, a place in Orlando, and a place in California. Even though our own teaching hospital does the DaVinci surgery, he felt it best to do it only at one of the four I mention. So, my husband had it done in our local teaching hospital using the other method, which is the Radical surgery. The doctor who did the surgery is renowned, and has done many famous people, worldwide. We felt the surgeon was more important than the DaVinci unless we could find someone who had done thousands of them. But we would have had to travel, and chose this instead. He did well. The surgery took about 4.5 hours. He is quite fit, and was back at work in eight days, though he had to wear the catheter 15 days. He has had to go back in for some scar tissue work, the last one took about 1.5 hours. But, no problem otherwise. We are very blessed.

First, you have to have the biopsy, and that is quite invasive. They take about a dozen samples. What you may not know is that there has to be a healing process from that, before the surgery I think it was a minimum of 8 weeks recovery from biopsy. So, nothing is going to get done right away. It is quite stressful; and everyone is different in their treatment options. And, of course, everyone wants to help and share that their friend or relative breezed through the process, but almost always, that person was older, and the treatment for an older person is, well, no comparison, so you learn to just smile and nod!!!! But, do your homework. I will hold you in prayer, and let us know back. We can ask the mod for contact information later, if you want more details, after you know more.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thoughts and prayers for your husband, Sara. Let us know how things are going.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm hurting pretty bad today. I have lots I need to do, and feel crummy about expecting fam to take care of it for me. I'd like to go take a hot bath, but the tub is full of boxes yet from doing our floors. :(( Sorry, just a self-pity post.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Been just popping in and out this afternoon, but have been thinking of all of you. I will be keeping everyone and their spouses in my prayers for healthy recoveries. I have been having a bit of a bouncing heart rate the past few days(up and down) . Good thing I see the doc on Monday.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ladies, I have found a cheaper solution for one of my issues

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata|1289685872|2764790 said:
Ladies, I have found a cheaper solution for one of my issues

OMG that is hilarious! :bigsmile:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1289679560|2764672 said:
I'm hurting pretty bad today. I have lots I need to do, and feel crummy about expecting fam to take care of it for me. I'd like to go take a hot bath, but the tub is full of boxes yet from doing our floors. :(( Sorry, just a self-pity post.

It's now tomorrow and I'm hoping that you are feeling better today. I feel a bit better meself...although something going on with the weather is definitely kicking me around....damn weather. :sick: