
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 30th November till 6th December

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

Sorry again this will have to be short, had to run out unexpectedly so not much time! Anyway heres the thread and have a great week
Good Morning!!!! Hubby and I went to play the pub trivia and our friends the other couple didn't make it but our other friend did so we came in 3rd place even though it was the 3 of us. hehe Tonight I will be going to the gym.
We have a bean veggie soup for dinner, yum. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Hubby and I had a great time watching movies and going for walks.

Oh just thought I would throw this out there, it helps me stay on top of things (and be aware) during the holidays but I was reading people gain between 5-10 lbs over the holidays. I am going to try and get in some long workouts when I can, etc.
HAPPY MONDAY and last day of November!!!

MARCY, yay for walks at the home center!!! Hubby and I had fun watching movies; we hardly ever do it so it was so much fun catching up on movies we have not seen. hehe Yay for almost being done w/shopping.

ROD, yay for an uber workout!!! I missed desperate housewives so I need to catch up it sometime this week. Oh how fun to walk in the snow. It is pretty cold here but no snow.

TLH, woohoo for your runs!
Lisa- I hope that your dad is doing alright. Prayers outgoing.

Rod- so glad you got to sleep in!

Skippy- I love shopping for baby clothes! I bought my neice some 2T stuff.. because I couldn''t help myself (she''s only in 18 mo stuff now... but she is in the 27th percentile, so she''s a slow grower!) Glad you had fun during trivia night!

Lorelei- I hope your week is awesome, and car troubles resolved!

deegee- hope you had a safe drive to charlotte!

marcy- I''m glad you got the couch in the fabric you wanted! Sometimes the littel splurges are the most worthwhile! I''m sorry you made the trip only to put down all your things. What a bummer to wait in such a long line and have her not even check you out. sorry!

Everyone happy monday! The last day in November, and then the xmas countdown in my house begins. WHOOP WHOOP! Got up and ran this morning. The weather was crisp, but the beefy race tee I was wearing made me so warm, I hiked my shirt up 80''s style. You know what I''m talking about... front knot twist and stuck under. Oh yeah. My navel was coming out this mornin... I saw these really cool flashlight sticks at Target in red and green. I''ve asked for them for xmas... I''d love to tuck them in my hydration belt like little flares... so we''ll see if I get them or not. Weekend was good and lazy. I leave for the Vegas 1/2 marathon this weekend. So this week will be busy trying to get the weekend chores done before hand.

"Clarence: Clarence Oddbody, AS2.
George Bailey: Oddbody... Hey, what''s an AS2?
Clarence: Angel, Second Class."
It''s a Wonderful Life
Date: 11/30/2009 12:39:21 PM
Author: tlh
Lisa- I hope that your dad is doing alright. Prayers outgoing.

Rod- so glad you got to sleep in!

Skippy- I love shopping for baby clothes! I bought my neice some 2T stuff.. because I couldn''t help myself (she''s only in 18 mo stuff now... but she is in the 27th percentile, so she''s a slow grower!) Glad you had fun during trivia night!

Lorelei- I hope your week is awesome, and car troubles resolved!

deegee- hope you had a safe drive to charlotte!

marcy- I''m glad you got the couch in the fabric you wanted! Sometimes the littel splurges are the most worthwhile! I''m sorry you made the trip only to put down all your things. What a bummer to wait in such a long line and have her not even check you out. sorry!

Everyone happy monday! The last day in November, and then the xmas countdown in my house begins. WHOOP WHOOP! Got up and ran this morning. The weather was crisp, but the beefy race tee I was wearing made me so warm, I hiked my shirt up 80''s style. You know what I''m talking about... front knot twist and stuck under. Oh yeah. My navel was coming out this mornin... I saw these really cool flashlight sticks at Target in red and green. I''ve asked for them for xmas... I''d love to tuck them in my hydration belt like little flares... so we''ll see if I get them or not. Weekend was good and lazy. I leave for the Vegas 1/2 marathon this weekend. So this week will be busy trying to get the weekend chores done before hand.

