
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Tough Christmas... first one without my mom and my beautiful boy dog. We knew my mom was close to leaving us for quite a while, and we also knew my pup's time with us was short, but that didn't make any of it any easier.

My pup presented with bleeding tumors on his liver just a few short days after his other tests came back positive. We had a few good days, and then it was time to take his pain away..... I will miss him forever as he was momma's constant companion and lover dog.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr|1293409216|2806565 said:
Tough Christmas... first one without my mom and my beautiful boy dog. We knew my mom was close to leaving us for quite a while, and we also knew my pup's time with us was short, but that didn't make any of it any easier.

My pup presented with bleeding tumors on his liver just a few short days after his other tests came back positive. We had a few good days, and then it was time to take his pain away..... I will miss him forever as he was momma's constant companion and lover dog.

I'm so sorry. What a tough gig to handle. I do know exactly. Went through 18 months w/my mom -- who was the best friend I'll ever have -- gallantly & cheerfully fighting to stay around a little longer. Christmas is always empty without her. Real empty. I tell myself it's supposed to be this way -- she certainly shouldn't survive me! -- but can't get with the program.

Been through that with many cats & dogs too. We're facing it soon with our most beloved 13-yr-old boy & I wonder how I'll continue. Amazing how hard you can love an animal. Taking away the pain is the best, last, gift we can give them, and it is no small thing.

Does anybody watch that Biography Channel show, "I Survived...and Back" or some similar name? People who've had near-death experiences describe them; it's very interesting. One woman said she found herself sitting on a flight of steps, beautiful greenery below, and at the top, a door. As she sat there, lots of cats & dogs scampered past her on their way up. The door would open for each one & a beautiful white light show from inside as they entered, and the door closed again. Oh, how I hope so!

--- Laurie
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr|1293409216|2806565 said:
Tough Christmas... first one without my mom and my beautiful boy dog. We knew my mom was close to leaving us for quite a while, and we also knew my pup's time with us was short, but that didn't make any of it any easier.

My pup presented with bleeding tumors on his liver just a few short days after his other tests came back positive. We had a few good days, and then it was time to take his pain away..... I will miss him forever as he was momma's constant companion and lover dog.

I am so sorry for your loss, colorluvr. It does make the holiday season difficult. My thoughts are with you.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Colorluvr, I am so sorry for the loss of your little one. Please take good care of yourself.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr|1293409216|2806565 said:
Tough Christmas... first one without my mom and my beautiful boy dog. We knew my mom was close to leaving us for quite a while, and we also knew my pup's time with us was short, but that didn't make any of it any easier.

My pup presented with bleeding tumors on his liver just a few short days after his other tests came back positive. We had a few good days, and then it was time to take his pain away..... I will miss him forever as he was momma's constant companion and lover dog.
Cololuvr, I haven't been online recently, but I had to come and offer my condolences. I know how much you loved him and how much you hoped these treatments would give him more comfort and time with you. Your heart must be aching, but his pain is relieved, and he can jump and run again like he used to. You have all of those loving memories of him, and may they give you solace when you think of him. You are in my heart, always. ~uppy
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I don't know how I missed this thread! I guess I don't come over here enough! I only read the first couple pages, but I had to
come to the end and say I LOVE YOU LADIES!!!! I was cracking up!

Colorluvr, I am so sorry about your mom and your pup , and especially since it was such a tough Christmas for you. I have had a couple of those, so my heart goes out to you. Wish I could give you a big hug!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr|1293409216|2806565 said:
Tough Christmas... first one without my mom and my beautiful boy dog. We knew my mom was close to leaving us for quite a while, and we also knew my pup's time with us was short, but that didn't make any of it any easier.

My pup presented with bleeding tumors on his liver just a few short days after his other tests came back positive. We had a few good days, and then it was time to take his pain away..... I will miss him forever as he was momma's constant companion and lover dog. sorry to hear that your beloved dog has passed! Those furry little people get so under your skin and leave such a void when they go. And to be without your mom too, tough.

I KNOW it's too soon, but when you've grieved long enough, I hope you consider getting another dog. When our black lab, Duke, died suddenly and unexpectedly early this year, we waited a bit, but knew we couldn't be dogless too long. My husband loves black labs, and so we went through a local lab rescue. They worked hard to find just the dog for us. His name is Sonny, he's a hoot, and a completely different person than Duke. He doesn't replace the big, happy guy, but he is his own joy. Last night he went to sleep with one of my husband's just-shucked t-shirts on his head where my husband had tossed it just to mess with him, and a pair of dirty socks under his nose. Dog and husband both, have a quirky sense of humor. Anyway, I'm not sure why I posted all that...maybe to show there is still joy to be had on the other side of a loss?

