
GF going nuts over engagement

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Date: 4/7/2009 12:54:30 PM
Author: Thelastrealman

Date: 4/7/2009 12:48:07 PM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 4/7/2009 12:24:08 PM
Author: Thelastrealman
I will do things when I want, how I want and will not be pressured. The engagement is my time, the wedding is hers


Date: 4/7/2009 12:24:08 PM
Author: Thelastrealman
Its not that big of a deal, it never was to me,


Does not compute.
I was getting swayed by the remarks of others, the last comment is how I feel its not a huge deal. The huge deal is the wedding imo.
Just to be frank and strictly because I''m getting a general feel that you aren''t looking for help about proposing earlier... Are you dead set on proposing on the beach... or are you looking for other otpions?

If you''re set on the beach, then this thread and everyone trying to help is pretty pointless.
Date: 4/7/2009 12:54:30 PM
Author: Thelastrealman

Date: 4/7/2009 12:48:07 PM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 4/7/2009 12:24:08 PM
Author: Thelastrealman
I will do things when I want, how I want and will not be pressured. The engagement is my time, the wedding is hers


Date: 4/7/2009 12:24:08 PM
Author: Thelastrealman
Its not that big of a deal, it never was to me,


Does not compute.
I was getting swayed by the remarks of others, the last comment is how I feel its not a huge deal. The huge deal is the wedding imo.
I was so nervous on my wedding day, I hardly remember it. I do think I tripped slightly going down the aisly, however. That I do remember, lol.
I do remember vividly the proposal, though. He did it over the phone. I was temporarily out of the country at the time. To this day, his voice over the phone is "special."
Date: 4/7/2009 12:57:55 PM
Author: meresal

Date: 4/7/2009 12:54:30 PM
Author: Thelastrealman

Date: 4/7/2009 12:48:07 PM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 4/7/2009 12:24:08 PM
Author: Thelastrealman
I will do things when I want, how I want and will not be pressured. The engagement is my time, the wedding is hers


Date: 4/7/2009 12:24:08 PM
Author: Thelastrealman
Its not that big of a deal, it never was to me,


Does not compute.
I was getting swayed by the remarks of others, the last comment is how I feel its not a huge deal. The huge deal is the wedding imo.
Just to be frank and strictly because I''m getting a general feel that you aren''t looking for help about proposing earlier... Are you dead set on proposing on the beach... or are you looking for other otpions?

If you''re set on the beach, then this thread and everyone trying to help is pretty pointless.
not dead set. I edited the post prior to this one but I''m just going to do it when its right which is very soon. I''m tired of the build up, you women got me all uppity and nuts over this. I need to not get like this cause then I overthink.
Date: 4/7/2009 12:54:30 PM
Author: Thelastrealman

Julia you''re right. I get hyped up and go overload, I love perfection if I can earn it or get damn close to it. It so hard with something like this that I think it cannot be perfect, it just has to be. I''m starting to realize the less hype I put on it the better it will be. I wont have anything written. I''m going to just grab her and look at her, then lay it out the best I know how.
Ok, but at what cost? It''s not a competition hun. I think your beach proposal sounds glorious. If you still want to go through with it, then go for it. But in the meantime, don''t ask her questions about rings and diamonds. Also, be prepared that the anniversary will probably be a sad day for her.

You are right in that the engagement is your job but unfortunately that window of time when the waiting is really cute has passed. At this point the waiting is more for your benefit than hers.
Oh, and I have to add that you sound so much like my brother. I know in my heart that he is the sweetest most caring person in the world. You are going to be fine. To hell with beaches and elevators and parks, and raiin, whatever. It''ll happen.

I do vote for sooner than later. Just kill the hype and plunge. Everyone will be able to breathe afterwards. Put all this energy into honeymoon plans! I have a colleague that planned their whole honeymoon and surprised her. I won''t even know where they went till we return to work after spring break.
I vote for no proposal in New York. You''re not "crazy" for coming on an internet forum, but you are coming across as unsure and not ready. Lots of people come here every day for engagement advice and ring feedback, and they don''t get jumped on for their insensitive/illogical comments. Your thoughts are all over the place, and you seem to really want reassurance that it''s ok to propose later. So ok, propose later.

