
GOG August Vintage Round Rings, anywhere????


May 27, 2003
I have GOG AVC ring made by it around June 2009. Now I think AVC is beautiful, and the ring is very pretty.
But I just fell hard in love with August Vintage Round........luckily my AVC has the Lifetime Guarantee, so I can trade in the stone and get the AVR. I've seen some youtube videos of AVR with warm colors, and feel that's the stone I want. :twirl:

My AVC is D color, and I feel a little off having such a high color in a vintage style stone.....I'm looking for more like K-L-M range. I'm going to have to sell the setting if I go with that route and I'm OK with it (I don't have any stones to mount in the setting anyway).....

I've been searching the PS for any AVR thread, but I don't really see that many......not many ring pictures either.... Are there anyone who owns this stone and happy/not happy with it? I can only rely on getting some useful opinions on this forum, since my husband and friends think I'm CRAZY wanting to trade the stone I have.........

Anyway, I really appreciate any info or opinions on AVR...... (btw I'm looking for something over 3.5crt range, warm color stone mounted in a delicate solitaire)

Thanks!! :wavey:
There is an entire thread- look in the SMTR archive of links maybe...
Thanks for the links!! They are both SOOOOO beautiful.......these pictures made me really want the AVR!!!
I'm going to go check out the GOG's facebook page now!
Wintotty have you seen them in person? And warmer colors too?
Dreamer_D|1329935974|3131790 said:
Wintotty have you seen them in person? And warmer colors too?

No, I haven't seen the AVR in person. As for the warmer colors, I have K color ACA studs (2ctw) and I really can't see much color difference when I see them side by side with my D AVC (I'm not sensitive to the color I guess ).
wintotty|1329940146|3131827 said:
Dreamer_D|1329935974|3131790 said:
Wintotty have you seen them in person? And warmer colors too?

No, I haven't seen the AVR in person. As for the warmer colors, I have K color ACA studs (2ctw) and I really can't see much color difference when I see them side by side with my D AVC (I'm not sensitive to the color I guess ).

LOL! No, you are not sensitive to color! I will say that in my experience color is subtle but pervasive when you live with a stone.

Anyways, I think you should try to see what you might buy in person before moving ahead. I sort of think it is a poor decision from a value perspective to trade in your stone though. Since June 2009 diamond prices have gone up a tonne, especially in a stone like you have which is incredibly rare and special! If you trade it in at your original purchase price to buy a diamond at todays prices, you will essentially be trading *down* substantially in terms of value, trading your stone for one of much lower color. I hate to see you do that, but of course, it is your choice. If you just wanted a round old cut of low color, then you can get one and keep your AVC. Of course, it won't be an AVR which is a different cut than true old cuts (more symmetrical, precision cut, maximizing light return etc.)

Anyways, I like upgrade policies, but because of how diamond prices have changed recently, in this case I don't think you would be getting an upgrade at all :blackeye:
You are 100% right, Ame also told me that value stands point this is not a good move.

It is more like my personal emotional move, that I'll be much happier with the AVR with warmer color I guess.
GOG doesn't have the stone in my "wish" criteria , and Jon told me that they can look into cutting one for my spec.....and it takes about 2-3 I have plenty of time to consider and see what Jon can come up with for me.....

I wish I can find the picture of 2-3 carat AVR in the ring, so I can see how it looks... :wink2:
Noooooooo!!!! :o Tell me this isn't true!!! You have one of the most beautiful rings ever posted here! Please don't get rid of it!!!

Dreamer is right, though, any diamonds bought before 2011 have increased in value and will sell for a lot more than they will get on trade in. And you may be shocked to hear what your diamond is worth now being a high color and large stone. So if you do want to change to an AVR, you'll need to consign the ring with GOG and then wait for it to sell.

I would really encourage you to see if you can keep it and still get a lower color AVR. One more that hasn't been posted (3+ct.) belongs to baby nurse, but she hasn't set it yet.


I love both AVC's and AVR's. They are just so different that it would be wonderful to have both!
diamondseeker2006|1329942995|3131854 said:
Noooooooo!!!! :o Tell me this isn't true!!! You have one of the most beautiful rings ever posted here! Please don't get rid of it!!!

Dreamer is right, though, any diamonds bought before 2011 have increased in value and will sell for a lot more than they will get on trade in. And you may be shocked to hear what your diamond is worth now being a high color and large stone. So if you do want to change to an AVR, you'll need to consign the ring with GOG and then wait for it to sell.

