
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 2nd Feb till 8th Feb

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Yesterday I walked and my allergies were going nuts so I took a benedryl. I couldn't stay awake so I ended up taking a nap when we should have gone to dinner. Hubby is just a sweetie pie
and laid back and he was fine with us going out to eat today. We were suppose to go to the zoo with my family but it was too windy for us since our allergies are going nuts already so they went without us.

We went to this yummy Vietnamese Restaurant but the sad news is this place is closing next Sunday
I guess it is another sign of our economy which is a bummer; I pray things turn around soon for everyone. We were going to go see a movie after eating but the skies got dark and even more windy so we came home and just relaxed. I guess if it is too nutty I probably need to work out at the gym.

I am crossing my fingers and toes tomorrow that I don't need a root canal; I meet with the specialist tomorrow. Have a great rest of the weekend dear friends

LOL, JEFF about upsetting the wonder women. Awesome job doing boxing/Jujitsu; sounds like an awesome workout and lots of dedication!!!

KIMI, sorry about the computer. Yay for being down to 127, awesome!

ZOE, it is understandable you are feeling that way; I think it is hard for us not to feel a bit sad about the state of the economy. Hugs and prayers that your hubby finds work soon. I was reading that people who workout during this time helps their over all wellbeing so that is a good thing you are doing. Maybe buy a pretty new nail polish or bubble bath? I know that isn't going to solve things but just browsing Target without buying to many things is a fun pick me up.

TACORI, yes friend! hehe Give Tessa a hug for me and I hope she feels better soon. Yay for your walk!!! Go Tacori go!!!

MARCY, thanks for the bday wishes for Mr. Skipper. Oh no, I am so sorry about your tooth!! Did you get in to the dentist yet? Woo hoo to being a Motivator, you are!!!!!

ROD, yay for sleeping in dear friend!!! I hope you slept longer this morning. Your market fresh sounds yummy; I wish we had a Market Fresh. We only have Whole Foods and Trader Joe's and the regular grocery stores.
Hey there...I am relatively new to PS and happened upon this can I join the ''health club?''

I need to lose some weight I had gained back this year, it was a tough one emotionally...this is my typical ''weight loss and exercise'' time of year, but got knocked down on Christmas Day with a nasty, painful led to "Bell''s Palsy" - which causes nerve damage to the major facial nerve that controls eyelid/eyebrow/cheek/mouth-lips/taste buds and causes a temporary facial paralysis. The only ''cure'' is I have been pretty much resting and not able to exercise at all for the last six weeks and still face several more weeks before I am fully recovered. Some people recovery quickly, others have the side effects for months. I have had some minor improvements so far and am hoping for a full recovery, but I can''t push myself in the meantime...I don''t want to risk making my recovery slower, or risk developing permanent side effects.

My hubby and I had planned to re-new our wedding vows this spring, after a tough year, but now have them on hold...probably until next year on our anniversary. This is kind of good because I''ll have plenty of time to get back into shape before then...and we''ll have more time to plan everything.

Anyway, I am finally feeling better physically and want to get back on the bandwagon and start watching what I''m putting into my mouth, instead of eating to cope with all that has happened in the last 6 weeks, AND the last year.

So if I am welcome, I''d like to join, looks like you are all doing a good job of keeping each other on track, with encouragement, which is what I need right now.

Hi Ara Ann - - welcome to the HLT and to PS! I''m sorry you''ve had to deal with Bell''s Palsy. Someone very close to me had that not too long ago and is on the mend now. I hope you''re doing okay. Congrats on renewing your vows! Where are you planning on doing that (if you don''t mind me asking)? I think it''s a very romantic thing to do. How long have you been married?

Everyone is always welcome here! You''ll find that everyone on this thread (and PS as a whole) is a very supportive and friendly place to hang out.
Thanks Zoe!

And after getting ''BP'' - I have heard from SO many people that they know others who have had it is very common and very life changing...I am more appreciative of the small things now, things I had taken for blinking and being able to speak clearly!

I started a thread on the vow renewal/Bell''s Palsy situation earlier today...we basically decided today to put it off until next year, so I was kind of disappointed...but now I feel like I''ll be in a better frame of mind and in better shape by then!

Here is the link to my other post, it explains the vow renewal and''s easier than trying to explain it all again!