Hopefully by then you''ll be able to do it "how you want" and "when you want." But if August rolls around and you are still making excuses about why it''s just not going to work out right, then I hope you''ll channel your energy into figuring out what you really want and what you can offer your girlfriend with a whole heart . . . and not on who misunderstands you or what isn''t the way you want it to be.
Hmm... doesn't like it when others cry, wants to stick to his own time table and plan even when its clear that doesn't meet the other persons needs or wishes... seems inflexible. Likes to taunt. Things spanking=good parent because it worked on him. This makes a good father how? OK, I am halfway just kidding, but parenting does require adjusting your plans about how things should go with the data in hand, rather than sticking to some preconceived idea of how to do things perfectly.

Sorry realman. If your girlfriend is going nuts over the engagement thing, you have some obligation as a concerned, involved party to put her out of her misery. Either by:
(a)proposing immediately or really soon
(b)breaking up with her
(c)telling her you love her but aren't ready to get married

or, if you insist on sticking to your August beach proposal

(d)that you love her and are ready to get married but need 6 monthes to get your s$0*# together and while you promise promise to take some action this year, you need *her* to dial down the expectation and pressure for the next while while you get your plans made. Then *you* need to not bring it up, not tease or taunt or test or confirm or hint or anything. Cause clearly this is a sensitive topic.

I will just say that I find your dismissal of women who get excited and nuts over the engagement thing fairly insulting and disturbing, given that you are interested in marrying one of them. Either you love her and respect her feelings, including the crazy ones, or not.

I am not a typical girly-girl, did not go psycho-nuts over the engagement thing, did not post on Ladies-in-Waiting, didn't even initially want a diamond, certainly didn't dream of the perfect beach proposal, but I grew sad, worried, and stressed out during the year-and-a-half between starting the getting engaged process and the actual proposal. By the time my boyfriend surprised me with a beautiful ring on the beach, I was happy to be engaged, but also happy to be done with waiting and a part of me would have been preferred with a ring-pop proposal a year earlier and not doubting our relationship and myself and getting anxious during that time. Not to say that I don't love my ring. And my husband did a great job, even surprising me on a tropical vacation. But after a certain amount of time together and discussion of marriage, it is hard to walk the line between tamping down expectations of an imminent proposal and tamping down expectations on the relationship in general.

Date: 4/7/2009 12:40:11 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 4/7/2009 9:47:33 AM
Author: Thelastrealman
I was making sure she wanted what I got her with a few indirect questions. She knows I''m shopping and saving so she thinks I''m just shopping. She gets turned on when I get very interested in it. Its not like the torture she gets from others, she enjoys talking about it, cause it will be hers and it is part of her livelyhood. She was happy to talk about it.
Really? You were just making sure? I ask, because it seems pretty clear here.

Date: 4/6/2009 3:16:01 PM
First off, Hi, this is my first post, please be kind. I believe this is the proper section.

Heres a little tail if you dont mind reading... my GF of 4 years has been in jewelry for awhile. Her goal in life is to be engaged to me and when I mean goal I mean reason for being on this planet, crying all day she doesnt have a ring, knows what she wants in life and thinks I don''t want to.... Anyway lol..

Little does she know I was able to get her discount w/o her knowing on a 1ct round Celebration Diamond. (4k out the door) I know this site is filled with hardcore diamond gurus, people that dont believe in buying at B&M but thats the only way I know how to buy (see it hold it, especially since no diamond is the same).

Being with her so long I''ve picked up on a lot of jewlery terms, business, schemes so I feel I''m more informed then the average Joe who learns his 4c''s.

I picked this diamond because she loves it. Her coworkers and friends all regard this diamond as the best for various reasons, some superficial, some legit.

We have shopped at a lot of B&M places, Jared, Gordon''s, Kay''s, Zales, JB Robinson, Ultra Diamonds and then the Diamond Mine in Hackensack, NJ. Only a few places had rings that caught her and I''s attention, there was always something holding me back though, either the value, price, setting, sales people, nothing really worked out, and she always came back to the Celebration...Fine.