''Clarence: Clarence Oddbody, AS2.
George Bailey: Oddbody... Hey, what''s an AS2?
Clarence: Angel, Second Class.''
It''s a Wonderful Life
I love that movie!!
hey all, just a fly by today. Weekend was long, good thanksgiving, I managed to control my portions well. amazingly at the end of the weekend I had not gained one bit and remained at 111. I do feel bloaty though.... like I''m holding a bit of water. Got in some walking in the woods, and walking to look at christmas trees yesterday, and Black Friday was a workout on it''s own. Hope everyone has a fantastic monday!
Lorelei- me too!!!

df- way to keep the weight in check over such a stressful holiday. Glad you enjoyed your woods walk... sounds fun! Enjoy some good books this holiday season, as the weather begins to chill a bit!
Hey........I woke up early (waht''s with that??) this morning, so I just got going and was in the office well before 8 AM. At least I was orgnaized for the start of the new week. As work days go, it was OK. Nothing bad happened. Nothing exciting happened. I just got some things accomplished I needed to get done. We decided not to go for sushi tonight. We had just had it Saturday night, and we have enough turkey soup/stew to feed an auditorium, so we had soup for dinner. I''ll probably have it one more night, then that''s about all the turkey related meals I can handle for a while. I''m going to the gym tomorrow night after work, so tomorrow night''s check in will be short.

Thanks as always for getting us started Lorelei. I love It''s a Wonderful Life too!

I''m glad you had fun playing pub trivia Skippy! I hope you have a great workout at the gym tonight.........I wound up DVR''ing DHW last night, so I can wathc it sometime this week.

Thanks tlh, I''m glad I got to sleep in too! I''m always so impressed to hear you got up and ran. How exciting you''re going to run the 1/2 in Vegas this weekend.

Yay for not gaining anything over the holiday dragon!!

Marcy, you''re probably posting at the same time. I hope you''re happy with the new furniture. I''m glad the furniture company will donate it for you. Thanks for saying all the best guys are from the DC area. I must agree with you......LOL!!!

OK.......see you all tomorrow night........
Back from Step Aerobics; our instructor said she would work us hard because she knew people had 2 slices of pumpkin pie.
She worked us super hard. Hey I didn't have pumpkin pie!

I need a shower! Have a great Monday Night. Not sure if I can check in; I will have my nephews this week.

DRAGON, woohooo for doing well w/ portion control and working out!!!

TLH, woohooo for your uber runs! hehe to the 80's shirt; I totally did that!

TLH and LORELEI, I love that movie too! Yay for holiday movies!!!

MARCY, I was looking at last years thread and congrats on keeping your weight off a Whole year!!!
You should be proud!

ROD, I will think of you when I watch DHW! lol, that is all the turkey dinners you can have. hehe I had soup for dinner too. Sorry you woke up early.
Date: 11/30/2009 12:39:21 PM
Author: tlh

Skippy- I love shopping for baby clothes! I bought my neice some 2T stuff.. because I couldn't help myself (she's only in 18 mo stuff now... but she is in the 27th percentile, so she's a slow grower!) Glad you had fun during trivia night!
TLH, aww, little girls clothes are the Cutest!! Yay for your marathon in LV, you seriously are super awesome!
Good evening, folks!

Skippy - sounds like you and hubby had fun with trivia. I stink at that, and the only trivia hubby knows is about sports. We''d come in last place! Ooh - have a great time with your nephews!!!

tlh - I remember the 80''s t-shirt style. Sexy. I''ve been putting off taking my fall wreaths down, but I guess I should do that today since it''s officially December! I don''t get in too much of a Christmas mood until we go shopping for our tree, which will be this Saturday. I love going out in the cold to the Christmas tree lots at the farmers market. We have a lot of fun, and it''s such a festive atmosphere. The vendors always have hot cider or hot cocoa and there are lots of people walking around. I love it!

dragonfly - yay for keeping everything in check for Thanksgiving! Glad you had a good one!

rod - some days uneventful workdays are a blessing! I''m with you on the turkey related meals.

