
grad students

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Apr 8, 2008
I know there was a topic just posted about students but I feel that I need my own because I am FREAKING OUT!!! I just started last week-but I am in an intensive cohort because I am a teacher-I have already finished one class (it was 4 days long) and am presently in one that is 3 days this week and 2 days in 2 more weeks plus TONS of work online in between. I have 2 research abstracts, 1 research paper, 2 media assignments and a presentation to do all in the next week and a half!!! Not only have I not had much of a summer (yes, I''m a baby, but that''s why I''m a teacher) but I have TONS of things coming up this week that are not school related.

How are all you doing it? I am a good student, but graduated 2 years ago so I need to get back in the swing of things...Give me advice!!!
the first step is conceding to yourself that you are no longer your own, but your university''s. you no longer have free will or individual interests and desires, but only those that they tell you to have. you work and you work and you work until you have nothing left. then you sleep, and get more assignments so you can keep working.

there''s no secret, you just have to buckle down and do it. it''s making the mental switch from filling your day up with things to do to considering your whole day automatically used up and everything not school related has to be carved out in small increments, if absolutely necessary.

just keep your head down and keep on running. you''ll get through it. and trust me, i know what you have seems bad, but it could be A LOT worse
haha thanks Mimzy-I know it could be a lot worse-this class could last longer than July 1st!!! I am trying so hard to buckle down-Thursday we have no class so I am planning on laying out and reading until my eyes fall out-then writing all about it
The only thing getting me through this is my cruise on July 5 and the fact the BF promised to propose by then!
Advice? Hmmmm....

Buckle down. Read your material and prepare a whole lot. Remember (over and over and over) why you're a GRAD student...

It will be worth it--that's the most important.

Congrats on your cruise and the soon-to-be engagement!!!
Date: 6/18/2008 11:00:53 AM
Author: Bia

Advice? Hmmmm....

Buckle down. Read your material and prepare a whole lot. Remember (over and over and over) why you're a GRAD student...

It will be worth it--that's the most important.
I think this is the best advise ever
. I know reminding myself of these things is what keeps me sane and focused when I'm feeling frustrated or overwhelmed. And, on those ocassions when I've hit a wall I ask my FI and family and friends to remind me why I'm a grad student and why it'll be worth it in the end - the reassurance and support is priceless. Hang in there, do what you have to do and remember to surround yourself with positive and supportive people
Talk to other graduate students and ask them what are the most important things to focus on. Focus intensely and do a good job on the things that need it and don''t spend as much time on all the other busy work. To me this was focusing on research and field exams, and spending less time on class work. There is always so much to do it''s important to figure out what is important and what isn''t and keep your priorities sorted out as you continue through grad school.
I am a grad student (with 2 master''s degrees) and I am also a teacher. I finished two years of intense classes and I am at the beginning of working on my dissertation for my doctorate. THe best advice I can give you is prioritize and just get one thing done and work on the next thing on your list. That''s what worked for me. Hope this helps!
Best advice I can give is when you are taking time off from school, take it OFF. And I have to disagree with the other posters...I think it''s important to give yourself some time every day that is yours and yours alone to recharge, even if it''s only a half hour. It''ll help you recharge.

And the second best piece of advice is, make study groups and study together. It will really help pass the time, you''ll learn more, and the bonding really helps make the long hours tolerable. Edit other people''s papers, read and talk about it, anything. Knowing you aren''t alone really helps.
I totally agree about taking time off and giving your brain a rest. No doubt.
Date: 6/18/2008 11:39:13 PM
Author: Elegant
I totally agree about taking time off and giving your brain a rest. No doubt.
Yep. That goes w/out saying. Time to do "you" is always important, no matter how many responsibilities you have.
i rediscovered my hobbies in my "off" time, and that joy allows me to suffer through the seemingly endless stress. it is hard, but worth it. take one day at a time and never take today for granted. most of all, trust yourself. you got this far, you can do it.
Thanks everyone!!! I did go get my nails done and laid out for a little bit this morning-and now I am buckling down to do as much as I can today. It''s just so hard when my ''summer'' has been no fun so far, but I''m making myself do as much as I can and won''t procrastinate...only 12 more days until it''s over for the summer!!
I just had to tell you girls- most of my work has been graded online and my professor gave me EXCELLENT comments and told me I write very well!
I''m SUPER excited!!!
I agree again with the time off suggestion. Otherwise, your brain stops taking up new information pretty quickly.

Also, I stressed myself out trying to be perfect, and stressing that I was going to fail classes when actually (a) I was never in danger of failing classes, and (b) no one actually cares what your grade was once you get the diploma. You should find out how much your grades will and will not matter - no point in killing yourself worrying about whether or not you get an A if no one but you will ever care. (Also, it sounds as though you''re doing A work, so why waste the energy with the worrying?)

I''m glad to hear about your evaluations - that''s the one advantage of an intense program. Fast feedback! Good luck, and feel free to drop by the other thread for pep talks too.
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