So I got this thing now, biggest purchase of my life besides my car, saved up and paid in full much to the dismay of their credit company.

I''m wondering just how good this ring is? Its a G near colorless SI2. My aunt and my mother always told me that any girl special enough to marry is worth a 1ct diamond. 1ct is the magic number for the ladies I guess and I can see why. I financially cant afford more then what I did, I mean I could, but I dont want to. I wanted to get a ring she wouldnt want to upgrade like I see so man women doing. I was kind of sad with si2 rating but checking how INCREDIBLE the leap is from si1/si2 to VS, the choice was pretty clear.

I have pretty exceptional eyesite and its very difficult for me to see anything wrong on this diamond, ''eye clean'' as you guys say.

Basically for the price, how did I do, technically speaking? Given the guarentee/warranty, 4c''s, high facet cut, white gold, plat head, her wishes, could I have done better for 4k?

All things considered, given my effort in research and money paid, I feel I did well. I would like to get others thoughts on this class/level of diamond.

And here.

Date: 4/6/2009 9:49:50 PM
Author: Thelastrealman
Thanks Danny, I really have. Even though I put myself in the lions den here, I''m ready for the comments. I''m one of those guys that does like months of research to pull the trigger on something like a sound system this has been like a year in the making for me.

This is truely what will make her happy and I''m 100% sure of that, shes an amazing girl and this will make her face light up. I cant wait really, I just want to give her something she will be proud of, her family is big on pride (cuban/italian) and me being the tech nerd I am, I appreciate quality and value and with this ring I think for what I paid I got the best I could, especially it being what she wanted.

And here yet again.

Date: 4/6/2009 3:42:54 PM
My gf works in jewelry. She sells engagement rings every day to happy couples, guys suprising their girls, everyday.

We''ve been going out almost 4 years, she is the girl for me and I have the ring of her dreams already (unknown to her) but no matter how many times I sit down and talk to her, it still creeps back.

For awhile I couldnt afford it, then I got it and I was waiting for the right time, when I felt comfortable and in a romantic setting.

We have our 4 year anniversary coming up, I KNOW shes praying for this to be the day. I personally think its corny. I would like to do it on our upcoming vacation in August but that is a long time and we''re bound to be in a few more fights.

I tell her its happening this year, I tell her I want it to be special and in a special place. I''ve told her I wont do it in an ordinary location, i.e around this area. I''ve even told her no holidays. She still comes back to me with the. ''at least I know what I want, I wont wait forever, I guess I have to wait for you, I guess you''re not ready'', all complete emotional ramblings.

I swear its so different for guys, I understand the gravitiy of this moment, because its effecting me too but this runs really deep, she comes from a house full of women, 3 other sisters! This day has been planned for about 15 years (shes 22).

Any advice to help me out? lol I mean our anniversary is in 1 week, she wants to go to NYC for the day since we live close, There are a lot of ideal places to do a proposal but I really envisioned it on the beach during a late night walk and want to stick with that!


Doesn''t seem to be any question but that you have the ring she wants. And you know it. Yet you continue to mess with her. She gets ''turned on'' when you talk about it? Then why are you so worried that it''s ''in her brain fresh''? And why might you have to alter plans because of this, or warn her beforehand?

Sorry, I call BS. I think you started this thread for attention, or to yank our chains, or both, along with your poor girlfriend.

I''m out.

Date: 4/7/2009 12:24:08 PM
Author: Thelastrealman
I need to clear some things up cause I'm starting to wish I never even came here.

I think I'm done here.

BTW. If you are lurking. Show her this thread. If she's got any common sense and self respect she'll dump you after reading it. I would.
This impatient woman waited EIGHT years to get engaged. Maybe you shouldn''t be generalizing because not all women go absolutely coo coo over getting the ring. But you come here and say such degrading things about the woman you want to spend your life with, it''s a little sickening. You have the rest of us thinking THANK GOD THIS GUY IS NOT MY PROBLEM!!! Everything seems to be much more about you than it is her, and that would take ALL the fun out of it for me.
Date: 4/7/2009 12:54:30 PM
Author: Thelastrealman

I was getting swayed by the remarks of others, the last comment is how I feel its not a huge deal. The huge deal is the wedding imo.

