
Healthy Lifestyle June 14 - 20


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! I hope you had a great weekend. We were pretty lazy but after the lack of sleep last week; we kind of enjoyed it.

Marty has to go in and work tonight. What a way to begin the week!

Since I am setting her enjoying my ice water I thought I’d just see how many of you are faithful about drinking your suggested 8 glasses of water each day? I sure try. I like really cold water so I fill my glass full of ice then fill it up with water. During the day at work I get water out of a water cooler so it is pretty cold. My boss has a little refrigerator in his office so I put my big bottles in there and go in and fill up my little 8 oz bottles as necessary. I really notice if I don’t get my water drank during the day that I am pretty thirsty at night. It is probably the healthiest habit I have.

I did pretty well last week on food but this weekend was not so good. I at least have been walking every day. Tomorrow I am back on a routine which I seem to be more diligent at eating within my calorie range.

Have a great day.
Marcy - Thanks for the opener!
This weekend was busy for me, but I managed to walk both days and do some sculpting work. I swam some yesterday too. I guess I never realized it but swimming is hard work! I have to admit that I didn''t eat completely healthy, so I''m working on that a ton this week and trying to get to where I make lighter more healthy choices both at home and eating out.
It is so hot here, that swimming really is one of the few options. Walking is early morning only. Even inside I''m a sweaty mess. Which brings me to the water bit. I am inhaling fluids like a fish. I drink easily my 8 glasses... probably a couple more... plus green tea... and orange juice! It is just so danged hot and humid here. My body cannot get enough! I''m trying to eat a lot of fruit as I know it will help me a bit. but sheesh!
I finally made it back to the gym during lunch after a 2 month break. The bathroom remodel is finally done so I don''t have to give up my lunchbreak anymore to check on it. I didn''t make to my TBT class but I did walk on the TM for 38 minutes.

Also over the weekend I got in some exercise. Saturday I planned to actually walk around the neighborhood but instead I had lots of errands to run, so I put on my workout clothes, and several errands were at a large shopping center. Its so big I would usually just move my car to go to different places, especially in this heat. But instead since I had my workout clothes on I walked to all of the places and made it a workout. I also walked around the neighborhood yesterday for an hour.

I''m a big water drinker so getting my 8 glasses is very easy. I''m constantly refilling my water cup at work.
Here is something I was pondering today, and I cannot google anything on this subject.
I live in Georgia, about an hour from the Florida line. The LOW tonight will be 81. As I was walking this morning, from about 10:30 to 11:15, the heat and humidity was oppressive. I walked 2.5 miles.

Here is my question:
There is no doubt( in my mind ) that it is harder to walk 2.5 miles in the sun and steamy air than to walk 4.5 miles, perhaps more, in more moderate temperature and humidity. I think the difference in calories burned when the temperature/humidity is 90+/90+ must be substantially more. Has anyone read any information on this?
Hi everybody! I hope today was a good day for everyone.

I''m a big water drinker. So much somedays that I think I could float away. I usually drink 4 or 5 24oz bottles during the day. Most of my coworkers pour in those flavor packets, but I like my water straight up!

dragonfly - I used to love to swim. My parents have a pool, and when I was a teenager my mom and I used to swim laps every night after we took our walk. It was great exercise!

appletini - glad your remodel is finished. I''m sure that''s a big relief.

pink tower - I''m sure there is something to that. It was 88 degrees with 90% humidity when I walked tonight. Definitely tougher! My dog stopped and flopped down on the road, and I was a little afraid I would have to carry her home.

marcy - glad you had a lazy weekend. We went to Cracker Barrel yesterday morning for breakfast and then came home and actually got some stuff done around the house. I''m proud of us because we''re not usually very productive on the weekends.

Matt is out of town for the week, and I''m so incredibly bored. Lily and I walked early tonight to be sure to be inside before dark. When Matt isn''t home I get a little freaked out to come into the house after dark unless I turn on every single light. I hate being home alone. I made myself spaghetti and salad for dinner, and yay! - I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow instead of a frozen meal. Matt got up at 3 this morning, and I couldn''t get back to sleep. I''d like to go to bed early, but I never sleep well the first few nights he''s away so I''m sure I''m up for a few more hours. Marcy - any advice? It''s an HGTV evening for me! Have a wonderful day tomorrow everyone!!!!

Hi everyone.Happy Monday.

I didn’t get to go on my afternoon walk today; it was pouring rain at 3 pm.I did walk to the other building a few times though just to get in some extra steps.

