
Halo proportions and structure questions


Jun 28, 2006
One way I'm thinking of setting my new stone is in a halo which I love. I'm reluctant because they are delicate yet my hands are not.

I need a delicate balance of Ering/halo/wedding band proportions for a size 7.75 finger size.

I've read numerous post on PS and seen various size halo and realize that the larger melee blend the stones together and smaller melee compliment the stone without overpowering. I love both looks. I like chunky halos too. They have that lovely vintage look like Christine's ring in Phantom of the Opera.

I think I can pull off a halo if I am careful not to make it too delicate. I prefer to see the stones rather than being so tiny they blend together and lack sparkle.

Any suggestions as to the cut of mele? single, full, ideal cut? My stone is "I" color.

Maybe I'm falling into a trend but I like stacking rings and having the middle ring in a rose or yellow gold.My center stone is 9.72mm diameter.

Halo: 1.8 pt = 1.5mm
Shank: .05pt = 2.4mm

10 - 12pt or 3mm

Third Band:
5pt = 2.4mm

I welcome any suggestions to structure or proportions. I would like to try VC but I've read he prefers to make those decisions. I'd like to at least have an idea before I start talking to designers.

something like below:

A delicate halo is very sparkly when well cut melee stones are used! I think you need to find a picture of a halo you like, and then let the ringmaker discuss with you what size melee they think will result in that look. I honestly don't think any of them want someone telling them the sizes of melee. Pictures clearly show what you have in mind and then there are no misunderstandings.
A word on the cutting of the melees: There was an interesting post a while back that somebody mentioned single cuts works even better than H&A melees because of larger surfaces to reflect light. Of course, this was only true for small melees such as a 1 or 2 pointer. I found that very interesting, and logical too, given a small melee will have VERY tiny facets.
I will say that I have single cuts on my sapphire stud halos, and they are definitely more subtle than full cuts. I would probably only use those in a ring with an antique center stone, personally.
I wear a size 7 so I am with you on delicate rings just not looking right. I had a beautiful Julia solitaire when I got my OEC a few years ago and it was never quite "right" and it wasn't until after I reset to a halo did I realize it was too delicate. 2mm shanks get lost on my hand, I need at least 2.5mm and 3mm is better. I told Chris I wanted a heavier halo and he recommended 1 pointers. In the end, it's a great balance of substantial on the hand without being chunky. I would communicate the look you want (with example pictures) and what you are trying to avoid vs dictating the melee size.
liaerfbv|1458064253|4005689 said:
I wear a size 7 so I am with you on delicate rings just not looking right. I had a beautiful Julia solitaire when I got my OEC a few years ago and it was never quite "right" and it wasn't until after I reset to a halo did I realize it was too delicate. 2mm shanks get lost on my hand, I need at least 2.5mm and 3mm is better. I told Chris I wanted a heavier halo and he recommended 1 pointers. In the end, it's a great balance of substantial on the hand without being chunky. I would communicate the look you want (with example pictures) and what you are trying to avoid vs dictating the melee size.

I'm not putting anyone in this category but I'm facing the inevitable aging hands on top of everything else.

I'm convinced the lovely halo's I've been thinking about aren't going to work for me. Another downside is that I'm very rough on my jewelry.

I received my ring yesterday. I love almost everything about it. I'm struggling with the fact that I'm not sure I love the warmth of an "I" color stone. I'm very upset about it. Gorgeous cut, light performance and size! Can I live with the color :think:

Should I post another thread about what color accent stones and best metal for "I" color diamonds?
I'll go tomorrow to a great jeweler nearby to see if I'm worried about nothing or if this is really an issue for me.

I'm so mad at myself for feeling this way.

Thank you all for helping and answering my questions.

Mrs T
Thought I'd show an image of the stack I thought looked interesting. That is a cz I'm holding up to the set.

How does mixing metals come into play with higher colored diamonds? Should I be so concerned? I don't know where to go for guidance on this.