I'll be thinking of you...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

thanks for all of the kind words...... the bad news just keeps on coming for us on the dog front.... we took our female in for an ultrasound to verify if she has Cushings disease and they found a mass in her liver - got the tests back and the tumor is malignant. It is a slow growing tumor and not the aggressive type of cancer like our male had, but cancer none the less.

We are not going to do any Chemo treatments or surgery (would only be an option for a younger healthier dog) so we are just going to take it one day at a time (again). Vet said something like this could be a couple of months or perhaps several months, but that she most likely won't be with us much longer.

This news wasn't as big of a shock as the news that our male had cancer, as she's been showing signs of something being wrong for the last several months, but we had been putting it off to either a thyroid problem (which it turns out it wasn't) or Cushings (which it turns out she has) and the fact that she is 11 and showing other signs of aging. Our male seemed so healthy and acted like a pup right up until he got sick, so his diagnosis came as much more of a shock.

We won't be treating her for the Cushings, as the necessary medicine would be tough on her liver and keeping her liver as healthy as possible for as long as possible is our main concern right now. She has been moping around the house since we lost our male, so it's difficult to tell if her moping is missing her brother or not feeling 100% or a combo of the two.

We actually did discuss getting another dog to see if that would get us all through this easier, as she is an alpha female/herding dog that is used to being the leader of the pack and bossing another dog around. Our vet thinks it's a good idea, but we are not sure whether it would be or not.....

I hope all of you are having a nice Holiday season and getting to enjoy family/friends/pets or whatever it is you do during this time of year. My apologies for not responding individually to all of your posts, but for the moment I'm just trying to keep my head on straight and trying to not fall apart (again). Fortunately, my DH has today through Sunday off work, so I'm not having to deal with this news alone.

The good news is that my son's job/new apt. and life in general is very positive and after having to live with family (my mom for 6 monts and us for 18 months) due to lack of employment, it's definitely his turn for some good news, so I'm very thankful for that.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Colorluvr, I am so sorry to hear about your losses plus your latest news. I feel as I get older I am being constantly tested to see how much I can handle and this past year was particularly hard for me. But the good news is that I now know how resilient I am and I am trying more to focus on the positives in life.

My wish is that 2011 brings us all much happiness and the strength to deal with whatever life dishes out. I have said it before and I will say it again I LOVE ALL YOU LADIES!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Whew, Colorluvr, you're taking it on the chin right now. Delightful news that your son is doing well -- that's a real ray of light for you.

Dogs just don't live long enough! It seems wrong, when cats live to late teens or into 20s, horses these days into their 30s. Are dogs are with us too short a time. I'm so sad to hear about your girl. Doesn't seem fair. She will enjoy the time she has left, taking each day for what it offers her; harder thing for us to do. Any time you can do that is a gift. I know you'll pack infinite love into her & she will return it many fold. Thoughts & wishes are with you.

--- Laurie
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna


I'm so sorry to hear about your loss and now this terrible news too. Dogs are very special parts of our families.

Take care of yourself.

Oh --- and Congratulations to your son!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Colorlvr, I just want to send out some hugs to you for all you have been through these past months, and for all you are going through right now. I'm so sorry for your losses, and for the diagnosis you've just received about your precious dog. My heart goes out to you, this must all be so overwhelming for you, please take care of yourself. I am just so sad for you, and will be keeping you in my thoughts.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh boy, the 31st was a bummer. The sweet husband of a good friend of 20 yrs died in the night, suddenly. He was a honey, a short round Italian guy in his mid-70s who merrily cooked up bottomless pots of nummy special family-recipe meatballs for countless Siberian show people, decade in, decade out. A few hours later an email informed me that the sister of an old high-school buddy dropped dead of a heart attack at the age of 60.

I've always had friends 15, 20, even 30 years older than I am; have lost the majority of them. But now really see I'm getting to a time when friends will disappear at a more rapid rate. Crap. My eloquent statement on the idea!