We just got back from walking, and it''s freezing outside! It was 32 before we left, and in the 20''s when we got back. A genius who lives at the top of the monster hill has been draining his pool with the hose stretched into the road, which had a nice icy layer on it tonight. He''s going to hear it from me if I fall! We had a nice visit to Charlotte, but I chickened out of wearing my skirt and wore jeans to the concert instead. And then I got mad at myself for chickening out! We had tacos for dinner tonight, and I found whole grain taco shells that our grocery store hasn''t had before. They were pretty good, and much less fattening than the regular shells. My problem with eating tacos is that I LOVE salsa, and could dump a gallon of it on my food. Calorie-wise, not too bad. Sodium-wise - we won''t discuss. Have a great Tuesday everyone!
Hi my PS HLT friends. I am setting on my new love seat right now. It''s so pretty. We like them. I spent most of the evening putting the living room back together so I will post more tomorrow.

Take care!
I''m with you on the turkey related meals, but I had my fill of Turkey by Saturday! haha! Hope you have a fun and exciting work week, and a great gym workout!

Skippy- Glad your instructor worked you hard, even w/o the pumpkin pie! Thanks for the props, and I cannot resist... though for your nephews, I saw the CUTEST little suit at Target, on sale. It was a pants, vest, white shirt and a little tie w/ bulldogs on it... I wish I had a boy to shop for... just an FYI if you love Tar-zhgay!

Deegee- oooo tree shopping sounds awesome.. what a terriffic time! sounds like you need a little christmas, right this very minute!
Okay, your neighbor is an idiot... I''m glad you didn''t get hurt! I''m a bit disappointed that you didn''t wear your sexy skirt... BUT you can make up for it by wearingit to your next (where appropriate) gathering... I command it! You need to get over that mental block you have that sees yourself as the heavier version of you. You are svelt... so get on with your new sexy figure... life is too short to fill it with regrets. HUGS!

MARCY_ I love that you have your new couch!!! EXCITING! happy holidays, hope that jack frost isn''t nipping too hard!

Everyone HAPPY TUESDAY... HAPPY 1st!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSS, aint nobody gonna hold my christmas spirit DOWN! oh nooo!!!! haha. So the lights are coming up, and it always makes the morning runs, exciting, and PRETTY. Makes that brisk cold worth it. It''s been so cloudy in the mornings my stars have been blotted out, but the moon is beautiful and ORANGE! and the lights going up on the cactus (don''t know HOW they do it! ouch!) and palm trees just make everything lovely. Last night we made a ground turkey pasta. (Not from the bird.) We had peppers, and mushrooms, and it turned out great. I ate a bit too much of it, hard to turn off that gluttony button after the Tday! haha!

"Fred: That baseball player sure looks like a giant to me.
Susan: Sometimes people grow very large, but that''s abnormal.
Fred: I''ll bet your mother told you that, too. "
Miracle on 34th Street
Haha I love the winter holiday season enthusiasm! Once the street vendors set their christmas trees out, my holiday mood is jump started big time. I just love the smell of the trees! I need to go pick a mini one for our apartment, along with mini ornaments. I love seeing people in their mittens holding steamy cups of coffee in paper cups, wearing fluffy hats and scarves, with pink cheeks and noses. Some people hate winter, but I think people look so cute in the winter and that''s enough to ward off the grouchiness associated with dirty snow and cold weather.

Anyway, I went to sleep late last night because I was playing Scrabble on my iPhone. Then I had to wake up early this morning for a work meeting. I''m so sleeeeeeeeepy!! But tonight is zumba! I''m on my 2nd cup of coffee and still feel like yuck. What do you do when you haven''t had enough sleep but want to go to the gym?!!! Just go to the gym anyway? It''ll probably revive my sleepy brain. I had an easy gym day yesterday. 30 min on the elliptical and then a little ab/core work.

marcy, so glad to hear you are refurnishing and love your new loveseat!

dragon, i was 111 last Monday, and 111 yesterday too!!! yay to us for not gaining turkey weight!