Julia you''re right. I get hyped up and go overload, I love perfection if I can earn it or get damn close to it. It so hard with something like this that I think it cannot be perfect, it just has to be. I''m starting to realize the less hype I put on it the better it will be. I wont have anything written. I''m going to just grab her and look at her, then lay it out the best I know how.
Here''s the part you seem clueless about;

You lost the opportunity for "perfect" the very first time she was reduced to tears, and you had the ring and could have proposed right then and there.

Before then you could have chosen the "perfect" time or place, but once the woman you profess to love is sufficiently hurt enough to cry (whether you deem it appropriate or petty, or not), then you STOP WAITING FOR PERFECTION AND GIVE THE WOMAN THE RING!!! Anything else is shear selfishness. You don''t "own" the engagement unless your primary motive is about control and NOT about minimizing any opportunity for pain. This isn''t some "production" in which you showcase your talents or planning skills, it''s a simple declaration of love and intent. It doesn''t even require a ring. It''s about a man, and a woman, and their decision to spend the rest of their lives as partners.

I''m all for the "grab her and look at her, and lay it out the best you know how"
Date: 4/7/2009 3:24:59 PM
Author: purrfectpear

Date: 4/7/2009 12:54:30 PM
Author: Thelastrealman

I was getting swayed by the remarks of others, the last comment is how I feel its not a huge deal. The huge deal is the wedding imo.

Julia you''re right. I get hyped up and go overload, I love perfection if I can earn it or get damn close to it. It so hard with something like this that I think it cannot be perfect, it just has to be. I''m starting to realize the less hype I put on it the better it will be. I wont have anything written. I''m going to just grab her and look at her, then lay it out the best I know how.
Here''s the part you seem clueless about;

You lost the opportunity for ''perfect'' the very first time she was reduced to tears, and you had the ring and could have proposed right then and there.

Before then you could have chosen the ''perfect'' time or place, but once the woman you profess to love is sufficiently hurt enough to cry (whether you deem it appropriate or petty, or not), then you STOP WAITING FOR PERFECTION AND GIVE THE WOMAN THE RING!!! Anything else is shear selfishness. You don''t ''own'' the engagement unless your primary motive is about control and NOT about minimizing any opportunity for pain. This isn''t some ''production'' in which you showcase your talents or planning skills, it''s a simple declaration of love and intent. It doesn''t even require a ring. It''s about a man, and a woman, and their decision to spend the rest of their lives as partners.

I''m all for the ''grab her and look at her, and lay it out the best you know how''
Well said, PP!
You should just do what you want with the proposal. Why listen to a bunch of anonymous posters?
Date: 4/7/2009 3:32:07 PM
Author: lucyandroger

Date: 4/7/2009 3:24:59 PM
Author: purrfectpear

Date: 4/7/2009 12:54:30 PM
Author: Thelastrealman

I was getting swayed by the remarks of others, the last comment is how I feel its not a huge deal. The huge deal is the wedding imo.

Julia you''re right. I get hyped up and go overload, I love perfection if I can earn it or get damn close to it. It so hard with something like this that I think it cannot be perfect, it just has to be. I''m starting to realize the less hype I put on it the better it will be. I wont have anything written. I''m going to just grab her and look at her, then lay it out the best I know how.
Here''s the part you seem clueless about;

You lost the opportunity for ''perfect'' the very first time she was reduced to tears, and you had the ring and could have proposed right then and there.

Before then you could have chosen the ''perfect'' time or place, but once the woman you profess to love is sufficiently hurt enough to cry (whether you deem it appropriate or petty, or not), then you STOP WAITING FOR PERFECTION AND GIVE THE WOMAN THE RING!!! Anything else is shear selfishness. You don''t ''own'' the engagement unless your primary motive is about control and NOT about minimizing any opportunity for pain. This isn''t some ''production'' in which you showcase your talents or planning skills, it''s a simple declaration of love and intent. It doesn''t even require a ring. It''s about a man, and a woman, and their decision to spend the rest of their lives as partners.

