
H&A but HCA score 2.5


Jan 1, 2023
I found a diamond with heart and arrow. However, when I use the HCA calculator, it has score of 2.5. What makes the difference? Should it be a good one or no?
I found a diamond with heart and arrow. However, when I use the HCA calculator, it has score of 2.5. What makes the difference? Should it be a good one or no?

How do you know it's an H&A stone? Do you have pics of the certificate so we can see the specs?
Hearts and arrows patterns can be found in many diamonds outside of what would be considered Ideal cutting. When Hearts and arrows were still relatively new, back in the 1990's, while on a trip to Antwerp, I found a vendor who had some incredibly beautiful diamonds, both with and without the H&A pattern. Near the end of my visit, he said he had something he thought I would enjoy seeing.

It was a diamond around sixty points, nice but not special. I asked him why I should be interested in the diamond? He handed me the viewer. It had a very good H&A pattern, in spite of having a very steep pavilion and a large table. He delighted in telling me that H&A by itself was not a proof of great beauty, but rather that of a great cutter who could balance the internal symmetry of the diamond to produce the pattern in a diamond not cut for maximum beauty.

I brought the diamond home with me and shared it with many clients as a caution against believing that any H&A diamond was automatically a top cut. One of my clients liked the whole idea enough to take the diamond home with him, along with a viewer.
IGI isnt the most reputable lab. In general, this isnt going to be an ideal cut stone (the pavillion is very steep)
I think that is a standard image. You need an image of the actual diamond.
A little leakage will be expected. Best to get an ideal-scope image from the vendor.
Hello there!

You need to ask for the diamond’s idealscope and ASET images to have a better idea on how the diamond performs. Some pictures (as previously said above), and perhaps a video of the diamond would also be helpful.

From those numbers, the table and pavilion angles don’t look ideal.

A diamond with those numbers can work very well with no serious downsides, but just the numbers is not enough to say for sure. We need imaging preferably an Ideal-scope or ASET image but a real image or video would help some.