Can we see the front of the spider ring? And also, where are you shopping to find these?! I want them all!
That is just to die for! Perfect mix of elegant and a little creepy!
our youngest workmate (in her 30's) loves Halloween, most of us who are older just didnt grow up with it
anyway when we had the fire at work last year the small box of Halloween decorations survived so put those up for our friend this week
last year i wore my spider brooch, its dyed moss agate on silver
this year its my day off so she will probably just stay in the china cabinet where she lives (because she is too pretty to just live in a box in a drawer)
the sparkly bits on the legs are CZ'z
now im wishing i had my 2nd Whitby jet necklace finished
although i tossed out the Carnelian option as it looked too Halloween for everyday wear
This is beautiful!