
Gramma's Rock!! Just sayin'


Mar 29, 2008
I have to babysit the girls tonight. DD and SIL will be out way past 2 a.m. :errrr:

I think y'all outta give it up for the Gramma's that can still get the nearly 3 -yr old to sleep on time, even though she almost had a meltdown when the iPad was taken away and the 10-month old is still sleeping so Gramma can surf PS for inspiration pics. I know I only have until about 11:30 p.m. before the little one wakes up and wants milk, but at least I can stay up that late. The "other" Gramma goes to sleep by 8:00 p.m.... So yanno, I win. :rodent:

Yeah, it's like that. Shout out to the Gramma's who can hang. Just sayin' :tongue:

p.s. She wants to get to work on #3 in September. Lord help me.....
You DO rock, Miraclesrule!!! Clearly you ARE the better, more fun grandmother - and you like diamonds! Yeah, you'd be my pick for the gramma I'd want babysitting me! 8-)
Definite shout out to you!! Grammas are awesome! :)
You DO rock, Miracles!!!! My kid definitely isn't going to have a gramma as rockin' as you!
You are awesome MR!!! :appl: :appl: woot woot; I bet your family appreciates your help and the grandgirls go gaga over gramma! :love: I know I appreciate my moms help big Time!
Thanks for the support, Ladies! It's clear I posted this diring my hyper manic optimistic state before the, oops 11-month old woke up. She didn't want a bottle, bur was overly interested in the flowers of my shirt by my "girls". There is just no way to help a baby understand that not everyone carries milk in their chest. It didn't take more than 30 minutes or so for me to get her back to sleep, but then she woke up again a few hours later. Mercifully, her parents arrived home shortly thereafter and I crashed in the Toddlers room. She woke up too early too. it took me nearly a day to recover from that abbreviated sleep night. This shout out should really go to the mothers who do this every day. I admit, things were a lot easier with one child, even though I was a single yeah Happy Fathers Day to me too! Hahhaha :wink2:
Oh, I feel for you, MR!!! Our daughter and her husband were over with their 7 month old little girl tonight and a side comment was said about when they have another one, and I said it had better not be too soon if they plan on me being the babysitter while my daughter teaches school! It wears me out taking care of ONE! Three under 5 I do not think I could do!
Good job! My mom kinda rocks too, but I haven't even felt up to asking her to watch both my kids (almost 3 and 9 months) overnight by herself yet. She has her hands full with just the 3 yr old!
Sabine, she can handle it... :naughty: She will just need a lot of sleep the next day. I haven't really done any overnights yet. It's more like 3:00 a.m., but it might as well be overnight since I stay over in the almost 3-yr olds room when I pull a late-nighter like that.

It's not easy, that's for sure. I can't believe my DD wants to get preggo again in September. I was like "you crazy girl" ! Like diamondseeker said...I just can't imagine three kids under the age of 4. :errrr:
Yes they do! My mother and I have never been closer than we are now. It's definitely a result of having grand kids. My mom is a pro. She takes care of my 3 LO's (under 3 years) the one day a week that I work. Is always up for weekend babysitting and is crazy enough to accompany me on outings with all three. I mean, who else can you call at 4am when when you are puking your guts out to bring you Gatorade and come watch your kids while you try and get over the stomach flu ASAP. My awesome Mom, that's who!
I love you Ponder!! Love, love, love you!! :love:

It sometimes takes grandkids for the kids to really appreciate the stuff their parents went through.
miraclesrule|1340399532|3222015 said:
I love you Ponder!! Love, love, love you!! :love:

It sometimes takes grandkids for the kids to really appreciate the stuff their parents went through.

THIS!! I really respect how my parents handled things with my sister and I, now that I'm a parent - and a parent of young adults/teens at that - it just seems to reinforce, "hey - they weren't so stupid/terrible/evil after all!". Teen/young adult years are challenging too - not that the younger years arent challenging in a physical way - but I really had a whole new sense of respect when I've now gone thru some unfortunate stuff and have turned to my own parents for support. They were there for me and they actually 'knew' what they were talking about!

Yeah for you, Miraclesrule, for being the awesome grandmother you are!! And Ponder, sounds like your mom rocks as well!!