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- Feb 10, 2006
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Well, so everyone can have a good understanding let me start from the begining. We were very happy from the start, we were inseperable. She often talked about marriage, about the ring and how big she would like it to be and what type of cut etc. Even when we would pass a bridal store her and her mother would chat about how when we got married her dress would be better than the one in the window and make plans for a wedding that didnt exist and wasn''t even spoken about (by me anyway). Either way I did have thoughts about it(marriage) and I had dated before and never had feelings about another girl like I did this one, I just never talked about marriage because I figured her and her mother did enough talking about it for half of america. We moved in together and have allready been living together for 2 years, there were some little quirks, I''m a neat freak, she isn''t(by a long shot), she likes to go out every weekend, I''m happy doing things at home, and a few other little things. I dismissed these quirks as every couple has their pet peeves. On our 4 year anniversary I popped the question.... The excitement lasted all of a week, these little things seemed to magnify since the engagement, almost like the thought of FOREVER took over and snowballed. Overall it seemed like our spark had just died out, and then the little kink became a knot. I started a new job where I met another woman. Before everyone jumps for my throat just know I haven''t done anything I haven''t even presented these feelings to this other woman. I''ve never cheated on any of my girlfriends
, but I have to say that the thought of cheating never entered my mind until now
. I haven''t had these feelings since i met my fiance. Does this mean I''m not in love with my fiance anymore, or maybe I was never in love and misreread these feelings, are these normal feelings, should I go on a test date with this other woman and see how it goes, maybe I really don''t know what love is, I''m so confused. I know if I tell her about my feelings it''s going to turn into a huge confrontation with yelling crying and who knows what else. Its a confrontation I really don''t want to have to face. HELP ME!