
Go Green!

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Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
What is the best "green" product you use (or would like to use)?
I am a big plastic bag recycler. I love to bring in my own bags to the store. It makes me happy every time I do it.

I think I will look into that Seventh Generation detergent - sounds like a great idea!
Date: 6/7/2007 2:35:04 PM
Author: Pricescope
I have been using Seventh Generation for the last 5 years and love it. and for cleaning Nature Clean, let me find a link for their Cream Cleanser...

Thank you! Does it do a good job? They have so many different "green" products out now. Seems like a few small changes can go a long way.
I found this site that has SOOO many products on it. It would be interesting if any PSers have used any of them.
Did you know that the world''s paper industries literally cannot get enough waste paper to meet demand for newsprint and recycled paper products? I have a friend in the industry who says this is true worldwide.

So an easy way to make a difference is to vow to never again throw any recyclable paper or cardboard in the garbage! You know you''ve done it! Workplace or building not recylce? HASSLE THEM TO START! Get up a petition!

I confess that I don''t use eco-friendly cleaning products. Now I''m ashamed. I guess I should start!
Does it do a good job? They have so many different "green" products out now.

I know! Too many choices but i am using only nature friendly products for about 10 years now and figured the best out.
Seventh Generation has the most foaming (that's what i need and other products were lacking) hand dish washer liquid too here is the link
though the bottle looks a bit different on the picture, maybe they changed packaging. It comes in Lavender, Apple and Senseless. It also never damaged my skin.
I am interested in different products too. Like certain plastics and woods. I NEVER think about that kind of stuff (when buying something). The only products I really knew off was appliances, paper products or those spiral light bulbs. I never think about sheets, candles, glasses, and now they even have green computers! It is slightly overwhelming.
Date: 6/7/2007 2:52:20 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Did you know that the world''s paper industries literally cannot get enough waste paper to meet demand for newsprint and recycled paper products? I have a friend in the industry who says this is true worldwide.

So an easy way to make a difference is to vow to never again throw any recyclable paper or cardboard in the garbage! You know you''ve done it! Workplace or building not recylce? HASSLE THEM TO START! Get up a petition!
I ride the Metro into work everyday and it makes me sick the number of people I see tossing their morning papers in the trash can!!!
The kicker, the trash can and recycle bins are always SIDE-BY-SIDE, no extra effort involved, each clearly marked.
I always want to ask them WHY?!

Our biggest green endovor will come with the baby... we are going to use cloth diapers!
I am scared to death and so excited at the same time. The ones they have today are so not my mothers... most are just as easy as a disposal.
I just started using Shaklee products and really like them!
Something we like for both its "greenness" and its nostalgia value is organic milk in glass bottles. We get ours at Henry's Farmers Market stores (Wild Oats). The milk is only sold in quart bottles, it tastes awesome, and the bottles are returnable for a deposit. I can't remember the brand we get, it's a California dairy.

We also use cloth shopping bags whenever we remember to bring them. A lot of stores will give you a credit for each bag.

Also, Nike recycles old running shoes into a material called Grind, which can then be used to make athletic fields, tracks, basketball courts, playgrounds, etc. You can drop the shoes off at Niketown stores.
Reuse-a-shoe: Nike
Drop off locations
any other products?
I use a lot of TJ products and use energy saving light bulbs (we buy those from Costco). Raley''s (grocery store) takes back your plastic bags for recycle and Trader Joes enters you in a weekly drawing to win $25 at TJ every time you bring in your own bags for grocery''s! I try and walk places when I can. Hubby rides the bus some days when he doesn''t have meetings.
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