I''m all for the ''grab her and look at her, and lay it out the best you know how''
Well said, PP!
I agree whole-heartedly with this too!
Date: 4/7/2009 2:54:16 PM
Author: Kelli
This impatient woman waited EIGHT years to get engaged. Maybe you shouldn''t be generalizing because not all women go absolutely coo coo over getting the ring. But you come here and say such degrading things about the woman you want to spend your life with, it''s a little sickening. You have the rest of us thinking THANK GOD THIS GUY IS NOT MY PROBLEM!!! Everything seems to be much more about you than it is her, and that would take ALL the fun out of it for me.
eh.. where did the 8 years come from??
he said they have been together for almost 4 years in his very first post of this thread....

he also mentioned that she is 22....
Whoops I should have made that more clear! He said that he was crazy to come to a forum that has a place for impatient women to cry about not getting what they want. I was referring to ME!! As in me, the impatient woman who waited eight years.
You''re right though, that didn''t sound right.
Date: 4/7/2009 6:06:27 PM
Author: Kelli
Whoops I should have made that more clear! He said that he was crazy to come to a forum that has a place for impatient women to cry about not getting what they want. I was referring to ME!! As in me, the impatient woman who waited eight years.
You're right though, that didn't sound right.

Thanks Kelli for clarifying.... I thought I missed a part of the story...

(back to eating popcorn and watch the show)
Just got home and saw this thread is still going on. Have to get some popcorn and catch up!!! I always miss a lot when I go away!!!!
....MMM... Well... I think you have said some pretty lame-o things, but I also bet you weren''t expecting the responses you got from he ladies on this board. We take our engagements pretty d*mn serious, ''round these parts.

My two cents (ducks from cover from everyone else)

1. Women get CRAAAAZY about engagements! Me included, me included... I went a little nuts-o over my own proposal, wanted it oh-so-badly (am glad I finally got it
) but in retrospect I didn''t need to push the issue. FI was gonna propose. I just wanted the confirmation and my little-bit-o-sparkle. Then again, that''s easy to say after the fact. If he hadn''t proposed by now I''d likely be throwing fits on a semi-regular basis and venting to my mom over the phone. Anyway- the point- it''s nothing new for a GF to turn into GF-zilla when she wants to be engaged. So... Yeah. I cried. He had the ring. He didn''t give it to me. Most guys drag it out a little bit.

2. I''m sure you DO want to get engaged. You''re probably young. You probably could be more mature... But it sounds like you love your GF. Though if she read some things you wrote on here she''d probably bit PISSED (ie: she''s petty). Only YOU know if you''re really ready to be committed for the rest of your life. I think you wanting to wait until the summer doesn''t necessarily mean you''re unprepared for the commitment. Perhaps you just envisioned it another way... (But you wanna know what''s REALLY romantic?? When a guy gets a ring, has a in-the-future proposal planned, but is soooo excited to be engaged to his woman that he just messes the whole thing up and proposes to her the same day while she''s in her pajamas and hasn''t showered or put contacts in. THATS romantic.)

3. I don''t think you have to give her the NYC proposal she wants... but unless you want your day-trip to be ruined, SERIOUSLY consider doing it before hand. Once a woman has a proposal set in her mind, every "big" event that passes without a ring becomes a total downer. That''s just the way it is. It doesn''t sound like she''s super-caught-up on it being romantic...

I''m sure you want to come up with your OWN proposal idea.... But what about... When you get to NYC and go to take a picture at a landmark or some sort.... Ask a passer, "Will you take a photo of my fiance and I?" Be sure she hears. She''ll say, "WTF..." (more or less) and when you go to pose for the picture, get down on one knee and pull out the ring.

:sigh:... Just give it to the girl, already.
Date: 4/7/2009 6:18:03 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Just got home and saw this thread is still going on. Have to get some popcorn and catch up!!! I always miss a lot when I go away!!!!
Aw, man... now I want popcorn!! Thanks a LOT!!
Date: 4/7/2009 7:13:21 PM
Author: PilsnPinkysMom

:sigh:... Just give it to the girl, already.
I do think she''ll be terribly disappointed if the anniversary date in NYC passes without the proposal. She''ll be hoping for it, and if that day passes without a proposal, just understand that she''ll be a little heartbroken.

