My boyfriend has joked for a long time that he was going to change his last name to mine when we get married because he does not like his last name. It is really long and has "tits" in the middle. I never really thought he was serious about it and I always imagined changing my name to my future husbands last name. I dont particulary feel all that fond of my name either. Again I never thought he was serious nor did I think his mom would react well to that since his dad died when he was young and it was the one connection he still had with his father. Well I guess him mom actually brought it up with him today. She was frustrated because her e-mails sometimes get filtered/blocked from some workplaces because of the "tits" part of the name. I am a teacher and that aspect never really crossed my mind! He suggested we create a new name or take mine. What an interesting thing to now have to ponder along with wondering when he will actually propose!