I am looking forward to feeling better, even though I can''t really exercise a lot yet, I can do small things to at least feel like I am in more control.
I got in a bonus day of exercise today since my goal is 5 days per week I did 6. I did my 30 min walk/jog routine and increase my intervals from 2 min walk/4 min jog to 3 min walk/7 min jog.
Zoe, Dee*Jay might have better advice b/c she is an actual RA. DH is a flipper/investor. & townhouses are usually harder to sell. At least here they are since they are the same price as a starter home and most people want the privacy and space. I know DH tries to make his properties extra special. Granite in a neighborhood that usually doesn''t have it, stainless appliances, etc...paint your house neutral colors & neutral carpeting. Putting money in NOW might save you on carrying costs later if it is a quick sale. Otherwise price it right. A house that doesn''t sell is usually b/c it is too high. People get emotional and sometimes think *their* home is worth more than it is. But memories don''t make it worth more if you know what I mean. Also he always puts in an agent bonus. Most people are motivated by money so will show/push your house more if you offer $1000 bonus to the buyer''s agent. This is listed on the MLS notes. Also, Dee*Jay will not be a fan, but do not use a full listing agent. There are flat fee agents that will put your house on the mls (here there is one for $300) and this will save you at least 3%. I am NOT a big believer in open houses. Those are more for nosey neighbors. If you really must have a RA try to get them to do it for 1% or 1.5%. DH has one that is HAPPY for the work and will do this. He still makes money so it is a win-win. Good luck Zoe. I am SO sorry you are in this situation. I wish I could help you more.

kimberly...I am jealous! Haha. Not sure what your goal is but mine is 120-125 so I will be thrilled when I FINALLY see 127. Haha. Hope things improve for you and your DH in 2009!

Skippy, good luck at the dentist. The economy is really bad. The daycare I just found CLOSED too!
Hopefully those pesky molars will pop through. I think that''s the problem and who could blame her. We went on another walk today (shorter b/c she was getting fussy but at least it was moving my body). Taking my laptop back tomorrow. Yay! We have Fresh Market here too. Good food!

Welcome! Motivation is so important so you are half way there. So sorry about your BP. I also know someone close to me with it. You can barely tell though. What is your weight loss goal?

Happy Sunday!My lack of sleep continues.I got about 5 hours max last night.I am getting a cold too.Rats.Me and my Puffs haven’t been too far apart today.I keep sneezing a lot too.

I made homemade beef noodle soup for supper.I thought it might help my cold but not so far.

Marty’s PC appears to be dead.He is trying to get it running but not having any luck so far.

Zoe, being down is certainly understandable when you are worried about fiancés.It is pretty scary out there right now and I know your husband is still looking for a job.It has got to be tough to deal with that stress all the time.My thoughts are with you both.That is awesome your nutritionist was so impressed with your food diary.Marty is feeling pretty good, thanks.

Tacori, I have a friend who has me in her cell phone as PITA.LOL!She’s a lot of fun to tease.I was very excited to be the motivator of the day.I got lots of compliments and a lot of questions.This one poor lady was pretty much begging me to save her.I was polite in my answer but told her she pretty much had to do it for herself.I didn’t want to be rude but there isn’t much I can do for her if she’s not willing to commit to it herself.I hope Tessa feels better soon.

Kimi, Marty can sympathize with you and a broken computer.I hear things being taken apart in the computer room.

Jeff, glad to hear you still enjoy your training and workouts.

Skippy, sorry to hear your allergies are still going crazy.I actually bought some real decongestant today at a pharmacy.I had to give them all my info, show a photo ID and sign something saying I wasn’t going to make anything illegal or sale it to someone else.Wow!Good luck with the specialist tomorrow.I will be either getting a large filling or a crown.That’s now the type of gold I want to buy.Tee hee.I hope to get in to the dentist tomorrow or the next day.

Ara Ann, welcome to our little HLT group.Sorry to hear about Bell’s Palsy.I hope you recover soon.How wonderful to renew your vows.How long have you been married?

Appletini, yay for a bonus day of exercise.I felt like I ran around all weekend so I am using my treadmill tonight as a clothes hanger to dry some of my clothes.

No verdict from Marty yet but he’s still digging through stuff in the computer room.




Hey......It was absolutely beautiful today. First, I sletp till 10 this morning. That''s such a treat to begin with!! We actually had breakfast on the terrace for the first time in a couple months. It''s going to be in the high 70s the rest of this week!! Charlie had to be at work at 2 this afternoon, but we managed to have lunch and coffee at Sbucks. We tried to eat at Panera, but it seemed like a bussload had just gotten there. Since time was critical, we had breakfast sandwiches at Sbucks with coffee. I really like these new breakfast sandwiches there. Tasty and not greasy at all. After Charlie went to work, I had my car washed, then hit the gym around 3 PM. I had a really strong workout. Maybe being rested and having had some protein before my workout helped. After the gym, I had to do the grocery shopping and I needed to figure out what to have for dinner. I wound craving a steak, and bought myself a really nice (lean) New York Strip steak and a salad. I haven''t had a steak in the longest time and I must admit I enjoyed every single bite! Charlie was supposed to work till 11 PM, but he managed to get home around 9. I''m still kind of hungry, so I may have a bowl of cereal before I go to bed. Tommorow''s Monday, so it''s a Sushi night.