--- Laurie
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh, JewelFreak, I'm so sorry about the loss of your friends. It seems that this time of year is often full of loss and illness. I'm trusting that the new year will be a better one and sending warm thoughts and prayers your way.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks, Gayletmom. I still have buds 10 or 15 yrs older than I am & guess it's par for the course to start losing them at their ages. I am glad for the privilege & fun of having known them & their wisdom at all. Way of the world. I also have friends 20 yrs younger than I am, which is rewarding too.

--- Laurie
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

JewelFreak|1294001647|2812514 said:
Thanks, Gayletmom. I still have buds 10 or 15 yrs older than I am & guess it's par for the course to start losing them at their ages. I am glad for the privilege & fun of having known them & their wisdom at all. Way of the world. I also have friends 20 yrs younger than I am, which is rewarding too.

--- Laurie

Loss sucks. I think your "crap" statement pretty much says it all. I'm so sorry to hear of yours. There really just does seem to be so much of it lately, for all of us. I have a good friend whose mother is in the last stages of lung cancer and whose father is in the last stages of pulmonary fibrosis. Grim stuff.

But you're right, way of the world. It gets...easier...but somehow the world seems to get a bit colder with each loss.

So sorry...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger|1294058962|2813064 said:
somehow the world seems to get a bit colder with each loss.

So sorry...

Thank you, Karen. It does that, doesn't it? But through losing good friends I came to the realization that it's all about gathering up the warmth they gave & passing it on. That makes all of our lives count.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I am sorry for all that are suffering a loss. I know I have had way too many this past fall. I am hanging in there, still on medicine. Have been spending a lot of time with friends and of course I have loved having the kids here ...

Wishing all of you the very best for 2011. May it be a happier year, one filled with hope. And what ever is ailing you, may it be lessened and send prayers of relief to your pain...

I am going to be more positive this year. I am always a glass half full kind of person, but husband thinks, I always go to the what if it's bad and think of the worst case senario... Yup he knows me well.... :tongue: I did have a virus when I was 20. I was sick for a year... So I think that's where my thinking comes from, like well this isn't going away.. I had viral menengitis and encephelitis. (SP?) I have never been in such pain, and it took me a long time to recover, was in HUP ( Hospital of University of Pennsylvania ) for 3 weeks.

HUGS to all our lovely ladies...

Lisa :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hi ladies :wavey:

I need advice from all the wonderful BTDT's -- just started a thread in Hangout about Parkinson's disease. I'd love to hear your ideas/suggestions.

I'm looking for kitchen (and general make life easier) gadgets for my grandmother who just got diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. She's been having some other troubles too -- super low sodium levels, torn tendon(?) in the shoulder, fractured foot, etc -- and I really want to find things to make her life a little easier. My grandfather is amazing (he does all cooking and most cleaning) but Grandma LOVES to cook and just hasn't been able to for awhile.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

junebug17|1293902227|2811650 said:
Colorlvr, I just want to send out some hugs to you for all you have been through these past months, and for all you are going through right now. I'm so sorry for your losses, and for the diagnosis you've just received about your precious dog. My heart goes out to you, this must all be so overwhelming for you, please take care of yourself. I am just so sad for you, and will be keeping you in my thoughts.

I'm sorry I haven't been around much either but I just wanted to say how very sorry I am to hear about your losses and about your other dog's new diagnosis. You will be in my prayers as I know handling loss isn't at all easy, and facing further illness with your other furbaby is going to be difficult too. Dear friend, you deserve a break!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh|1294095404|2813510 said:
I am sorry for all that are suffering a loss. I know I have had way too many this past fall. I am hanging in there, still on medicine. Have been spending a lot of time with friends and of course I have loved having the kids here ...

Wishing all of you the very best for 2011. May it be a happier year, one filled with hope. And what ever is ailing you, may it be lessened and send prayers of relief to your pain...

I am going to be more positive this year. I am always a glass half full kind of person, but husband thinks, I always go to the what if it's bad and think of the worst case senario... Yup he knows me well.... :tongue: I did have a virus when I was 20. I was sick for a year... So I think that's where my thinking comes from, like well this isn't going away.. I had viral menengitis and encephelitis. (SP?) I have never been in such pain, and it took me a long time to recover, was in HUP ( Hospital of University of Pennsylvania ) for 3 weeks.

HUGS to all our lovely ladies...

