
Hand Foot and Mouth?


Apr 13, 2008
Does anyone have experience with this? I was in the ER with my son all night and it turns out that he has it. How long does it last? How bad does it get?
Tuckins! Long time no talk. Sorry to hear about DS. My nephew had HFM about a month ago. He started out with a high fever then the rash on his hands and feet and last he got the mouth sores. He was lethargic for days 1-3 and pretty uncomfortable with the mouth sores for an additional 2 days. It pretty much ran its course in 5 days but he was grumpy for the duration. He also slept and ate very poorly.

They did use orajel on the mouth sores that seemed to be the worst and they thought that helped.

I hope it passes soon!
Unfortunately I had HFM in college. (I'm one of those people with no immune system.) I'm sorry to tell you that I was absolutely miserable for about a week. It felt like typical flu symptoms (i.e. fever, lethargy, chills), but my throat hurt so bad that I couldn't swallow. I never had any sores in my mouth, but the doctor gave me Lidocane to gargle. It made my whole mouth go numb, but it took the pain down enough so that I could eat.

I hope you little guy gets over it quickly.
Thanks guys! DS has not slept well at all, which means mommy hasn't either. Thank goodness i'm off for the summer, or this would be even worse! They gave us some "kool" liquid to give him. Its lidocaine, maalox, and benadryl. He is still drinking some fluids and eating a few bits... I'm trying to push the popsicles as much as possible!
hey there!

DD just got over HFM last week. It last about 7 days but it was only really "bad" the first 3 days. She had a very mild case though thank goodness. She had some bumps in her mouth and just a few on her ankles and diaper area.
My son had it, there was a bit of a "flare up" in my city and it went through our daycare like mad! So I knew what to expect at least. He had the high fever for a couple days and then got terrible terrible sores in his mouth -- very large blisters! He could not eat and was miserable for about 2-3 days, then he started to improve.

My younger son got it soo but super super mild, just a low grade fever and one or two weensy teensy blisters.

Its a virus that stays in the body, like herpes and chicken pox, that can flare up again apparently but never as bad. I have noted a couple times both boys have had fevers for a day then nothing but one little blister on their hand or other body part. I don't worry about that, its just life.
Hi all. DS seems much better today. He slept better last night, doesn't have a fever, and is eating a bit better. I'm glad it was a quick illness, he was just so miserable, it broke my heart to hear him cry like that! Plus, we are in a wedding this weekend and I didn't want to have to cancel!
I'm glad you son is feeling better.

Dreamer D - I didn't realize this was one of those viruses that stays in the body. Scary.
I'm starting to get paranoid that I have this. I have a killer sore throat, have what appears to be a pimple next to my lip. Went to the doctor this afternoon and she said it looked like a pimple. She checked my throat and said she couldn't see any lesions or sores. But now I've looked in the mirror and I see a two or three white canker looking spots under my tongue and the back of my mouth. Is that the same thing??

I have a 6 month old son at home, what can I do to keep him from catching this??? I checked his temp twice today (AM and PM) and he hasn't spiked a fever.
Oh dear. I really hope its not, but the spots in your throat could be a sign, or it could be something like tonsillitis or strep throat. I would recommend washing your hands thoroughly before touching the baby, and not getting too close to his face when interacting with him. Do you have any small, red bumps on the soles of your feet or on your hands? That's how it started with my son. Fever first, then teeny red spots (just a few), and then more as he progressed. His spots did not look anything like the pictures that you see online, they are much scarier!! I would suggest going back in to the doctor since you have developed more sores in your throat. I hope everything turns out ok!
Meanest virus ever! T, yes I started getting red/pink spots on my fingers and I have one on my left foot. My mouth is a war zone, I can barely talk, let alone drink or eat anything. THus far my son hasn't shown any symptoms and is still eating and sleeping. I went out and got disposable gloves and wiped down/washed every possible surface and toy that I could find. Cleaned and sterilized all his bottles + bottle drying racks.

Today I'm really tired, but more likely to do with the not eating than the virus. My water consumption is very low, so not producing as much breast milk either. Meanest virus EVER!
Oh LC, I'm sorry that sounds so so awful. I just re-read what I wrote on the baby thread and realised it may have sounded like I was comparing having a cold to HF&M. I wasn't. I just meant that I was making DH take over with baby related duties when I *just* had a cold so you should totally be resting and making J take over everything with E!

Get better soon (to LC and all the other moms and kiddos).
LC, oh no! I hope you feel better soon and E stays illness free!
My girls had it back in January, one more severe than the other. My oldest wouldn't even eat ice cream and was up for 36 hrs straight because her feet itched so bad. Finally the exhaustion and benedryl kicked in. It took them almost 2 weeks to get back to normal and the skin on their hands and feet peeled for longer than that. We even lost a few toe nails, but they have grown back. DH and I agree that we would take a stomach virus any day over H,F&M.
Ponder, oh my goodness you poor little ones. Reading online they said this is a "common virus among children" I suppose similar to chicken pox. But for the LIFE of me (and obviously since I was so wiped out by this) I *never* heard of anyone catching something like this growing up. And from further online reading, seems like this year it's a particularly nasty year for it. I wonder if any of the mamas with older kids know are familiar with this.

I *finally* turned the corner on Saturday, in that I was able to swallow. So I was finally able to start drinking fluids normally and eating solid food.
I was terrified that I would get it too since I was 9 months pregnant at the time, but while it could happen my pediatrician assured me that is was unlikely and that it would not harm the baby. My pediatrician did say that if you were lucky enough that your kids be never got it, they probably did but it was so mild, fever and sore throat only, no spots, that it was simply never attributed to HF&M. Most cases in adults are like that. Low grade fever and sore throat, but no spots. I can be a severe illness in adults. I had an acquaintance that had to be hospitalized.
It's awful! I had it for 3 MONTHS! My son gave it to me and I missed 3 weeks of work, then all my skin fell off on my hands and feet, no lie. My son got 3 bumps :roll:
The only cure for me was calamine lotion and lots and lots of oatmeal baths :( Hope y'all feel better soon!