
Healing Properties of gems

Do you belive in the healing properties of gems?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Maybe but I''d still go to a doctor

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Nov 11, 2004
I was wondering if anybody on PS believes in the healing properties of crystals and gemstones and if anyone has had any experience at with crystal healing.
Hi all

A very interesting topic!
I dont know for sure but for I think they may . I have carried two large pieces of sapphire curundum in my pocket for a number of years to use when I devine new areas of sapphire bearing wash. In that time we have had good luck and health so I guess it must work ??

Cheers Andrew Lane
Being happy and enjoying life has a major impact on your health! So if having nice colored gems around you contributes to your happiness - then lets get more color!
When I first read the poll, I MISREAD it. I thought that the third choice was that if I started to believe in the healing power of gems, I wanted to be SENT to a doctor!

I am afraid I misread it due to my point of view. I am definitely in the camp of: I don''t believe in any healing properties of gems and will not until the result of tests showing their healing properties are replicable and accepted by the scientific community.

Often times 90% of the healing process is in the mind.
If someone thinks something will work it often will.
Other than that no I dont believe in it.
I completely agree, Strmrdr. I believe if you *think* it is helping, then it *is* helping.

I don''t think wearing gems will heal me from an ailment, but looking down on a beautiful bauble on my hand does give my spirits a boost and brings a little happiness to my day.

Date: 3/30/2005 7:47:27 AM
Author: Bertrand
Being happy and enjoying life has a major impact on your health! So if having nice colored gems around you contributes to your happiness - then lets get more color!

Now THERE''S a statement I can agree with 100%! I''ve surrounded myself with beautiful colored gems of many kinds and it definitely contributes to my happiness and well-being. I repeat Bertrand''s mantra: Let''s get more color!
i agree with what others have said.....if you believe that they help, then they do.

*and there's no bitter aftertaste
Of course gems can have a positive effect on healing. I don''t think that it''s all about belief either. I think that color, proportion and symmetry in any object can modify a persons mental focus and can cause a reduction in stress and the physical problems that it causes. Sort of like meditation that''s helped along by that object. If you are asking if the obect itself can affect your health, well I don''t know. My ex said that she could feels something coming from various crystals. I can''t, but that doesn''t mean it doesn''t happen. I do know that some gems can make a person feel sick. I was cutting a peridot once that to me was the most hideous khaki green color that I felt like heaving whenever I looked at it.
The client loved it however, so that made it worthwhile.
Date: 3/30/2005 11:50
1 AM
Author: Michael_E
Of course gems can have a positive effect on healing. I don''t think that it''s all about belief either.

There you go. The opinion that balances mine. That''s the reason they make vanilla and chocolate! :-)

Does it show I am obsessed with these things ?
without Pricescope to take away some of the simptoms... it used to be pretty bad !

C''mon guys. It''s nice to have some props and that trip to the backroom of the right jewelry shop is allot better than any Spa stress relief session. I am not the only one - my jeweler seems to have mastered the art of making ladies feel good to perfection. Perhaps aromatherapy would be cheaper, but all things jewelry make a better hobby.
a friend gave me a peridot ring, quite lovely set in gold. over 5 carats. however, it was a ring she wore and decided to give to me. i had nothing but bad luck in my life with that ring in my life, whether i was wearing it or not...but it was worse when i did wear it. picked up her vibes as i hadn''t ''cleansed'' it, or so i was told. didn''t think much about it but i gave it back to her and that streak of bad luck disappeared magically. coincidence? i might have thought so at one time but now i don''t.

peace, movie zombie
Anything that sells gemstones is fine by me. However, just as there are charlatans in the gem trade, there are in equal if not greater number of people, willing to sell snake oil. Preying on each others emotional needs seems to be uniquely human. A response to crystals is nothing more than a response to color, in my opinion. Your eye perceives, your mind translates into whether or not you are looking at a soothing color, something that irritates you or a neutral color. The belief in the healing power of crystals is by no means a new concept. If a certain crystal "works" it''s not the crystal, it''s you rmind that "works". We can just as easily fool ourselves as we can fool each other.


"Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel."
Nero used to watch gladiators fight to the death through a large emerald crystal. He said the cool green soothed the sight of the savage bloodshed.

So I guess emeralds could be considered healing, in a soothing sort of way.
OMG! re:nero

Great topic! I voted 'maybe'.

I can't say I've noticed anything major except that wearing a lot of rose quartz seems to coincide with super-emotional times for me. It could be just a mind trick but I avoid it anyway.
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