i''m thinking about doing a pantry and fridge overhaul. i''ve never done it before but I think it might be time to get rid of all the refined/processed foods that have been sitting in our pantry taunting us. I need to find someplace to donate the food to, and maybe then I won''t feel so bad for getting rid of all that food.

tlh, I hope you get those glow sticks! you''d be a riot on the road. add the Rocky soundtrack and your 80''s style running tshirt, and I think you''d earn your own sitcom or reality show!!
Ha! Thanks CJ!
That made me laugh out loud! The sleepy thing has be a bit baffled. If I''m like REALLY exhausted... ie go home, and go to sleep, and not eat dinner sleepy- I''ll skip the work out. However, if I''d still be awake, watching the boob tube, and eating a big carby dinner... then I''d be cheating myself if I skipped the gym. I''m a big fan of getting enough sleep... and am such a grouch when I don''t... and don''t get a terriffic workout when I dont''.... so it is an interesting trade off. So, my answer is - it depends. If you are too exhausted to do anything else - then go home and straight to bed... if you''re gonna have another scrabble night... than hit the gym... and use the 30 minute rule. That is about how long it takes for the feel good endorphines to kick in and keep you going... and if they don''t... well at least you burned off that bag of skittles...

Hope you get a better nights sleep tonight!
this is a quick check in since the baby is napping and my nephew is sleeping too. I will go for a quick walk after they are picked up. Happy DECEMBER!!

Hi CJ, TLH, Degee yay for a couch Marcy, and others I missed.
wohoo for the runs and zumba!! deegee, woohoo for the walk, you all are super awesome
Awesome advice tlh. I'm definitely keeping that filed for the next time I want to find an excuse for skipping the gym. I left my office for lunch, picked out new glasses and on my way back, I realized that I'm not THAT exhausted. So I am going to go to Zumba. And when I read your post, I decided that I'm definitely not drop dead exhausted, so if I were to go home, I probably would eat and sit around being sad that I didn't go to the gym.

Yay! You rock!

Hi Skippy!! I think we posted at the same time.
Sorry for being so MIA. I''ve been spending my time worshiping the porcelain god. I haven''t had a proper workout in over a week because every time I start, I get ill. Hopefully this will pass in a couple weeks and I can get back on track.

That''s all from me. I''ll try to catch up later and I hope you''re all doing great!!
oh no SS!!!! sounds like me a few weeks ago! take it easy and I hope you feel better soon.

skippy, I meant to tell you, thanks for your comment about being a doctor. I work at a hospital but not as a doctor. Haha, that was actually the original plan...research then med school. But no thanks. Not anymore. I have so much respect for doctors, but I couldn't be one. I'm still trying to make up my mind about grad school.

So I'm reading a book called Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. It's a lifestyle diet, so it's based on plans that can be maintained for the long haul, which is important to me. It's a little silly, because I already know most of the points he makes about nutrition, but it still has a big impact on how I've been treating my food choices lately. I also read the South Beach Diet many years ago, but so far I like the reasoning and suggestions in Furhman's book much better. The reason I couldn't stick to the SBD was because some of the recipes were very complicated, and the shopping lists included too many processed foods for me. Eat to Live is more natural, less fussy, and less restrictive. It's basically the diet that I've adopted the past few years, but Furhman convinced me to eat more fruits (frowned upon in SBD, because of the sugars). He encourages decreased consumption of animal products, and increased consumption of salads and veggies. I usually eat a ton of veggies anyway and very little meat, but it's nice to have a suggested meal plan as a reference. I don't think there's anything he completely forbids, which I like. He just gives very good explanations for why we should eat more of some foods than others.

I swear no one is paying me to write this, but I do hope nutritional advice like Dr. Furhman's gets acknowledged more publicly.
Hey......It's almost 11 PM, so this will be really short. It was a long, but productive day at work. I finally made it to the gym by 6:30 and I pushed myself really hard. I didn't get home from the gym till after 9:30. Since I can do the elliptical full speed again, it took me a little longer tonight. No gym again until Thursday. Dinner was..........turkey soup. I'm over it completely. The remaining soup is in the freezer. Maybe I'll want some in a few months, but not before.