Marty made us peppered steaks for supper.Mine had a bit more kick to it than I like but I scraped some of it off and it was perfect.We split a baked potato and had asparagus.We each had a small piece of peach cobbler and one little scoop of ice cream.

I am happy to see so many of us are water drinkers.

Dragonfly, I am glad to hear you got in some great workouts this weekend.It’s a bit chilly here in the morning to walk but I know we don’t have temperatures like you have either.I have been drinking a little bit of orange juice in the morning.My spring allergies are finally kicking in about 6 weeks late.Spring is so late here the lilacs are just blooming.

Appletini, I bet you are happy to have your bathroom finished!That is great you just walked the entire mall this weekend.I was kind of thinking when we were at the Outlet Mall this weekend I used to have Marty drive me from one side to the other.LOL.Now we just park in the middle and “go”.

Pink Tower, good question.It seems logical to me but I don’t know if that is true or not.It made me hot and thirsty just thinking about it though.I think the biggest difference would be the warmer temperatures would dehydrate your body more.

Deegee, I am with you and flavor packets.I want plain old ice water.I don’t even care for lemon in my ice water like so many restaurants do now.Even if I have wine or soda with a meal I still finish up with a big old glass of ice water.Yay for getting some things done around the house yesterday.I love BF at Cracker Barrel.You know I feel your pain on being alone.At least you have Lily.My stuffed bunnies and stuffed Snoopy are not much company.The first night Marty is gone I actually stay up really late because I will hopefully fall asleep when I go to bed.If I go to bed at my regular time, I hear every noise, car, etc. and can’t sleep.I also find leaving a night light on in the hall helps.Which is strange since I don’t like lights on to sleep.Also by not sleeping much the first night, I usually sleep great the second night.And definitely don’t watch anything on TV that will make you think about it when you go to bed.I hope you sleep well.Good plan to cook spaghetti tonight and have lunch ready for tomorrow.

Take care.



What an "uber" long day! I am testing a new tool for our department. It didn''t work and they wanted a report and "why" this afternoon so I worked on it most of the afternoon. I was trying to do screen shots and that turned out to be a nightmare because of issues I have on that PC saving and transferring documents. Then the version of Office I have won''t save as a PDF and since I had pages and pages of notes and screen shots I finally did a list of things in an email and attached a power point to explain what I was talking about.

My team was driving me a bit crazy then too. I told them when I came in from lunch it was like I wasn''t there and of course they had a billion issues and questions. Aak.

I went to Marty''s office at 5 and waited for an hour (thank goodness I had my iPod to play with) and when he got back to his office at 6 he said I should take the car home because he was going to dinner with vendors. I said "nice you told me an hour ago". Sigh. I went and had a fast food junior burger, a few fries and had some slow churned when I got home.

Pshew! I feel better already.

I didn''t even go for my afternoon walk since I was trying to get my report typed up.

I hope everyone had a better day than me.

At least the Sun is shining and I am home now.
Hello all!
I had a great weekend! I went to dinner w/ my friends from TX. It was GREAT to see them. I picked up my Mom at the airport, but due to heavy rain and storms, her flight was delayed about 2hrs. So, hubs and I waited and waited. Saturday, Mom, hubs, and I went to breakfast, and hubs went to work. My Mom and I did some shopping, and went to dinner at my husbands'' restaurant. Yumm! I had scallops, risotto w/ mushies, red pepper, and carrot. Sunday, we went to the Coor''s brewery and took the tour. After that, I took her to Red Rocks, and we climbed to the top of the amphitheater. Love that view! Went downtown, did some shopping (and FINALLY found a pair of khakis for work, petite was the key as I''m 5''4"), and went to dinner with a family friend. Monday, we all went to RMNP, got in for free for some reason!, and had a lovely day. It was raining ALL weekend, so Monday was the first day it wasn''t totally rain. We actually drove through a snow storm around 11,000ft on our way to the park. Wild. I took my Mom to the airport at 5:30a this morning, came home and hubs and I went back to bed. I took today off as well, so I ate some breakfast, and I finally got a run in! I ran at noon; it was warm and I should have brought some water, but I love the fact that I can run at noon and not die of humidity. It is suppose to get into the 90''s this week, so today may be my only mid-day run. I swam for about 10min after my run. It''s a nice muscle stretch, in addition to my usual stretching of course. I made myself stir-fry for dinner, and did yoga before dinner.