I would really encourage you to see if you can keep it and still get a lower color AVR. One more that hasn't been posted (3+ct.) belongs to baby nurse, but she hasn't set it yet.


I love both AVC's and AVR's. They are just so different that it would be wonderful to have both!

Thank you so much for the link!! That's the look I"m after!!

I know it is a shame to let go of the AVC......but I don't have extra $60K sitting around for my jewelry obsession, and I really won't wear it once I get the AVR ring, you know?

I don't even know what kind of price the stone I have worth now, and I'm afraid because of the size and cost of the stone, it will sit long at consignment and I don't want to be without my ER so long.....not knowing when/if it ever sells it.....on top of consignment fee I have to may as well be a wash?
No, the consignment fee with GOG is very low when you plan to spend all the proceeds for new items with them. I do think you are right that it might take time to find a buyer, though. That might be the only problem.
diamondseeker2006|1329946346|3131890 said:
No, the consignment fee with GOG is very low when you plan to spend all the proceeds for new items with them. I do think you are right that it might take time to find a buyer, though. That might be the only problem.

Or you can buy it off from me???? :naughty: :naughty:
Ahhh, now that would be a wonderful solution IF I had the money!!! :bigsmile: But I don't! ;(
Wow, wintotty, your current ring is my dream ring if I ever win lottery or run into a leprachaun. I know what you mean about the warmer colors though. I have an L AVC and love it.

Since you bought in 2009, if you would like to get the most bang for your buck, you should consider selling your diamond second hand instead of trading it in. The price have AVCs has gone up a significant percentage since you bought yours. If you gave it to GOG to relist, they will sell it for many thousands more. Might as well try to sell it yourself with a 10-15% discount on what GOG would sell it for. That is my humble opinion though.

ETA: I just realized a lot of others have suggested that. Does anyone know if GOG will consign their own diamonds instead of trade in? They would make less on that deal obviously, right? I do not think it will be a wash for you to sell it yourself or consign it. I have a fraction of the carat size of AVC that you do but my diamond would sell for about 45% more at GOG today than when I bought it in Nov 2009.
Honestly ... is this because some dumb azz jeweler told you your gorgeous D color cushion looked like a CZ??? It seems like you could get ALOT more bang for your buck ... if you truly DO want a lower color OEC ... by consigning that original ring & purchasing a true vintage stone. Maybe at auction? One of the finer antique dealers?

Personally - I'm not so much a fan of these newer "ideal" OECs -- regardless of color. Loses some of the charm for me --- wondering if maybe THAT is why you're no longer charmed by your "ideal" Cushion?
wintotty|1329942120|3131846 said:
You are 100% right, Ame also told me that value stands point this is not a good move.

It is more like my personal emotional move, that I'll be much happier with the AVR with warmer color I guess.
GOG doesn't have the stone in my "wish" criteria , and Jon told me that they can look into cutting one for my spec.....and it takes about 2-3 I have plenty of time to consider and see what Jon can come up with for me.....

I wish I can find the picture of 2-3 carat AVR in the ring, so I can see how it looks... :wink2:

Really? I have been on the waiting list at GOG for a large, lower colored AVR and I was never offered that as an option, albeit I'm dealing with Charles, not Jon. Maybe I should no longer work with Charles?

I think your AVC is amazing and it wouldn't be the best financial choice to trade it in, but if your heart wants a warm AVR then seeing one in person would be a good next step. Does it have to be an AV? Would you consider a well cut, warm OEC? That way you could have both?
nkarma|1329951236|3131952 said:
Wow, wintotty, your current ring is my dream ring if I ever win lottery or run into a leprachaun. I know what you mean about the warmer colors though. I have an L AVC and love it.

Since you bought in 2009, if you would like to get the most bang for your buck, you should consider selling your diamond second hand instead of trading it in. The price have AVCs has gone up a significant percentage since you bought yours. If you gave it to GOG to relist, they will sell it for many thousands more. Might as well try to sell it yourself with a 10-15% discount on what GOG would sell it for. That is my humble opinion though.

ETA: I just realized a lot of others have suggested that. Does anyone know if GOG will consign their own diamonds instead of trade in? They would make less on that deal obviously, right? I do not think it will be a wash for you to sell it yourself or consign it. I have a fraction of the carat size of AVC that you do but my diamond would sell for about 45% more at GOG today than when I bought it in Nov 2009.