You love her, you already have the ring, so PLEASE plan a special day in NY and tell her you adore her and want to spend the rest of your life with her and give her the ring.

What you don''t understand is that it''s not really about the''s about having a symbol of commitment that the world can see that you love her and want her to be yours forever.

Best of luck to you both!
The first time marriage ever came up between my man and me in conversaton, he proposed.
No ring, in a park, at the beach, apparently on the spur of the moment. Who knows? I'm not sure if he planned it or not.

Anwyway it was the most romantic thing that has ever happened to me, and best of all, there was not a month not a week not a day of wondering, 'What is wrong? Why doesn't he want me?!'

He DIDN'T make me wait, and I love him so very much for that.
Date: 4/6/2009 9:42:41 PM
Author: Thelastrealman

I do not get off on having ''power'' over her. I truely think a material possesion should not bring someone to the brink of insanity like it has her. You guys think I''m kidding when I say she cries? I can guarentee she gets engagements shots from more angles then anyone on this forum. The poor girl gets tortured at work, and at home. Her mother is an Italian immigrant and has poor control over the English language and sometimes says downright mean things to her.

''Why dont you be nicer to him and he''ll want to marry you''
''Why hasnt he proposed yet?''


Friends at work and neighbors, classmates, everyone is engaged and getting knocked up asking her when will it be her day, its completely horrible and shes confided in me telling me these horrible things that make her feel inept. I''ve gotten to the point of almost going in the closet and giving it to her to stop the tears and silence the critics but I refuse to be a slave to societies bs pressures they put on women. I hate it more then anything and I have spend many hours, litterally, explaining these pressures and how wrong these people are and how truely romantic I want it to be.
So, because you refuse to be a slave to society, you allow your girlfriend to suffer the consequences? That is not noble and heroic, it is cruel. I cannot imagine seeing the person I love crying because of something that is totally in my power to change (I imagine that if you have bought her a ring, you have already decided you want to marry her. The situation would be different if you were unsure of your future). Having a perfect proposal after leaving her crying for 4 months is not truly romantic at all.

As others have said, if I were your girlfriend, I would leave you the day I found out you had decided but left me in a situation where I was hearing horrible stuff, feeling inept, etc just so you could have your perfect moment. Ring or no ring. At the same time, if my BF had panic attacks in public, I would absolutely forego the BWW for something where he felt comfortable and enjoyed. This is marriage: doing what you can to make your partner happy, compromising, finding what works best for both you.

Sorry if our opinions offend you because we don''t agree wholeheartedly with you.
A few things...

*Don't EVER come back to this board complaining about your GF going crazy about getting engaged. She is clearly not proposing to you, so you control how much abuse you are getting from her. So yeah, that's on you. If you want it to stop, then stop it. Put a ring on it. Otherwise, suck it up.

*If you want a beach proposal, fine. THERE ARE BEACHES IN NYC!!!! Come on, be a little creative here. best of both worlds, right??? (that is a link, FYI)

*If you are NOT proposing for your anni (and not suggesting that you have to), then TELL HER THAT!!!! Tell her how much you love her and want to spend the rest of your lives together, and that you are planning to propose by the end of the year, but you will 100% not be proposing for the anni, and you are telling her because you would be heartbroken to see her disappointed/sad/misled. You don't have to give her clues about your plans, you SHOULD tell her if it is really not going to happen.

*Maybe you need to talk to her parents so that they can lay off. If you don't trust them not to spill the beans, you can tell them you are thinking closer to the end of the year. Be vague, so as not to lie. Women do much better with timelines than ambiguity. I'm not obsessed with a ring (would take a piece of wire at this point), or even marriage, but there is something about feeling in limbo when you are so certain about someone else that is TORTURE! Even if you aren't 'that girl'. I think weddings are dumb, and I don't like to sit around talking diamonds and girly stuff, but at times, I LOSE MY MIND, and it is all that I can do to not leave a healthy, loving, stable relationship. Seriously. And by seriously I mean that in the worst way.