Tomorrow, it''s back to the grind at work. Bleck.
I''ve been checking my e-mail, so I won''t have numerous messages to read, and nothing came up via e-mail. I''ll check my voicemail tomorrow am.

Re: water consumption. I drink a lot of water. Actually, I have green tea with soy milk in the morning, and for the rest of the day that''s all I drink. I have a 32oz nalgene, so 32oz=.25 gallon. I drink between 2-3 refills per day. My husband says that I drink TOO much water. Needless to say, I get enough water.

Marcy- Hello, and thanks for the opener. Did you guys get rain ALL weekend too? OOF! I''m sorry to hear that you had to wait for Marty for nothing. Men sometimes

dragon- Hello! You like green tea too, yeah? I love it! Anyways, yes I swim laps in our pool. Swimming is hard, and great for your entire body, as you know. I do some laps, then tread some water, do some laps. Our pool is small.

apple- Hello! Yay for your finished bathroom remodel. Must feel nice!

pink tower- 81 for a low? Ouch. There is no doubt that walking in heat/humidity is substantially harder, but, you are putting in the same effort, so I''m not sure you''d be burning more calories. Your body is working to cool itself, hence sweating, so maybe that = more effort. In my running threads, other runners recommend just slowing down and drinking liquids. Your body will adapt.

deegee- I used to use the flavor packets, but stopped. I tried to cut out all artificial sugars. I use a lemon wedge on occasion, and that''s enough for me.

Have a good evening everyone
Good evening!

Goodness, today was a trying day. And then on the way home I had an incredibly close call on the interstate and was sobbing by the time I got home. It brought bad really bad memories. Lily calmed me down (she's a good little counselor), and then I made myself a grilled chicken breast on George, some potatoes and steamed broccoli. I cut the chicken in half and have plenty for lunch leftovers. It was still over 90 degrees at 8pm and I didn't feel like walking, so I started working on a project I've been wanting to do for forever! Matt and I bought our house almost 12 years ago from a lady who had it built. She only lived here for a few months, but she put very large print wallpaper and border in several rooms. I have hated it since we first looked at the house! Days 1-3 after we moved in, we removed wallpaper and border from every room except ours. 4 days after we moved in, I had my big car accident - the injury to my spine, broken bones, a year of physical therapy, all that. So I have awakened to that ugly border every day for 12 years, and it was in my bathroom too - including the shower. No more! As of tonight, it's gone! Woo-hoo!!!!! I may not be able to move tomorrow, but it was a small victory for me to get it down. Yay, yay, yay!!!!

marcy - I do the exact same thing the first night Matt is gone. I stay up until I can barely hold my eyes open and then I crash hard. I went to bed at 2, and then Lily got me up at 5. Strangely I'm wide awake. I think I'm pumped from my border project! It's funny what you said about the tv. I downloaded a book by Stephen King on Sunday and then decided it would be a very bad idea for me to start it until after Matt got home. Sorry you had a long day, and too bad Marty didn't let you know earlier about dinner. Matt does things like that sometimes. I guess they're just not thinking.

beachrunner - sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your mom. My parents were supposed to visit last week but discovered they were overbooked (hilarious - they're in their 70's and they're always really busy), so they'll be up this weekend instead. The highlight of the visit? A WV Power game with fireworks afterwards. That's what my dad requested, so that's what we're doing.

Have a great day tomorrow everyone.
Hello my healthy friends!!!

Re: water. I also keep a Nalgene @ work and do 2 or 3 of them during the day. I tend to not drink as much once I get home, maybe just a glass during dinner, maybe 1/2 glass during dinner prep. I tend to like warm/room temp water. I think the ice cubes get to me. I''m weird. At work I drink my water quite warm. Habit from my last job where it was SOOO cold, I needed almost hot water to stay warm.

First off I want to say HUGS TO DEEGEE! Close call is super scary and I"m glad you were alright, albeit shaken. Yes pets are so good at calming you down, cheering you up, and generally making you feel better. Hooray for getting rid of the wallpaper. Definitely a victory. I felt that way about the backsplash we did over Memorial Day... 5 yrs AFTER I moved it. Hope Matt gets home soon. I don''t like being alone either I get bored and just drift around. At least when my sis or James is around I feel like there''s stuff to do.