I'm sorry for not saying hello to everyone individually, but like I said it's 11 now and I need to shut down and get ready for bed.............

Sweet dreams to you all...........

Hi everyone!We’ve got snow falling tonight.It is very pretty but cold out there.I had to run out and get a light bulb and pick up some gauze and wrap for Marty’s finger.I stopped by Barnes and Noble to see the new Nook but they didn’t have one in our local store.Rats.

We had some of the steaks we picked up at Whole Foods tonight.I cooked them on the lean mean grilling machine and they turned out pretty good.We have leftovers for lunch tomorrow.I made rice pilaf and we had plenty of that left too.

Lorelei, I love your Christmas tree avatar.

Skippy, good idea to get in extra workouts right now.I just got finished walking around the house.Every little step helps.LOL at getting punished for other people eating 2 pieces of pumpkin pie.Have fun with the nephews this week. That is pretty exciting I made it through another year as a “normal” sized person.

Tlh, good idea to get the flashlight sticks to use when you are running.Good luck at the Vegas ½ marathon.Jack Frost was nipping at my nose, ears and hands when I was out awhile ago.We chill is expected to be below zero tonight.Glad the Christmas lights are on for you to enjoy on your morning run.Rats for cloudy weather hiding the stars.

Dragonfly, congratulations for not gaining over the holiday weekend.

Rod, I would bet you are getting sick of turkey based meals.I mean it; the 3 guys I know from D.C. are GREAT!You 3 set the standard for others to meet.

Deegee, have a blast shopping for your Christmas tree this weekend.We used to cut ours down in the mountains and haul them out on snow machines.It was fun.Glad to hear you had fun in Charlotte, sorry you chickened out on your skirt but you have to be comfortable in what you wear.I am sure you would look smashing in it though so maybe you can wear it out during the holidays.Your tacos sound great.How stupid of your neighbor to have water out there when it is that cold.I am glad you didn’t fall.

CrownJewel, you have such a delightful view of winter. I always bundle up with scarves, hats and mittens.Good plan to clean out your pantry.I was mentioning we need to do that in pretty much every room of our house.One area we are both overflowing is clothes.That book sounds great.

Somethingshiny, I hate to hear you aren’t feeling well.Get better soon.

Take care!



Hi-dee-ho everyone,

James is watching Christmas vacation on TV. Is it just me or does anyone else prefer not watching that movie?? James said "It's a good thing we're already married. I can't believe you don't like this movie." Sigh!! And he's never watched It's a Wonderful Life, so he's not allowed to judge my Christmas movie tastes...
Sis and I went to our first training session after our month and a half hiatus. Super-slows-drop-sets: bench press, squats, military press, pull ups, barbell bicep curls. With one-leg dead lifts and 1 min sprints on the treadmill between the press-pull ups-bicep curls. He said we did pretty good for our long hiatus. :) Just finished up doing my stretching :)

Skippy, Yay on pub trivia!!! I agree with you about getting some long workouts in!

TLH, Thanks for the prayers. I think we'll figure stuff out, but I really appreciate the thoughts. I can't believe you're still running! I'm glad the weather's pretty good for your runs :) Awesome for the halvsie you're doing this weekend!

Dragon, glad you're doing well in the weight :) Good for you!

Rod, I'm all turkey-ed out too! Glad work was alright. I have a quick question for you: a recruiter called me yesterday and really wants me to go for a Project Manager position at a competing firm that's open now. It's in my same building, so I still get my nice commute and it's PM work which I really like doing, especially over QA. But I *just* joined my company in July. The recruiter said it's not a big deal for me to switch and it won't be held against me. I'm afraid he's just saying that so I will apply. My previous tenures were 4.5 yrs, 10 months (switched industries and it wasn't a fit for me), 1.5 yrs (got laid off), and now 5+ months at my current job. What's your opinion?

Deegee, Glad you had a nice time in Charlotte. That's alright you didn't wear your skirt, you'll have another excuse to wear it :) I totally know what you mean about salsa. You can try making your own salsa. That way it's fresh so less sodium. I do that, I put peaches or mangos in my salsa.

Marcy, I'm so happy you're loving your new couch :)

CJ, I totally hate winter, but I never got used to the cold weather. I only like the snow when I'm skiing. :) You should totally do a pantry overhaul. It'll be a great way to start the New Year early. I'll have to check out that book you suggested. Sounds very refreshing that it's not a DON'T DON'T DON'T meal plan.

SS, oh no your poor thing!!! I hope your nausea will pass soon too. I never understood why that happens. Can you go on walks with JT?

Hi Rod! Hi Marcy! Replying to the posts is so much easier when I check back every few seconds haha. Rod, I hear ya on getting tired of eating the same thing over and over. I hope your turkey soup freezes well. Do you think it''ll still be tasty in a few months? Sometimes I want to freeze my "ugh-I-can''t-eat-this-for-one-more-day" foods, but am always skeptical about its freezability. I remember someone gave me frozen chili once, and it had potatoes in it that just did not like being frozen. Yuck. Gross. Can chicken soup be frozen? Creamy asparagus soup? Beef stew? I wonder... I''m not a great advocate of freezing leftovers. Well, except for lasagna. THAT, I know freezes perfectly.

Marcy, congrats on your second year of being a skinny minnie. I''m very excited to hear that you''ve got snow falling. I''m a little jealous. But we did have delightfully chilly weather today. I forgot my gloves
What is a Nook?

tlh, you''d be proud of me!! I got my sleepy butt to the gym and had a ton of fun in Zumba. The class felt a little slower than normal, but maybe that''s because there were some unfamiliar faces. Ha. Listen to me...I''ve only been there 3 times and I talk as if I''m such a regular. Pssssh.
Anyway, I felt so awake after that class. It was early still and I felt like a swim, so I hopped into the pool for some laps. I pushed myself because I''m hoping to start private lessons again to work on my other strokes. The teacher I requested always pushes me hard, so I need to develop my gills again.

I prepared a bunch of salad bowls for the next couple days. Looking forward to those!! I totally get cravings for salads. Fresh crisp romaine lettuce is my favorite. Yum. My friends think I''m nuts for craving lettuce and salads. But I''ve turned my husband on to lettuce and I think he secretly has cravings too!! I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday.
I was writing while you posted Lliang. Your workout sounds awesome. I wish I didn''t have to choose between swim lessons and personal training. I love them both, but I''m such a novice swimmer that I NEED the swim lessons more than the training. I''m drooling over your workout. No kidding! Congrats on making it back :)
lisa I agree, and this one''s for you!
"Bethany: Is your house on fire, Clark?
Clark Griswold: No, Aunt Bethany, those are the Christmas lights. "
National Lampoon''s Christmas Vacation

OMG- it ate my post. I responded to everyone too! bleh. Okay, well I don''t have time to draft up another. DANG IT! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! okay... well anywho - wishing you all a happy and warm weds!
Hi friends!!! Oh my gosh, baby sitting the baby is easy; he is such a good baby and so fat; I love it!
hehe My nephew is so good w/his legos and keeping busy. We played kick ball together and ran around the backyard; my parents came to visit so they watch the baby while I played ball.

Tonight I am going to make whole wheat pizza w/pineapple, yum! The nephews come over pretty soon! Have a great day; it is 50 degrees and sunny here in the Land of Enchantment.
It is suppose to get a bit colder tomorrow but I am hoping they are wrong.

SOMETHINGSHINY, I am sorry; that is no fun. I feel for you and hope you feel better soon.

ROD, woohooo for your uber elliptical workout; you are awesome!!! Yay for no more turkey; I know that feeling. hehe

MARCY, stay warm. Oh no, more snow! what happened to Marty's finger? hope he is okay, poor guy. I love getting the workouts in; they are great destressers. hehe Yay for walking

LISA, I love the old Holiday movies!! lol about Christmas vacay; I have not seen it! Yay for you and your sis and your UBER workouts!!!

TLH, boo for losing your post but I bet your workout was uber, my inspiring friend!!!

Date: 12/2/2009 12:15:19 AM
Author: CrownJewel
Hi Rod! Hi Marcy! Replying to the posts is so much easier when I check back every few seconds haha.
CROWN, hehe that made me laugh because I feel the same way too! I agree, it gets hard to catch up! You are/would fabulous in the healthcare field no matter what you do; you have a huge heart!!! Oh I will have to pick up Eat to Live, sounds interesting! Lately I have been into eating foods that are more natural (not so processed) and less meats. YUM I love salads!!! I have to have either a veggie soup or big salad each day and my fruit! You are so good w/the lunch salads!
Marcy, we must''ve been posting @ the same time. Snow! I''m almost scared to say the word out loud because I hate it when it snows. But the dog loves it... :) Mmm... steaks & rice pilaf sounds wonderful. I agree with CJ, What''s a Nook?

CJ, Sis went to Japan for a 8 days before Thanksgiving and came back CRAVING raw veggies because she didn''t get to have any in Japan. So we made a BIG SALAD for her and she''s been salad-ing out! I haven''t really frozen a lot of leftovers so I can''t really say. But I''d think soups are a better bet that stews. And whatever you freeze you should thaw in the fridge and THEN reheat. Yay for getting the gym! Glad you''re a Zumba "regular" now :) What strokes are you looking to improve? I used to swim competitively (a long time ago), but I''ve helped all my friends learn to swim or improve their stroke. I *suck* at it now.. i should probably start up again. As soon as I join a gym with a pool... excuses, excuses.

TLH, Yay! you agree with me. Sorry your post got eaten

Skip, AAAAWWWWWW!!!! Babysitting the nephews!!! I hope your warm weather sticks around for a while. Enjoy the pizza! I think I''m going to make some this week. You just inspired me.

This morning I woke up at 7:30!!!
I usually leave just around 7:45, so I quickly changed, took the dog for a walk then grabbed some milk (to make tea @ the office) and a banana to eat while I walked to work. I got to work just about my normal time. Whew! I''m setting my alarm tonight! All this holiday snoozing schedule threw off my clock. I used to not need an alarm to get up between 6:30-6:45...

No workout tonight. Sis had a report to finish so I walked the dog to her house and made dinner for the three of us. James picked me up on the way home from the train (sis lives along the walk home). We had a family walk home, and just finished dinner. We got to email the trainer and tell him that we were totally NOT sore after the super slows yesterday. Now he kinda expects it. We love teasing him about it, it makes working out fun.
Hey.........It was a very hectic day at work. Plus, I had to leave early as a friend I''ve written about who had breat cancer, a double mastectomy, then reconstructive surgery, only to have to have one implant removed days later because of an infection, was having surgery again today to have an expander put back in and didn''t have anyone to pick her up after she was released from the hospital. Plus she was driving herself to the hospital, so both Charlie and I had to arrange to be able to pick her up, me driving her car home and Charlie following. And of course the big front, with heavy rain and thunder and lightning had to show up at rush hour, and the hospital is like 20 miles from where we live, so it was a crawl all the way to get her. Poor thing, she was in such pain. I hope none of you ever have to go through such an awful experience. I kept thinking that I hope none of my "HLT Girls" ever have to suffer like this.........Once we got her home safely and made sure she had her prescriptions and something to eat, we left and got dinner at a little Greek place near us. It was good, but too salty. TOmorrow''s a gym night, so it''ll be a long day.

Marcy, I spoke with a candidate in Denver today, and he said it was 18 degrees and snowing. I immediately thought of you and wondered if it was snowing there too. I''m sure your steak was waaaay better than the too salty food we had. The standard for others to meet? I''m not sure about that, but you''re so sweet for saying such a nice thing!

Lisa, I think you''ve got my contact information right? I''d be happy to talk with you about this. I know you''ve had some not too positive experiences at your new job. While employers do look for stability in a candidate, I think you''d have a good reason for exploring an opportunity as a PM, your love, as opposed to QA. If it''s a better opportunity for you, I think it would be OK to explore it. Again, feel free to call if you''d like to discuss this........

CJ, most soups freeze really well. Though I have found that you''re right about potatoes not freezing well in soups. I''ve frozen our huge vat of turkey soup for several years and it still tastes great months later. I''m with you on cravings for salad. That''s what will be waiting for me when I get home from the gym tomorrow night.......yummmm!

Hey thl!! "There must be an easier way to get my wings!!"

Skippy, you''re such a great Aunt!! Yummm to whole wheat pizza. I hope it doesn''t get colder there.........''s already 11:10. I''ve got to shut down and get ready for bed. At least tomorrow''s Thursday. I''m now calling Thursday''s, Friday Eve!!! So have a great Friday Eve everyone!
Rod, I actually don''t have your contact info. What''s the best way to get it? I''d really appreciate someone to talk to that has an insight into the HR world.


Hi everyone!We got about an inch of snow and it felt like -4 when I went to work.Welcome to winter!I walked around both school and the house tonight so hopefully burned off a few calories.

Marty’s phone was ringing about 2:30 this morning.He left it in the living room so of course he slept through it and I came out and got it for him.They had a problem at work so he was up all night after that.I didn’t sleep too well after that but did manage to drift in and out till my alarm went off.

My mom fell last night. She is very unstable on her feet. She had to get up in the middle of the night to visit the little PS room and fell in to the bathtub. She hurt her tailbone she said and is bruised but got up okay. She finally agreed to mention to her doctor about having problems with her balance.

I have one week of campus class left.Yippee!!!By this time of year I am ready for the end of the semester.

Lisa, I actually like both of those movies but of course my favorite Christmas special is Charlie Brown.The job offer sounds interesting.I heard Dallas even had snow today.You might be giving your trainer a challenge there to make you guys sore.The Nook is like a Kindle (see my note to CJ below too).

CrownJewel, I am weary of frozen food too.I bet you could do a search on food safety and it would tell you how long things can be frozen.We don’t keep much food in our freezer or refrigerator and I throw away more food than I probably should but I don’t ever think it’s worth maybe getting sick.Thanks for the congrats.The snow is pretty and I tried my new Eddie Bauer gloves with open fingers and mitten cover today; they worked well.A Nook is Barnes and Noble’s version of the Kindle.I am very interested in the smaller ebook that Sony has – I can get it in PINK.You know me and my fashion accessory electronics.Your salad sounds great.My favorite salad is Olive Garden.I get the fat free dressing.

Tlh, sorry to hear you lost your post.

Skippy, your day with the nephews sounds like a lot of fun.I hope you enjoyed your pizza.Marty is making a computer desk and got his index finger in to the table saw.It cut off the tip a little bit and part of his nail.It looks GROSS!Like the guy he is he just pulled off the skin hanging there while I am telling him – leave it there so they can sew it together.He didn’t and of course would not go to a doctor.He is using an antiseptic on it every day, wrapping it in gauze then using the self sticking wrap around it to protect it.I think it will take a few weeks before it starts to fill in.

Rod, how sweet of you and Charlie to help out your friend.My heart goes out to her with what she is going through.My friend of mine went through all of that a few years ago.She had some rough days and I am sure your friend will too but my friend is doing great now.Give your friend my best wishes.Does she have to go through chemo too?I saw they had tornado warnings in Florida and thought of you hoping you guys were okay.We are 100 miles from Denver so while it may not always be snowing here at the same time it is usually colder here.Well I only know 3 guys from D.C. and of course I think Marty is tops and you and Charlie seem great so that leads me to conclude guys from D.C. are great guys.

Well, I am off to post on my Sparkpeople threads now.I am team leader on 2 of them now so feel I need to stop in and say hi.One is a team of people who have lost over 100 pounds and the TL gained back most of her weight so she asked me to take it over for her.The other one I just accepted because the TL’s husband was just diagnosed with leukemia so he is having chemo right now.I don’t mind trying to help them out.

Take care.Enjoy the warmth and sun for me – those of you anyway who are not in a cold and snowy place like me.


quick flyby, mainly been doing stuff indoors. I hate money... that''s all.
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