Lisa :wavey:

Oh dear heart, please hang in there. I always try to be a "glass half full" person too, but I know sometimes it gets hard. But it's during those times that it's OK to lean on friends and loved ones for just a bit until you regain your center. The one thing I have learned in the past eight months with my new colon condition is- life in fact, can be over in just a blink of an eye for any of us. I've learned to appreciate even my pajama days when I feel too feel crummy and too tired to be dressed and out there in the world. Just being *here* is enough sometimes!

Happy New Year from one Lisa to another!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I did want to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year! I haven't been around for the past month because of the holidays. My doctors allowed me to temporarily put our plans for my surgery on hold, so that my husband and I could spend some quality time together celebrating Christmas as it should be. (Our volunteer work has taken up so much of our time in the past few years that we didn't take the time to decorate, shop and celebrate for ourselves). But this year was different and nice. The house looked pretty good, the shopping was done and wrapped, and I started baking from scratch again which is something I really love to do. I have a couple more weeks to live a normal life, and then right back into the medical grind. I'll be seeing an ElectroPhysiologist at the end of the month, and having an ablation three days later. Then on Valentine's Day (oiy right?) or the Monday after (I don't think I want to ruin Valentine's Day), I'll be having 2/3 of my colon removed to prevent me from getting colon cancer from MAP.

But glass half full. I had ten or eleven precancerous polyps discovered last April and through the grace of God, the pathology from last November's colonoscopy shows that they are still precancerous. Somehow I made it through the year still in a precancerous state. Glass *definitely* half full. I may be having the same surgery, but no chemo and no radiation. That glass is getting fuller as we speak.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good luck gemgirl!!! I am thinking good thoughts for you and keeping you in my (non-religious) prayers!!!
And I am so happy you had a lovely holiday season!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I just want to send my thoughts and prayers to everyone who is facing such challenges and losses at this time. This has also been a very difficult year for us, too. I'm not much of a glass half full person, but I am going to try harder this year. Jim and I have been very ill with URIs. I'm not posting as much as I would like, but I am here and following everyone's news. I will be checking back regularly and posting when I am able. I wish we were all in a better space and could stay there.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Take care of yourselves, RisingSun & Gemgirl. Tough surgery, GG, but we'll all be with you in spirit & good wishes, as well as maybe a laugh or two especially for you. A good cackle now & then is wonderful for the health. That's what both of you girls deserve!

--- laurie
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Have to have a biopsy on Friday. Husband isn't doing well, has admoninal pain. Has to have more tests tomorrow.. We are a fine kettle of fish, LOL!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

First Happy New Year! I don't know what to say first, but you are all such a brave group of women. Everything we go through individually and we still find the energy to help our family members as well as others.

My friend's father (in his 80s) ended up in ICU on Christmas Day in a coma, now he has pneumonia and she has to get her gall bladder out on Monday. She fought breast cancer and has been cancer free for 3 years now. Her father has Parkinson's and it seemed like his was doing well, but even she doesn't know what happened, except that his caregiver found him on the floor.

GemGirl, yes, the glass is definitely half-full and that is why you have the strength to beat whatever life dishes out. When you see the electrophysiologist ask about the ablation in detail, recovery time specifically. What type of abaltion are you having - atrial or ventricular? From what I understand it could take several months to see if the ablation is successful or not. I wish you well. I go between 2nd and 3rd degree heartblock and have my pacemaker set on demand currently because for who knows what reason, much of my heart function has returned. So yes, I do believe in miracles and my glass is always hall full.

Love you gals!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh|1294291052|2815524 said:
Have to have a biopsy on Friday. Husband isn't doing well, has admoninal pain. Has to have more tests tomorrow.. We are a fine kettle of fish, LOL!!!

Kaleigh, is the biopsy for you? I hope the both of you are going to be OK. Prayers outgoing.....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I do not post here often but having read about the losses... My mother died in 1999 and maybe because I was not at her bedside at the time, I could not accept her death. She was sick for 4 years but her death was not expected; she died two weeks before he turned 70. My father's colleagues, knowing how I would feel, kept her on a ventilator for two days so that I could at least kiss her warm cheek... but she was gone at that time.

Well, I had been in a strange form of un-acceptance for these long years. I saw dreams about her, but my feelings were jumbled. It all had to do with no good-bye. Till this New Year, when I went to visit my father. I took a nap during the day, on a couch that she used to sit on, and in my semi-dream I had the revelation that she was watching over me. It just came like that.