Yes, absolutely!
Main concern of having my ring on consignment is the wait. I assume because of the size and the value, it'll sit in the store for a long time and I don't think I can go without ER for that long. I guess I can look into putting it up at GOG consignment while Jon look for the rough that meets my criteria.....will see what entails to do that.

It's funny but the local jeweler who thought my AVC was CZ is out of the business now....I passed by the store the other day and it was gone. It bothered me initially mainly because I had my AVC shipped to LM for setting, so just got scared if somehow the stone was swapped while shipping.

I was choosing between H&A Round and AVC at the time of purchase, and AVC eventually won because I really liked the big flashes and the cut over the modern cutting.....wanted to go lower for color but at the time GOG only had O or P color in the size I was looking for, so I decided to go with D color. So color wise I wasn't really aiming for the high color, I just ended up with the high color LOL. Now I'm still yawning for the Round shape, and AVR is really the perfect match with Round shape with big flash of old pattern (LOVE the flower pattern) for me. I see some people only care for the real deal Vintage cut stones, but I really love the look of AVR and I'm no expertise on cutting and spec of the choosing the AVR guarantees for me to have a spectacular optical return over trying to find/figure out the Vintage stones out there. And "just in case" I have a change of mind later, it has the lifetime guarantee :oops:
As DS pointed out (thank you, DS!), I have a 3.40 L AVR and I LOVE it. It really is a ball of fire and has a lovely creamy look to it. I purchased an AVR instead of an actual vintage stone for the same reason you mentioned; I wanted an OEC diamond with maximum optics and didn't trust my inexperienced eye to search for a genuine vintage stone and find one of similar quality to the AVR.

I hope you keep your ring; it's exquisite and surely one of the nicest ones on PS! Better yet, I hope you keep your lovely ring and manage to find the OEC of your dreams!
baby nurse|1330009482|3132416 said:
As DS pointed out (thank you, DS!), I have a 3.40 L AVR and I LOVE it. It really is a ball of fire and has a lovely creamy look to it. I purchased an AVR instead of an actual vintage stone for the same reason you mentioned; I wanted an OEC diamond with maximum optics and didn't trust my inexperienced eye to search for a genuine vintage stone and find one of similar quality to the AVR.

I hope you keep your ring; it's exquisite and surely one of the nicest ones on PS! Better yet, I hope you keep your lovely ring and manage to find the OEC of your dreams!

baby nurse, did you ever set that gorgeous AVR of yours? I can't find pics of it set?
Maplefemme, in case she doesn't see the question, she is currently trying to decide on a setting for the AVR. And she also has a gorgeous AVC to set after that! Lucky girl!

In a large stone, I would not be able to handle an old cut stone unless it was extremely symmetrical and had good light performance with no facet abrasion and a girdle that was not too thin. I think in small stones you can't tell as much about the cut (as I have a .55 transitional in a ring and it is fine). There are a few very lucky ebay buys, obviously, but if I had to pay retail for an old cut, I'd rather pay a little more for the AVR and it's perfect cut. I might have gotten one this time but the supply is low on AVR's, too.
wintotty|1329972173|3132254 said:
choosing the AVR guarantees for me to have a spectacular optical return over trying to find/figure out the Vintage stones out there. And "just in case" I have a change of mind later, it has the lifetime guarantee :oops:

Excellent point. I forgot about that benefit of sticking w/ GOG stones ;) . Interesting that the jeweler is out of biz -- but makes sense! He certainly didn't have a knack for it.

Look forward to seeing what you find!
baby nurse|1330009482|3132416 said:
As DS pointed out (thank you, DS!), I have a 3.40 L AVR and I LOVE it. It really is a ball of fire and has a lovely creamy look to it. I purchased an AVR instead of an actual vintage stone for the same reason you mentioned; I wanted an OEC diamond with maximum optics and didn't trust my inexperienced eye to search for a genuine vintage stone and find one of similar quality to the AVR.

I hope you keep your ring; it's exquisite and surely one of the nicest ones on PS! Better yet, I hope you keep your lovely ring and manage to find the OEC of your dreams!