Beach, what a lovely trip with your mom. :) That sounds wonderful. Bummer you guys had a ton of rain. I hate that when I have out of town guests.

abot having to wait for nothing. James does that to me sometimes. But it''s only sometimes, not all the time. Sounds like it was a crazy day at work. Hope you have a better one tomorrow. I''m glad the sun''s shining for you. That always makes my day better. :)

Pink Tower, I don''t think there''s actually any more calories burned, or if it is it''s not much. I agree it''s much harder to walk in humidity than moderate temperature. Bravo for you for doing it.

Apple, WELCOME BACK!!! You must post pictures of your bathroom remodel. I want to do a master bath remodel but dunno if James will sign on board with it. I''m glad you''re back at the gym :)

Dragon, glad you had a good weekend. When I used to live in FL (Miami) I would ONLY do water sports. Swimming & water polo. You couldn''t PAY me enough to run in that humidity! Definitely hear you on the water intake and OJ. Mmmmm... you can take the girl outta FL but you can''t take the FL outta the girl :)

Started doing our marathon training last week. We dropped the ball on the midweek run. I got one in. Did our 6''er on Saturday, it went well. This week it''s TWTh 3 miles each, Sat 7 miler. So far the running is going well. It''s a little harder for Sis to run, so I hang back with her. I guess I"m "selling myself short" but I think if I wasn''t with her there''s no way in heck I''d finish the training, let alone the race :) So even though I''m not going to be as fast as I can be, at least I''ll finish. Yesterday we did a Yoga class for a pseudo rest day. It was supposed to be rest, but we didn''t'' cross train on Sunday so we did a kinda half-hard core yoga class. It was really good. :) And it kinda helped me mentally, I''ve been in kinda a funk lately. So I decided that my training will go along the lines of Sunday cross (lifting or something at the gym) Monday, yoga at the gym, TWTh running per training program, Fri rest, Sat long run. Here''s to hoping I''ll stick with it.

I FINALLY got some dinner inspiration. Part of my "funky-ness" was not being inspired at all to cook. Today it just kinda came to me, I''d make baboutie (bobotie). It''s a Cape Dutch dish that''s kinda the famous "Capetown" dish. We had it on our honeymoon, so I made it for James as kinda a "hey, let''s remember our honeymoon." It was came out quite tasty. :)

That''s al for me. Hope everyone''s Weds goes well.

~Lisa, out

My mom has her second cataract surgery tomorrow morning.Her first eye is doing great.

My sister called me tonight and she got her blood work back; they said her glucose was high enough to be considered diabetic.They talked about it and she is going to try and control it through diet right now.It has always been good before.She is pretty overweight so she sounds determined to eat better.

Marty’s iPad shipped today.I bet Rod was one of the many out ordering his and Charlie’s iPhone today.Apple had a good day.

Marty got home from his vendor dinner about 8 but since he was up at 4 am he went straight to bed.

Beach Runner, I heard a lot of mountains around here had snow this weekend.Crazy!RMNP is gorgeous.I’ve been thinking we should take a drive some weekend, of course I lose out to golf.It sounds like you showed your mom a good time on her visit.I actually didn’t drink all of my water today because this afternoon I was too busy and forgot to drink water.I am working on it tonight.Yes, we had rain all weekend too.We were at the Outlet Mall at Loveland Saturday afternoon and I went back to the car to get my fleece jacket.It was chilly outside that afternoon in the rain.

Deegee, how awful you had a scare on the way home.I am sure it brought back terrible memories for you.Glad Lily was there to help comfort you.Good for you getting rid of that border tonight.Hopefully you are not sore tomorrow.Great idea not to start a Stephen King while Matt is gone.Marty looses track of time but was in a meeting that he did not think would run too long.He is usually good at letting me know by 6 to go home and he’ll get a ride or call me to come back.

Lisa, interesting that you drink room temperature water from being cold.I am always cold but love ice cold water. One night after a cold star party I ordered hot chocolate and ice water.The waitress looked at me kind of funny.Yes, I was glad to see the Sun shining.They have to get my editing tool working soon so the next few weeks will be intense but after that it should be only small fixes that I need.The software engineer that is designing it made it techy and impressive – I need it functional and quick.Your dinner sounds neat to have something to remember your honeymoon.

I am off to rinse off my soaking jewels and get ready for bed.



lliang, I''ve been wanting the remodel for 3 years. Last year DH said if our A/C made it through the summer I could have it. Well our A/C made it through the summer but then went out April this year. I was determined though, so I had to use some of my personal money to make it happen, but I had waited and obessed long enough and nothing was going to stop me. We still need to do a few final little things so once they are done I''ll post pics.
Appletini, I am glad you got your remodel done. That is nice the AC last long enough. Rats that it went out though.

ETA: I finally tried an Appletini - they are good.
Marcy, The A/C was 20 years old, ever since we moved in 3 years ago we knew we were on borrowed time. I''m just glad it went out in April before it got hot. And we have a home warranty so that helped a lot with the cost. We replaced everything including the duct work so we are good to go for a very long time.
Hi all! I''ve been trying to keep up with workouts this week. Yesterday I walked and then last night I did weight work with some ab work. I''m crossing my fingers it wont'' storm again this afternoon so I can swim (insert sarcastic snorted laugh... yeah right). Lunch this week has consistently been a sandwhich on whole wheat flat bread with turkey spinach hummus and tomato and some grapes on the side. Dinner last night was charred pork chops. They were from our home raised hog and they definitely caught on fire....twice.

Pink Tower - I think Shape magazine had an article about that. Surely calorie burn must go up because the heart rate does and we sweat profusely.

DeeGee - I get freaked out at night on my own as well. I still walk my dogs but I''m insanely cautious. I leave lights on all night too

Marcy - you need to share the peppered steaks recipe. Like now lol. Sometimes you just gotta have the junk food. I had BK chicken sandwich and fries the other night. It was

BeachRunner - I''m glad you had such a good weekend! I love green tea. I like to make it fresh in summer, with ice and some mint in it. SO good.

Lliang - glad you enjoyed your yoga. I couldn''t imagine marathon training right now

Apple - can''t wait to see pics!
Hey.....I can''t believe it''s Wednesday, and this is my first chance to check in. It''s been beyond an insane week. I got a minor promotion to manage a team of recruiters over our largest national account, which is a major Woo Hoo for me. I''ll even get a percentage of every placement made by the team. And I was told that the team was really excited about me being the lead, so that was really good. I''ve done pretty much nothing but prepare candidates for their interviews this week. Prepping people correctly is a time consuming process, but it is so important. Yesterday, I did 8 one hour preps and in between, I spent the rest of my day getting caught up in the Apple/AT&T iPhone 4 Pre-Order disaster. To say the pre-rder day did NOT go well for either company is, understatement. For hours and hours and them some more hours, the website would time out. You couldn''t call Apple as they weren''t even taking calls. In some cities, they had to close AT&T stores as angry customers created a mob mentality. Somehow though, I was successful by 9 PM last night (hence why I of course couldn''t check in here) and I did pre-order two iPhone 4''s!! I even verified that my order was officially logged. Since the phones have to be picked up at the Appe store on the 24th, and since it will likely be a long wait, I''m going to take a vacation day and get caught up in the iPhone 4 "Party!"

I''m going to the gym tomorrow night, so I may not be able to check in later.

I''m sorry for not saying hello to everyone individually. I have some work to get done tonight before I finally shut down........

So, Hey To You All!!
I went for my 30 min walk/jog followed by a 30 min walk this evening. It was super hot so hopefully I sweated out some extra calories. No time for a work out tomorrow because we have a group lunch and I volunteer at the Children''s museum after work, but I might be able to sneak in a quick walk when I get home from the museum before it gets dark.
Hello Wednesday!
My day=nothing special. Fortunetly, I only had 7 voice messages waiting for me, due to taking Monday and Tuesday off. I had leftover stir fry for lunch, and made steamed broc and tilapia for dinner tonight. I got in 5 hot and hard miles in today. What a struggle. Oof.

deegee- I''m sorry to hear about your tough car ride home. I''ve never been to the stadium in Charleston, but my in-laws go on occasion. When we''re in Charleston in the summer, we''ll usually go to the park on the water and listen to the music.

Lisa- Yay for marathon training. You can be my "running partner". LOL. Your training schedule sounds like mine:
M: xt w/ yoga, elliptical, swim (any combo)
T: miles + weights
W: run in am, yoga in pm
Th: run +weights
Fri: SRD, but I think I''ll do yoga
Sat: miles
Sun: LR
You''ll keep with it, I''m sure! I have a calendar that I keep track of my workouts on. It keeps me accountable :) I missed some runs when my Mom was in town, one of which being a LR. Oof. But, that''s ok. I just can''t keep doing it, as LR''s are the important ones!