Oh Marcy, I''m sorry you''re still not sleeping well, you broke part of a tooth and you''re coming down with a cold. Which may explain the not sleeping well thing. Often before I get sick, I can''t sleep. Then, I can''t stop sleeping once I''m sick. It''s great your friends were so impressed with the Amazing Shrikning Woman!!
I hope you feel better soon. I''m sorry about Marty''s laptop.

Zoe, what you''re going through is 1,000,000% normal. Trust me. Kimberly put it so well, but there are so many of us who are having difficulty (me and Charlie included) with this awful economy and it''s just OK to head of your own pity party. Just so you know, we used to make a great living. We both worked for the same company for 16 years, then last January, when the company was in financial trouble, they closed hald their offices, including every office in Florida, we were both laid off. For 5 months we searched for work and we did take jobs, they don''t pay even a small fraction of what we used to earn, yet our expenses were set at the level from when we made good money. So, trust me, I completely understand the pressure you feel. Our condo, which is way beyond what we can afford, has been for sale almost a full year now. And we''ve dropped our price substantially and it''s absolutely drop dead gorgeous. I just have to have hope it will sell before all our retirement money is gone. You just have to have faith that this too shall pass and as long as we''re healthy, we''ll all be fine.

Tacorie, 4 - 5 times a week is quite a teffiric goal and I''m proud of you for doing it!!

I''m sorry your computers still broken Kimberly. And a big YAY for being down to 127 lbs!!

Hey Healthy Guy #2! It''s nice to see you and I''m glad you''re sill into the Jujitsu routine!

Sorry for your allergies going bonkers Skippy. Benadryl does make you sleepy. It is sad to see so many businesses going uder because of this awful economy. I hope the wind finally calmed down. I wish we had a Trade Joe''s, but at least Fresh Market and Whole foods are good.

Welcome Ara Ann! Everyone is welcome to our healthy family here. I hope you find much inspiration and friendship here! I hope you fully recover from BP soon.

OK.......enough from me. I hope everyone had a really good weekend and the upcoming week is good for all!
Hey everyone. I kinda of fell off the planet at the end of the week, but I''m back. The weather in Chicago has be GOR.GE.OUS! I missed yoga on Thursday, but I went for a run outside (SHOCK!) on Friday. I''ve been sore all weekend because of that, but I really liked the chance to run outside. The next week should be warm enough for more outdoor running. I think we''ll still hit yoga too though.

AAANNNDDD: I FIXED MY OVEN!!!!! I''m soooo happy. I made a celebratory mac n'' cheese on Sat. Tonight was a roast chicken. I have meatloaf and lasagna lined up for later this week too. I need to make enough food for James because I''m going to Denver this weekend for some skiing with friends. :) :) :)

Deejay, hugs to you. I''m glad you say you and Bill are still on very good terms. That''s rare.

Marcy, how''d your cake turn out? Sorry about your t

Rod, how was the parade? What exactly is a "Gasparilla"?

Ara Ann, welcome!!! It''s good you''re recovering from BP, and we''re here to help you with your healthy goals :) I find all the folks here are such great motivators.

Zoe, I hope you feel better. I find the best way to get out of a funk for me is to do something totally different than what i''ve been doing. Just to shake things up. Sometimes I just spend the whole weekend with my sister, sometimes it''s a super cleaning extravaganza, sometimes it''s spa time.

Kim, bummer abotu your computer. I hope it''ll be fixed soon.

Skip, hope your allergies are better. And happy belated B-day to Mr. Skip.

Rod, I am glad you had a beautiful day in Tampa.A steak is always a good idea for a nice dinner.Marty is reinstalling everything on his PC right now.Let’s hope it works or he’ll be shopping for a new gaming system.I definitely have a cold.I hope to get to bed a bit early as I am so tired.

Lliang, glad to hear you are having nice weather too.We had rain and snow today and have freezing fog tonight.My cake turned out good so far.I will frost it Tuesday night and mix up my different colors for decorating.We are transferring a rainbow pattern then using the star tip to make most of the design.We are also going to do writing and a border.Wish me luck.

I’m off to bed about 30 minutes early.

See you on next week’s thread.


I will post tgis in the new thread later too but thought I would nip in and leave my weigh in news as per usual.

Lost 1lb this week, which surprised me as I have had a BAD week tracking wise. I hope it doesn''t catch up with me next week!

See you all in the new thread, and sorry for being so absent this week!
I know a new thread is going to start today, but I wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome! I am looking forward to getting to know all of you too!!
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