
Having a little disagreement with this stone’s ID...


Oct 25, 2010
Okay, there is a story behind this so bear with me, but for now: looking at these photos, what would you say this stone is? (I know you can’t tell much, but go for it anyway. =)2) I want to see the answers that my lovely PS friends come up with. Basically, me and the potential setter if the stone are in dispute with him thinking it’s one thing, and me another. It’s actually really got to me! o_O Maybe I need to toughen up lol. Sorry thi pics aren’t great, stone is with the jewellery at the mo’. TIA.

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Don't know but it's a gorgeous color! :love:
Well.... I’m not sure at all but my guesses are purple sapphire, maybe an amethyst, or even a purple tourmaline. What I do know is that it’s very pretty!:rolleyes2:
It looks like a purple sapphire or spinel to me. I haven’t really seen an Amethyst this shade of pink-purple although I know there are Rose de France that are saturated.
Can't really say for sure. Amethyst?
looks like a purple sapphire to me.
My first impression was spinel. My second thought was pink/purple sapphire. But I'm still a noob in colored stone territory, so not much stock in what I say. I'd be thrilled if my guess was right, though.

I agree that the color is gorgeous.
Could be a dark Kunzite too maybe. I once saw a lavender beryl, but it wasn’t as saturated.
I can't ID stones via images. It looks like a pinkish purple stone (or purplish pink, take your pick! :lol:)

But ok a guess: sapphire, tourmaline, spinel (in that order) the stone being in the case makes it hard to really tell.
With that cut, my first thought would be spinel. After that would be tourmaline, and sapphire. I'm guessing the opposite order as Arcadian :P2.
Wow, what a gorgeous color! I can’t tell from a photo either, but I’ll guess for fun. It’s not a commonly seen color, but I would say it would be more likely to find a sapphire this color. The first photo makes me think Spinel though, the way it’s reflecting light. It would be very hard to find a spinel this exact color though, so I’ll say Sapphire first, then Spinel.
Well, I’m afraid you all fail my stupid ‘impossible-to-tell’ test. The stone is actually...A Tanzanite! (I can totally see why some of you said purple sapphire though).

So, the story is that I bought it a few years back from eBay, (Tan), and although I trust in what he sells, I do believe the stone is definitely a tanz. I sent it to a setting workshop in London via my local jewellers to ask if it could be set, as I was worried about the large feathers it has, and I got a phone call today from my jeweller. He told me that the setters say it’s an amethyst, and since I’ve not used this jeweller before and he just sees me as a layperson, and he didn’t believe me when I disputed it. I was kind of put out since the jeweller is a goldsmith and doesn’t work with gems, and the setters probably had a quick look and assumed purple = amethyst or something... Anyway, I think I’ve decided to just let it go, but it’s just annoying when someone doesn’t believe in what you’re saying. (Can anyone relate?)
Here’s a couple more pics of the Tanz. I really love it, and can’t wait to see it set, but that won’t be until next year.
AB54D44E-E7FE-43D7-98D6-8593DDCCD914.jpeg 13F18731-3CA4-4152-9A58-291196F40ED4.jpeg
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Since it’s a tanzanite, you can see the pleochroicsm?
Well I'll be darned. LOL

Tanzanite isn't that COLOR!!! But true, zoisite can be many colors; pink, yellow, green, and even pinkish purple. technically you all are both wrong:P2

Remember, tanzanite is the trade name which describes the blue blue/purple (and sometimes multicolored) zoisite. I mean really zoisite isn't as sexy sounding as tanzanite.

You could always have it tested.
Well I'll be darned. LOL

Tanzanite isn't that COLOR!!! But true, zoisite can be many colors; pink, yellow, green, and even pinkish purple. technically you all are both wrong:P2

Remember, tanzanite is the trade name which describes the blue blue/purple (and sometimes multicolored) zoisite. I mean really zoisite isn't as sexy sounding as tanzanite.

You could always have it tested.

From what I heard, Tiffs didn’t like the name Zoisite because it sounds like suicide! :???:
I did wonder what the setters would have said if I had given them one of my other coloured ‘tanzanites’? (They seem to get called that whatever the colour) I have an unheated one that looks like one of those heliotrope foil-backs, I wonder what they’d make of that!
I have tested the stone myself since I have the means to do so, and it all looks good which is nice. It’s a super unusual colour and I’d have been gutted had they said they wouldn’t attempt set it for me. When I get it back I’ll have to post some of the colours through the dichroscope as they’re super bright and pretty cool. =)2
It’s beautiful :love:. Now I have to add a purple tanzanite to my wish list!
Wow, congrats on owning that beautiful stone! Whether it's zoisite or tanzanite, the name doesn't matter. It's beautiful and rare, and I would add it to my wishlist of gems to collect if I thought there was another one to be found. :rolleyes2:
What a beautiful color and such a nice large stone. How are you having it set?
Thank you for the lovely comments. =)2 It’s funny, when I was watching it in the shop, it sat there for ages, but I kept thinking about it. I’m surprised it wasn’t bought sooner, but I think the inclusions put people off, and also the deep pavilion.. It’s 3.72cts, and 10x7.
@kindred , I’ll probably have it in some kind of halo, mainly because I’m obsessed with them, but also for protection. I’ll get some ideas later on, but I’m in the process of having a tourmaline set right now, (I made a thread about it recently), and then it’s a self-imposed ban until the new year for me! ;)2
Since it’s a tanzanite, you can see the pleochroicsm?

Yes. =)2 It’s not very obvious in the pics, but in person it’s very easy to see.
So that’s how you tricked us. :Up_to_something2:
It’s gorgeous! What a remarkable stone!
Ah when you said tanzanite, it all makes sense although none of us guessed it. Well at least they will set it for you and hopefully be careful with it. It’s extremely pretty!
@Deathspi the LA Jewelry District is swamped with purple tanzanite, but I've never seen anything like your beautiful stone. You've inspired me to look harder on our next visit. =)2

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