I LOOOOOVE your AVR, it looks spectacular on your have a small finger size, so the size looks massive (in a good way)! I have 6.5 size so I'm hoping to go a little bigger than yours, too bad I used to be size 4.75 and getting older and having a baby, and being currently pregnant doesn't help at all.

I too am very interested to see what kind of setting you are going with. Do you have any prospects? Are you going to have White or Yellow metal? If I do AVR with warmer color, I want to explore the Yellow metal setting and see if there are any out there I might like....
diamondseeker2006|1330012241|3132437 said:
Maplefemme, in case she doesn't see the question, she is currently trying to decide on a setting for the AVR. And she also has a gorgeous AVC to set after that! Lucky girl!

In a large stone, I would not be able to handle an old cut stone unless it was extremely symmetrical and had good light performance with no facet abrasion and a girdle that was not too thin. I think in small stones you can't tell as much about the cut (as I have a .55 transitional in a ring and it is fine). There are a few very lucky ebay buys, obviously, but if I had to pay retail for an old cut, I'd rather pay a little more for the AVR and it's perfect cut. I might have gotten one this time but the supply is low on AVR's, too.

Thanks DS! An AVC plus an AVR to find settings for, that's a problem I'd love to have :D
Your ring is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. That being said-if it was made with an AVR-it would be my dream ring :love:

I know consigning it might take a while and you don't want to go without an engagement ring for that long-have you considered selling it to Jonathan outright? The entire ring (not sure if they'll even buy the setting but they might?). Then you can use the funds towards an AVR and have a new setting made for the AVR. :loopy:
maplefemme|1330011506|3132433 said:
baby nurse|1330009482|3132416 said:
As DS pointed out (thank you, DS!), I have a 3.40 L AVR and I LOVE it. It really is a ball of fire and has a lovely creamy look to it. I purchased an AVR instead of an actual vintage stone for the same reason you mentioned; I wanted an OEC diamond with maximum optics and didn't trust my inexperienced eye to search for a genuine vintage stone and find one of similar quality to the AVR.

I hope you keep your ring; it's exquisite and surely one of the nicest ones on PS! Better yet, I hope you keep your lovely ring and manage to find the OEC of your dreams!

baby nurse, did you ever set that gorgeous AVR of yours? I can't find pics of it set?

No, I didn't get it set yet, mostly because we spent so much money purchasing two stones (when the plan had been one), that we agreed to wait a little while before spending yet more money having it set.
wintotty|1330014533|3132463 said:
baby nurse|1330009482|3132416 said:
As DS pointed out (thank you, DS!), I have a 3.40 L AVR and I LOVE it. It really is a ball of fire and has a lovely creamy look to it. I purchased an AVR instead of an actual vintage stone for the same reason you mentioned; I wanted an OEC diamond with maximum optics and didn't trust my inexperienced eye to search for a genuine vintage stone and find one of similar quality to the AVR.

I hope you keep your ring; it's exquisite and surely one of the nicest ones on PS! Better yet, I hope you keep your lovely ring and manage to find the OEC of your dreams!

I LOOOOOVE your AVR, it looks spectacular on your have a small finger size, so the size looks massive (in a good way)! I have 6.5 size so I'm hoping to go a little bigger than yours, too bad I used to be size 4.75 and getting older and having a baby, and being currently pregnant doesn't help at all.

I too am very interested to see what kind of setting you are going with. Do you have any prospects? Are you going to have White or Yellow metal? If I do AVR with warmer color, I want to explore the Yellow metal setting and see if there are any out there I might like....

Thank you, wintotty! I'm sure you will find a stone equally beautiful! Heaven knows, it just takes patience.

The setting will have simple lines, likely something like DS's Vatche Tiffany replica (Bliss has the same). It will probably be in yellow gold but I would love to pair it with a wedding band from VanCraeynest and I'm concerned that the detail on an 18kt band might quickly wear away, so I "may" opt for platinum.

Congratulations on your pregnancy!
I love your RING!!!! But I am also very excited to see what you end up doing :)

You are 100% right, after I checked with Jon, he basically said the same thing about the value of the stone now. And it is a significant difference, I can invest in another nice setting! I'm leaning towards consigning it at GOG and see what happens. Since I'm pregnant and getting bloated more and more, it is silly to have the ring made a.s.a.p. and have to re-size it immediately....

In a mean time, anyone want to buy my diamond/setting here that'll be a perfect solution!! :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: