
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 6th July till 12th July

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

I just wanted to begin by wishing Rod lots of dust with his back trouble, hang in there friend!

I also hope the heat isn't too unbearable where you all are and that you all had a wonderful holiday weekend! For those who might have eaten a little too much over the holiday weekend, no need to worry. As we all know this is a journey and enjoying it is important. It is a question of balance, as we strive to get healthier and fitter, sometimes we slip and fall off the wagon. It has taken me a long time to become more relaxed about this but now I see eating more occasionally as part and parcel of this lifestyle. It is easy to fix by just cutting down a little more over the next couple of days and working out a bit harder, this will soon compensate. Also I find making sure I drink plenty of water soon corrects any residual bloat I am feeling.

Slow and steady wins the race, blaming yourself and feelings of failure can take a long time to eradicate if you do overdo the food, but just pick yourself up and carry on, it is when you DON'T get back in the saddle that overeating occasionally can make a negative difference.

Also I haven't been able to work out this past week due to the heat, I hope to get back on track again soon! Now would be a good time to have a good think about your progress, congratulate yourselves on what you have achieved and what your future realistic goals are. I say realistic as that is so important, for example I know I am never going to have a tiny waist as I am not built that way, but I can have a reasonably tidy figure and healthy body which is more important to me! So have a think about having a new goal to reach whether that is getting fitter still or improving a body area, it is important to always have a goal to work towards to keep things interesting and to keep up the motivation!
You are all doing great, keep up the good work!

Thinking of Lorelei''s thoughts on goals, I thought I’d start off with us all setting 2 goals for the week to help us on our healthier lifestyle journeys. In the spirit of management these should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time based).

My 2 goals are:
1. I plan on increasing my exercise from three times to four times in the next week. I plan on doing 2 swimming sessions and 2 viewings of my fitness DVD that uses weights for resistance training. I count my weeks from Sundays as that’s when my WW tracker etc resets itself.
2. I will make my own lunch for work everyday this week. I will try and incorporate at least 2 servings of fruit or vegetables into it. Todays lunch is bulgar wheat with roasted peppers, red onions and tomatoes. I also have carrot, celery and radishes for snacks as well as melon.

As for the weekend, yesterday I did my fitness DVD yesterday, I then went with DF to a country house near Penrith in Cumbria (aka the English Lake District). DF’s parents had bought him a hot air balloon ride for his birthday, so I went with him for that. It was awesome watching the HUGE balloon being unpacked and inflated. They flew for about an hour. Did you know that you have to have a commercial pilots licence to fly one? I did kind of do badly on the food front (2/3rds of a box of maltesers, two glasses of wine at dinner) but I have written it all on my WW tracker and will work it off in the pool.

Great opener!!!

Sapphire lover-A hot air balloon ride sounds awesome, I hope your DF enjoyed it!

I am in the ''ate way too much'' category for this weekend-but it was pretty good stuff, lots of fruit, veggies and legumes-not tooo many sweets or any alcohol. So I feel OK about it all I guess :) Can''t beat yourself up about it.

Did OK with workouts last week, more weights and landscaping and less aerobic-but will try and throw a few extra''s in this week.

Have a great week everyone-feel good and stay healthy!
Morning HLT''ers!!!

Hope everyone in the States had a safe 4th of July. We did 5 days of bbq''s. It was great! I didn''t drink the whole weekend, which I''m really proud of. And today is my FIRST day of my new job!!! Hooray!

Since I''ll be in an office now, I dunno if I can check in as regularly, so I might be missing a little bit more.

Rod, I caught up on your posts last week. Bummer about the slipped disc. I don''t think acupuncture will help with that either. Dust, dust, dust when you meet with the surgeon today. But at least you know what''s wrong now. Big hugs.

Marcy, loved the flowers. I should post some pics of the garden. My vegetable plants looks so measly though. Sad. I think they''re not getting enough water so I''m making more of an effort to water them during the week. It''s a pain because I have to drag a 100 ft hose from my garage to the garden, but my plants are looking really anemic, so it''s worth it.

Lore, I hope the heat breaks for you soon. Take it easy and don''t over-exert yourself. I agree with you a reasonable expectation is the way to go. Otherwise you''ll set yourself up for disappointment. I told my sister that, she''s not a runner and wanted to make herself run 4x''s a week. I told her, you''re not a runner, start with twice or 3x''s a week, then build from there. :)

Sapphire, good luck on your goals. 3x''s is doable! 4x''s you''re a hero!!! Alright with the WW tracker too! And I love bringing my own lunch. I feel like 1) I''m saving $$ and 2) I''m being so much healthier. :) Hot air balloon ride!!! How romantic! And good for you on the responsibility on your eats to the WW pool.

Stepcut, Landscaping? You need to post pics like Marcy did. :) Good job on the fruits and no booze. :)
Thanks llaing, there are thunderstorms floating around now, the temp is down to 67 deg now which is much better, although still humid. Now the mozzies are driving me mad, bites all over the place!
May I join your supportive group?

I''ve been adopting a low carb lifestyle since February of this year in an attempt to feel better. I have fibromyalgia and comfort eating is sometimes one of the few pleasurable activities available. Unfortunately, that left me about 50 pounds overweight and with what I''m sure is a carbohydrate addiction.

Since then I''ve dropped 35 pounds and have pretty much gotten the food cravings under control. I''ve become more active and generally more healthy, but I''m always fighting the pull of a downward spiral.

I look forward to having a little external motivation to meet my goals. Thanks for being here!!
Rod- I''m sorry about your herniated discs, those sound terribly painful. The movie sounded like fun, and your dinner... YUMM! What a way to celebrate!

Lisa- glad you had a fun 4th, but I can see how alcohol can bring the pain back! Glad you are having a gr8 first day!

saphire- gr8 job on your 3# weight loss! those are terrific goals!

marcy- 3 tiered cake! it is beautiful to look at, I love the flower decs! YUM! I hope Marty has a safe trip to hong kong, sorry about his suitcase, that stinks! the flower photos are also gorgeous! Hope you got all those papers graded!

shiny- your hike sounds great, sorry about the sore tush, but it just means you really kicked those muscles into a higher gear! and gr8 job avoiding alcohol!

canuk - your ride sounds great!

gr8 opener Lorelei!!!

stepcut- veggies are always delish! don''t worry about eating too much of them, it is the dips that get ya!

I had a fab weekend. Ran my race. It was fun, but hot. I welcomed the opportunity for a really hilly course. I love running in the mountains, it is just such a break from the usual. The best part, was after the race, me and my hubs ate hot dogs for breakfast, and then drank a few beers (when we got home) and started to BBQ for supper. We had wonderful kabobs, and they were delish!
Upgradeable! Great job on your 35# weight loss!!!
Date: 7/6/2009 10:57:32 AM
Author: Upgradable
May I join your supportive group?

I've been adopting a low carb lifestyle since February of this year in an attempt to feel better. I have fibromyalgia and comfort eating is sometimes one of the few pleasurable activities available. Unfortunately, that left me about 50 pounds overweight and with what I'm sure is a carbohydrate addiction.

Since then I've dropped 35 pounds and have pretty much gotten the food cravings under control. I've become more active and generally more healthy, but I'm always fighting the pull of a downward spiral.

I look forward to having a little external motivation to meet my goals. Thanks for being here!!
Yay Upgradable for joining us!!!! Congrats on the 35 lbs!!!

Hi friends, we went to Durango for the weekend with family and I will check in this evening!!!

Howdy gang--new and "old" members

It has been unusually humid these last two days--was not deterred from running/biking along the river. Weird to have sweat on your sunglasses tho! Pouring rain now, so I guess I timed that right.

Not much else to report--other than keep well folks!

Hi friends, I did not workout today. My air conditioning officially stopped working in my car on our drive back from Colorado (20 miles away from home) so I had to take it into the dealership; I hope it is an easy fix. It is hot hot hot out here; 95 degrees. I did a bunch of errands today and I am so sleepy so I know I will go to bed early. Tomorrow I will get up early and walk.

I did eat at a bbq and indulged a little but I am back on track this week; it was nice to be with family!!! I love the 4th!!!

I went and bought cherries and strawberries for this week. Each week I have to have fresh spinach, carrots and cucumbers; I just realized that as we did not have those in the fridge and I was craving them. hehe Happy Monday friends and hope you had a fabulous 4th of JULY weekend!!!!

ROD, praying for you honey. I am so sorry; I hope they take good care of you and please keep us posted on what they say. huge hugs and prayers.

LORELEI, thank you, great reminder; I fell off a little but got lots of walking in. Great opener, thank you!!! hope it cools off soon out there!

SAPPHIRELOVER, sounds like a great plan! Awesome job on the tracker!

STEPCUT, yay for all your workouts!

LISA, yum to bbq's my favorite!!! Yay, how was your first day sugar?

MARCY great flower pics, loved them!!

DEEJAY, hey lady!!!

TLH, YAY for your race, you are so awesome and especially when it was hot!!!! great job!

SHARON oh gosh, I hope the humidity goes away soon; yay for running and biking lady!!
Hey.........Today was not as anticipated. I got up, hobbled into the shower (they're calling me "gimpy" at work), had my cereal with fruit, got dressed, got in my car and drove 45 minutes to my neurosurgeons office, walked up to the nurse to sign in and was promptly informed the doctor was held up in surgery and they would need to reschedule my appointment........AAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH. I just wanted to know where I was headed and how to get over this horrible pain, and now I have to wait until Thursday afternoon. I was/am so discouraged. I met Charlie after work for sushi, which was fun. There won't be much to report tomorrow. I can't do the gym, which is a major bummer, but am hopeful I won't be out of the gym for too long.

Thanks for the kind thoughts and weekly opener Lorelei. In wasn't until about 3 years ago I really began beleiing that slow and steady wins the race, but now it's my 'mantra!' And I need to focus on where I've been and what I've accomplished as opposed to what I can't do right now, this very minute. I'm sure once all this disc stuff is over and I'm healed, I'll be able to get back to where I was and maybe, just maybe this period of rest will ultimately be good for my muscles. At least that's what I'm hoping. Here's hoping the hear stays broken over there and you can get back in the gym soon........

Sounds like great (and acheivable) goals Sapphire!! How cool on the hot air balloon gift for DF's birthday!!!!

stepcut, if you're going to overeat, it sounds like you ate the right things!!!

Wow.......5 days of barbeque sounds like fun Lisa!!! I'm anxious to hear how your first day on the new job went. Fingers crossed you had a great first day!!! Thanks for the dust.......

Welcome Upgradable and congratulations on having lost 35 pounds!!!!!

Yay for running your race tlh. We're used to funning on flat terrain. I imagine hilly runs are way more challenging. Thanks for the comments about my disc pain, the movie and our celebration dinner!

I hope you had a great time with your family at Durango Skippy!!! Oh my.....No A/C in the car with themps in the mid 90s. I hope it's an easy fix and you're driving in comfort soon.........

I'm glad you're still working out even with the humidity Sharon!!!

OK....."gimpy" out. Till tomorrow...........
Lore- Don’t worry about the mix up. Carry on doing the intro- yours are far more motivating and inspiring!

Lisa- Congrats on the new job. Hope you settle in quickly and love it!

Stepcutnut- Excellent skills in enjoying 4th July without going crazy.

Upgradable- Welcome. I am a newbie on this board too. Congrats on the huge weight loss so far!

TLH- Glad you enjoyed your race and your hot dog breakfast!

Skippy- Hope they fix your A/C quickly. I can’t believe I only got a car with A/C last year. Mind you I live in the UK and we don’t have that many hot days. Plus my previous car was a convertible, so if it was hot I just took off the roof. But still, I LOVE my A/C!

Rod- Thats awful. I hope all goes well when you eventually see him on Thursday

MarcyC- They sound like great goals- achievable and perfectly in keeping with Lore’s opener.

Well, after talking about setting smart goals at the start of the week, I didn’t check my diary properly and have realised I have business meetings from 12.30- 3pm all over the city, so the chance of me getting a good homemade lunch in are going to be hard. I planned on getting a swim in, but my new tankini hasn’t arrived yet. It SHOULD be here today.

I have been thinking about supplements lately. Does anybody on here regularly take vitamins or other supplements? Do they make a difference? I am asking because I noticed that LaurenthePartier had posted a picture of herself on a different thread and people were commenting that her hair had grown lots. She attributed it to taking a supplement called Biotin. At the moment I take a multivitamin for healthy nails, skin and hair, because it is a good all rounder and has things such as Chromium in which are meant to be good for PCOS. I know I get a good balanced diet, but I can’t help but think a little extra won’t hurt. In the past I’ve tried omega 3 supplements, but they made my skin like an oil slick and explode with breakouts everywhere.
Lore, I totally know what you mean about the mosquitos! I''m a mosquito MAGNET and I *hate* IT!!!

Upgradable, WELCOME!!! Big congrats on your 35lbs! That''s a huge accomplishment!!! Here is the spot for external motivation. So glad you''re joining us. What are you short term goals?

TLH, Hooray for a good race! I *hate* hills they''re killer. We did this one triathlon (sprint) and the 5K run was up a hill and back! KILLER!!! Kabobs sound lovely!!!

Canuk, hope you get a break in the humidity. I''m kinda okay with warmer temps, but it''s the humidity that KILLS me! Makes me just want to hole up in a/c and not do anything! Impressed you got some runs and bike rides in!

Skip, Rats about the car trouble! And the a/c in the summer too! Double bummer! I hope it''s not too costly to repair. I love being with family too. I unfortunately live very far from mine, so my sister and I hang out a lot together. Luckily James understands.

Rod, HUGE BUMMER!!!! Hugs my friend. Stay positive and don''t get discouraged. You have a lot of friends here that are wishing you good thoughts.

Marcy! I took a page out of your breakfast and had a bowl of Cheerios, a hard boiled egg minus yolk and tea. :) I"m usually not a cereal eater but James had me get Honey Comb the last time I was in the store, so I picked up a box of Multigrain Cheerios as a snack for me. Evening walks sound so good and a wonderful way to decompress. Did Marty make it to HK already?

Sapphire, Whew! busy lunch meeting schedule!!! Hope you got a swim in. Don''t know about the supplements. My mom used to make me take them everyday in high school. I think your body absorbs only the vitamins it needs more of and the rest are not absorbed. Biotin is supposed to give you healthy nails and hair etc as well, so I think the one you''re taking should have the same affect as Biotin.

My first day of work was pretty uneventful. Standard HR orientation, then met with my boss to talk about his "plan" for me etc. With all my jobs, I''m not having any formalized training, just thrown into the pool to see if I can swim. Luckily I can swim pretty well and will work to figure everything out. I''ve never worked in a trading firm before so this is going to be a new challenge.

Well, off to get ready for work!
canuk- glad you got the ride/run in - sounds perfect!
skippy- I''m glad you were able to enjoy the time with fam. and I hope your ac repair isn''t too expensive!
rod- THAT STINKS! I hate going to the dr''s office, sitting in the world''s most UNCOMFORTABLE chairs, only to be told you have to reschedule. That is a bummer. I''m glad the sushi, and fun - helped to wear off a little bit of that disappointment. I hope you get your answers soon.

marcy- I love your goals! They are simple enough to be easily obtainable, and it is the smallest of changes that heaps the largest of rewards! thanks for your kuddos!

Saphire - I hope you get your swim in. I know what you mean about not being able to swim in fashionwear.. I''d be afraid something would pop out, with the way I agressively push through the water. HELLO! I actually just take a multivitamin. I don''t take anything that specific, I just make sure I get it in somehow. But I''m not sure that helps. If you have other goals, then you might want to discuss it with a healthcare provider to see what they recommend. I''m not sure what your goals are, but don''t waste your money on pills or supplements from the "diet" industry. PLEASE! They just fill those things with like flour and such... WASTE! My hubs has tried just about everything out there, and realized, you are far better off injesting those things NATURALLY than filling your body with toxins, and chemicals. In fact a couple cups of black coffee will increase your performance more than some pill will.

Lisa- I love your outlook. Swim like a fish!
The race had some KILLER hills. My quads are killing me! Which of course is AWESOME!


Last night the DH and I made chicken quesadillas. YUM! Then he brought home a surprise for me... APRICOTS! I LVOE THEM! I had one with my breakfast... what a treat. My husband spoils me so! Last night I did the 30 day shred. I wore my HR moniter while I did it, and at the high point my HR was at 130, but averaged at 102. When I run it is in the 170s for a comfortable run where I slightly push myself. The calories burned was 130 for a 20 minute workout, which is better than walking! I really liked that she incorporated different muscle groups into the workout, but I can see why at only 130-150 calories, weightloss cannot be acheived without following a structured diet plan. As at that rate, you''d be losing about a pound a month. Which can be discouraging for many, myself included! But I find it covers all the major muscle groups and is a fantastic workout to add to the regimine! Which is good for me, because I''ve been really slacking on lifting weights for awhile now, and how quickly the definition goes!
This morning''s run was awesome. I got to see the hubs on his bike which perked me up. IT was muggy this morning, but I was glad to get my workout in. There is a heat advisory in effect, for probably the remainder of the summer, as it is now hit the point where it is over 110* on a regular basis.

" Be conscious of your attitude. Work extra hard at keeping your attitude positive in all kinds of weather, through all the challenges of life." Catherine Pulsifer
TLH- Don''t stress- I''m not thinking of buying dodgy diet pills of the internet. Only thinking of starting to take Biotin to make my hair grow quicker for my wedding next year!!!
saphire, I hear pre-natal vitamins do wonders for those (hair AND nails)! But I''m not sure what vitamin or mineral does it! But a year is a long time to grow out hair and get it into a healthy shape! EXCITING!
Hey........This will be short. Long day. Worked hard. Leg is hurting real bad. Maybe I've just finally accepted the fact that time and working out can't cure this, so I'm not blocking the pain anymore and I didn't fully realize I was in this much pain. Dinner was left over chicken. Been doing more work and am ready to just shut down and veg..........

Oh thank you Marcy.....

Sapphire, I take loads of supplements. I'm not sure if they do anything, but I to take several every day. I can say my bloodwork and cholesterol numbers are great, but I don't know if the supplements have anything to do with it?

Lisa, I'm glad your first day at work was uneventful. First days are stressful, so I'd prefer uneventful. I'm sure you'll do great there!!!

Thanks tlh.....your workout sounds terrific and yum to chicken quesadillas and apricots!!

OK......Gimpy out till tomorrow night..........
Hi Friends, it was about 96 degrees today, hot. My air conditioning got fixed today, yay, thank goodness and it was expensive but Not as expensive as it could have been so thank goodness for that too!! Hubby was a sweetie pie and rode his bike over to the dealership to get my car (I was going to drive over and pick him up and take him to the dealer, but he wanted a workout).

I have been so busy since getting back I have not had time to exercise; my friend and I worked on a project all day and now I just sat down to relax. I plan to workout for sure tomorrow; I feel better when I do so I have to tomorrow!!!

I was nervous I would gain weight over the weekend; even though I did indulge here and there I did quite a bit of walking and didn't eat things that I just couldn't live without (like chips, not so much a fan) and stayed the same, phew. Next week is my challenge as I will be in Northern CA for a week; I scoped out the local TJ's so I could pic up some fruit and veggies and I am hoping to find seafood as that is lower in cals. hehe I hope I have a good game plan.

Here is a quick pic from Colorado to share w/my HLT friends; happy Tuesday!!!

ROD, bless your heart; I am sorry to hear they postponed your appt, that is awful honey. I hope you get in soon and get some relief; sending you a giant hug.

MARCY, wooo hooo for all your walking girl and yum to the strawberries; I had 2 cups tonight, they are super yummy! Durango and the area north of it is gorgeous! Thanks friend.

SAPPHIRELOVER, yay for a tankini, those are so cute!! I take a multi vitamin, omega 3 and glucosamine everyday. I just take a multivitamin to cover any vitamins I may have missed. Oh no to the omega 3 side effects. Happy bday to your hubby!!!

LISA, yay for your 1st day; you will do awesome! I love your positive attitude!!! Yay for being so close with your family; aw, your relationship with your sister sounds wonderful and James sounds like a doll!

TLH, wowzers, that is HOT!!! Stay cool honey! Yummy to quesadillas and apricots! Your hubby sounds like such a sweetie pie!! I love apricots; I use to love to get super mushy apricots and mush them up and put them in the freezer for about 30 mins and then eat them with a spoon in the summer. It is super delicious that way. hehe Hope it cools off so you can workout outside again soon.

DEEJAY an KIMI I miss you lady's
ops, I forgot to attach it before I hit submit. hehe


Hi everyone.

I hope you had a great day.

Food was cheerios, strawberries, 100 cal snack party mix, ½ of a hamburger leftover from Saturday, a 100 cal English muffin for the bun, baked lays, 100 cal snack little letters (no funny words to spell today) and pancakes, eggs and bacon for supper.

After supper I went and walked around Hobby Lobby, Micheals, Bed, Bath and Beyond and Kmart.I bought a few things but mostly wanted to go walking.

Lisa, glad you joined in on the cheerios breakfast.I miss it on the weekends if I eat regular breakfasts.Glad your first day was uneventful.I am sure you’ll do great at your new job.

Tlh, thanks.I hate to set goals I can’t reach for fear of getting stressed over failure.And I do believe why mess with what works for me?Glad to hear your husband surprised you with a treat.Woo hoo for getting in a run even in that heat.Stay cool.

SapphireLover, you can have some of my hair.I have enough to spare.JI always wanted thinner hair.I know there are things that can help but I don’t recall what they are.

Rod, sorry to hear you are in so much pain.Hugs to you.I hope you are sleeping well.

Skippy, glad your AC is fixed. Yay for planning ahead for your trip to CA next week.I am sure you’ll do fine.Very pretty picture.Thanks.

Take care.


Hey all-quick check in!

Well, it appears I have not actually been gaining any weight Oh well, I have a scope next Tues and hopefully that will shed some light.

I still am trying as hard as I can to eat healthily. Today I had cereal and yogurt for breakfast, will have leftover homemade veggie pizza for lunch, and not sure yet about dinner.

DH and I just got an espresso machine, and our *yellow* Kitchenaid mixer arrives on Friday
so if anyone has any good recipes to share to utilize either of these fun things, that are healthy, please share! I need to go through the healthy recipe thread too, but I know that mixer will make me want to bake all kinds of bad things!

Hope you guys are all doing well. Promise to write more to everyone later.
Rod- I hate hearing that you are in pain. My heart just aches for you! I hope that you''ll find some relief soon.

skippy- I love your photos! So glad you didn''t gain weight, that is a VERY SUCCESSFUL TRIP! and norcal... awesome!! Your hubs is such a darling to pick up your car for you.

marcy- I love your ac''d walk! That is phenom. Your eats sound good too! I hope you have a super day!

Miscka - glad you''ve got your mixer! I can''t think of many non healthy things that I bust that out for... sorry. But I do like to substitute applesauce for oil and butter when making baking dishes. YUM!

Happy Weds all!

Last night sucked. My mom severly dislocated her elbow and it is in a cast now. I couldn''t be there for her and had to hear about everything through a series of calls. (I live several states away from my folks.) I couldn''t go swimming, or even workout because I was just too frazzled, and didn''t know what was going on. The dr''s advised her that she can''t run the 5k race this weekend, but she will still be a trooper and walk it. She is sad because she was training so hard for it, but dr''s recommend no running for 3-6 weeks. Turns out some lady with a lazy leash was talking to someone in a vehicle, and her 80 # dog took after my mom while my mom was walking her 20# dog and knocked my mom off balance... elbow dislocated when she fell. I HATE those lazy leashes, they are not suitable for any dog larger than 10-20 pounds, because at that point, most owners lack the upper body strength to control the dog, as the neck is the strongest part of their body... sled dogs anyone? So I felt sad on my run this morning. I''m just sad that because someone wasn''t paying attention to their animal, couldn''t control their animal, they''ve taken something away from my mom, which turned out was something she REALLY wanted to do, to prove to herself. (Now I''ve HATED those lazy leashes for awhile now, they are NOT SAFE. My friend''s girlfriend needed 12 stitches behind her knee after he was walking their 80-90 pound lab, and the dog took off after something, and the leash from a burn/cut, cut her leg!) So I took my run pretty slow actually, probably my mood sinking into my legs and feet. I''m eating a nice avacado/mango salad tonight, so that gives me something to look forward to. Sorry I''m being a downer. I''ll be better tomorrow after my funky cloud lifts!

“Courage doesn''t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.” Mary Anne Radmacher
Hi friends!!! It is warm today; 96 for the high. I am going walking tonight and tomorrow since class is cancelled for the day I can do my Sports Challenge. I bet I will die in class as I haven't been for 2 months and that class is Killer. hehe

I bought some chicken to make chicken and ricew/peas with a spinach side salad. Dessert will be fresh strawberries and cherries, mmmmm. I love summer fruit, yay!!!

Happy hump day friends!!! stay cool!

MARCY, yay for all your walking lady! thanks!

MISCKA, yay for homemade pizza! Yay for a new kitchenaid; I bet it is so pretty!

TLH, those dog leashes are so dangerous; I had a problem when I was watching my sisters dog w/a dog on that type of leash. I am sooo sorry about what happened to your dear mom; bless her heart. Wow, she is awesome for doing the walk. I will keep her in my prayers that she heals soon. You sound like such a sweet daughter! hugs to you too honey!
alrighty, time to jump back on this bandwagon.

I actually meant to join you guys again about two or three weeks ago, but I lost a close friend, and it was one thing after another after that and only now am I barely starting to settle down.

It''s good to see everyone still on here though!!!

This past weekend SO and I went camping, and I did a TON of jogging. Actually since my friend died, I''ve decided to really live things to the fullest, and I keep getting his encouraging voice in my head (he used to coach me in rock climbing), so now I use it to my benefit and have been jogging a lot almost every day. I am also back into yoga at least once a day and some sculpting moves three times a week. Anyways, camping. We also did some kayaking which was of course fun, and hiked a good 10 miles or so. This was our pupper''s first trip so we took it easy on her hehe, but I had a blast!

Today I did yoga in the AM, tonight I''m going to my girlfriend''s house and we are going to work out, I''ll probably run and do a little weight work and crunches.
Hello, HLTers!!

It''s raining here today so not much for outdoor activities, but my family is still here and we''ve been keeping busy. Not much else to report.....except that DH got the humongous cream cheese iced cinnamon rolls. They keep staring at me, my left butt cheek has already increased in size. I think I may smell them so my right butt cheek at least catches up with lefty. Ya know he always does this to me. He knows that I''m trying to be aware of my diet and exercising, so he brings me these 10,000 calorie treats.
Hey.......Sorry for being short again, but I thought I''d at least check in. I can''t wait for my appointment with the neurosurgeon tomorrow. I don''t know why, but the pain today has been extreme. I can''t recall being in so much pain and it''s just got to stop. I''m not a good sleeper to begin with, so with the added pain, I''m not sleeping well at all. I feel like a walking zombie and I just want my healthy life back. I want to write you all and say that I had a good long workout, instead of writing about how much pain I''m in. This just sucks............

I''ll write tomorrow night after I get home and let you know what the surgeon had to say.

Thanks for kind wishes everyone........
Back from a 3.5 mile walk/jog tonight; it is hot out or I would have jogged the whole thing. I feel good now!!! hehe

DRAGONFLY, I am sorry about your friend honey.

SS, yay for rain; send some this way please! Oh I love cinnamon rolls!!!

ROD, I hope you sleep; I will keep you in my prayers. I hope they can do something for you soon. hugs.

I am so sorry about the pain in your leg. I am so glad you are finally going to see the neurosurgeon tomorrow.

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