I know you want this to be perfect, but think of it this way. How grandiose will your plans have to be to make up for months of torture? Compromise sounds to me like you need to plan a trip in 2 months to hit a random beach!

ETA: If you don't want to talk rings, talk future. Talk about the house that you will establish together, talk about kids, talk about your wedding (yes, let her talk about details), talk about what you are excited about in a wedding (your friends, good food, music, booze, wearing Chucks, wearing a European tux, cigar bars, photo booths, etc), let her know that you are thinking about your future together, and that she is in it. It will make her excited, but it will ease her soul a bit. Let her know you don't want to talk engagement because you want it to be a surprise, just tell her 'this year', then focus on future talk. Should buy you some time (as much as I despise that phrase, esp when men say it about women). Good luck.
He thinks she wants the diamond, and that''s what it''s about, and why she''s crying!!!
Date: 4/8/2009 3:25:03 AM
Author: LaraOnline
He thinks she wants the diamond, and that's what it's about, and why she's crying!!!

for some reason, men don't always seem to get the whole point of the engagement/marriage thing.

When we are dating, we are committed. It's lovely, and conditional. (ie, don't cheat, or annoy me, or snore too loud, or gain weight or stop cooking)

Engagement is the first step towards unconditional finality.

Marriage is a pledge of unconditional love (ie, for better or worse, til death). Just because people don't uphold it doesn't mean that's not what it is!

She wants you to say that you love her and only her, unconditionally, forever. And she wants to say the same to you.

And you are making her uncertain by waiting.

The uncertainty makes us cry. Seriously. We can (and do) buy ourselves diamonds, if that is ALL we want.

NOW do you get it?
Date: 4/8/2009 3:45:38 AM
Author: trillionaire
The uncertainty makes us cry. Seriously. We can (and do) buy ourselves diamonds, if that is ALL we want.

NOW do you get it?

Actually, the uncertainty makes us stark raving mad! It makes us break up with the guy! It makes us want to scratch his eyes out! It makes us want to push prawns into his fuel tank and scratch the duco! It makes us want to NEVER TALK TO THAT W*****R AGAIN.

It makes us clear off to the other side of the country and start our lives from scratch.

lrm your girl is hanging in there. She really is. By a thread!
Date: 4/6/2009 9:57:04 PM
Author: Thelastrealman
She has said before she doesnt care how I give it to her as long as its from me. And to the lady who only read 1 line of my entire post, I didnt mean shes after the material object of 'shiny pretty thing'. I mean its the passage of the ring to her from me is what she cares about. Those 10 seconds mean everything to her and if you had read anything you would realize this is stressing me out too and I'm from a family with no girls other then my mom so I dont have that mentality of knowing these things or completely understanding them.

Its looking like next week might be a big week for us..

Haven, yes, she is sort of petty in that way. In a house full of girls, I've learned pettiness and jealousy run RAMPANT. She's very mature and very immature in some ways. This is one of those ways, letting her emotions get the best of her which imho (and I got the flame suit on)
Well, you'd better have it on when you say things like, ""IN a house full of girls, I've learned pettines and jealousy run RAMPANT. She's very mature and very immature in some ways."

It's not very mature not to keep thoughts like that to yourself when you're posting on a forum full of women. Why even say it?

You shouldn't criticize your girlfriend/ fiancee/ or wife in public, ever, even if it is on an internet forum. It doesn't show loyalty or judgment, and while I was of the opinion that you were being given too much of a hard time, I'm now of the opinion that you should look at some of the things that you say, and how saying them appears to others.

If this is a real post, and if you truly want to get married, just do it, stop making it about you, and stop criticizing your girlfriend and her family to strangers for no good reason.
Date: 4/6/2009 10:13:38 PM
Author: rainwood
New York provides so many exciting possibilities for a proposal. Stop debating or explaining yourself and get cracking on figuring out the specifics of how you''re going to do it. Keep in mind, you want the proposal to be meaningful, it doesn''t have to be big or perfect.
Yeah, like an infinite number. So why complain about wanting to do it on a beach, after saying the tradition of proposing doesn''t mean that much to you (as opposed to her). Something isn''t adding up. The OP had me, but then he lost me.
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