
good news/bad news and The French Blue

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
well, the bad news for summer is that i broke my left ankle....again. and as a result i was forced to sit....a lot.

and the great news for summer is that all this meant i was able to pick up The French Blue and read it through with very little stop.

congrats to Richard on a story well told and a book well written. i really appreciated the pictures that were included as well.

i still say this has "movie" written all over it....but i do fear that hollywood would also screw it up. it would make a wonderful period piece.

a good read from history and for the love of gems.


ps i'm going to double post this over in the Hangout area for those that fear to venture into the unknown and unexplored territory we lovingly call Colored Stones which is indeed a whole New World of its own.
Sorry for the ankle! But I LOVED the book too!
MZ, Uppy,

Bad news about the ankle!

Thanks for the kind words about The French Blue. The book is selling pretty well. Haven't yet heard from Spielberg about the movie version, so if you happen to be speaking with him...

Pricescope posted a nice review when the book came out and that helped Just in case any deal minded Scopers are interested there is a two-fer. Signed copies of both books Secrets Of The Gem Trade and The French Blue at 10% off. Course you can get them both unsigned at Amazon cheaper. As one critic said "if you missed any of the secrets in the first book, you will find them in The French Blue."

Ouch! Sorry to hear about your ankle MZ! At least you still managed to do something "productive" during your down time. =)
Yikes, MZ. Hope it's healing well.
I am sorry to hear about your ankle. Have been in your boat, too. I hope that you are able to drive, since it is the left ankle. Anyhow - good luck and speedy recovery!
thanks, everyone.......

Sorry to hear about your ankle (how'd you break it?)

you know since you're gonna have a little time on your hands, you an always learn how to knit ring cozies :tongue: *runs*

actually, i'm now reading NEW YORK, The Novel by Rutherford.

and i read The French Blue after reading the Millenium Trilogy.......

and i'm watching....of all things...Dark Shadows: netflix is a dangerous thing!


ps and there were movies: The Big Country, Big Night, Big Deal on Madonna Street, and Big Wednesday.......

luckily, i didn't dislocate it and i'm almost at the end of "convalescence". as for the actual breaking of said ankle, checking the hillside garden where it is most steep and footing uneven at best, stepped into a wet spot and that was all she wrote. i heard the "crack" of the bone breaking..... its a sound you never forget. then i found myself laying on a lavendar plant with the sprinklers watering me. sort of a keystone cop routine. sigh. i highly recommend acupuncture if you've got a broken ankle.....eta: in addition to a good diagnosis, good podiatrist, and keeping your foot elevated! and a knee walker is way better than crutches! and more fun!
MZ: Sorry about your ankle. Hope you will recover soon. I have The French Blue since Christmas, but haven't had time to read it. Now I must make time.

i had had the book since november! so, yes, you are due to start reading!


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