Marcy- Sorry to hear about your sister. I''m glad she has the opportunity to control it w/ diet. Ooh, the iPad. I played w/ one at a friend''s house; very cool! Looks like you were right about Rod ordering some iPhones! How far are you from Denver?

dragon- Green tea and mint sounds soo good. I''m a mint nut, so I can eat it with just about everything!

Rod- Congratulations on your promotion! Sounds like a wonderful opportunity. Sorry to hear about the iPhone 4 pre-order mess, BUT you got one! I have a couple friends who are Apple nuts!

Have a good evening!
Also, this article is regarding running in the heat. I know it was brought up about burning more calories in the heat, and the article kind of touches on that. This is written for a runner, but I''m sure it''s true with any cardio exercise.

Hope this helps.

Hi everyone.Work was better today.I tested my editor again today and felt it was a lot more productive than yesterday.

I did go for my afternoon walk too.The weather was nice too.

My mom had her second cataract surgery.I guess she woke up in the middle of it but must not have freaked out too much.Poor thing.

Appletini, sounds like your AC lasted a long time.Ours is only about 4 years old now.That is nice your home warranty helped cover the expensive.Yay for getting in a walk / jog this evening.

Dragonfly, your sandwiches sound great.I am picking up Subway sandwiches for us tomorrow.I am out of ideas for lunch and we don’t have any leftovers right now.Marty used a meat tenderizer and smashed up peppercorns in a bag, Then you rub the pepper all over the steak.We used NY Strip and removed all the outside fat using the center lean part.He fried them in a little olive oil until they are crusted and done to desired wellness.You remove them and pour brandy in the pan until it starts to glaze over, you light it and it flames then after it dies out you stir in cream until desired consistency and pour over the steak.He said it was Alton Brown’s recipe for steak au poivre.BK chicken sandwich and fries sounds great.

Rod, congratulations on the promotion.I am so excited for you!What an honor.Sorry to hear ordering your iPhones was such a hassle but that at least you were able to place the order and confirm it went through.Marty’s iPad left Hong Kong today which I thought was kind of ironic since he’ll be going back there soon.

Beach Runner, yay for running 5 miles today.I live 100 miles away from Denver.We like to go down for the day and shop or just look around.My sister seemed a little bummed out today but hopefully she’ll do what she needs to do for her health.I have been very impressed by my iPod Touch.It is a mini computer.I can surf the web on it very easily.I do a lot of Facebook on it.

Well, I need to go soak my jewelry and call my mom to see how she is doing.

Have a great Thursday.



One day left till the weekend. Yippee!

Marty got his iPad today. He is playing with it now. It is so similar to my iPod Touch it is kind of funny.

It was very windy here today so I wandered the halls instead of going outside to walk this afternoon. We stopped and had tacos on the way home tonight. We had Subway sandwiches for lunch.

Have a great Friday.
I made spaghetti sauce with ground turkey. I had not tried ground turkey in years, and I dislike it as much as I used to, I confirmed. I usually eat chicken in some form around five times per week. I was ready for something different, like...well, spaghetti. I''ve plenty of leftovers, and I am sure DH or the kids won''t try it, so I guess I will be seeing it again.
Hello HLTers!!!

Marcy, how does Marty like his newest toy? Hee hee, does that mean you get a new toy too? Aw, that''s fantastic he''s having so much fun with it. It''s super nice you can lunch with Marty. I''d think it breaks the day up a bit. Mmmm... Marty''s steak au poivre sounds delish.

Pink, sorry you''re stuck with leftovers you don''t fancy much. Can you make lasagna out of it and add sausage or something? Just a though.

Beach, I''ll totally be your "running buddy" :) Your workouts sound intense go you!!! How many 20 milers do you have scheduled in your training? Sis and I are only doing the novice training so we have only 1. Think about doing some lateral movements to stregthen around your joints, since running is a lot of forward/backward motion. That''s one tip I got from my trainer.

Apple, aw, I can''t wait to see your pictures. I''m on the edge of my seat. I''m glad you got your remodel. Did you do a lot of it yourself? Did you come up with the design yourself? Hooray for your evening walk :)

Rod, CONGRATS on your promotion. It''s awesome your group is so amped about having you as the lead too :) I hope you enjoy your iPhone 4 Party day next week. I''m glad you managed to score one. Hope you got to hit hte gym today.

Dragon, I couldn''t imagine doing ANYTHING outside in FL right now. I do get jealous of your pleasant winters though :) Go you on your workouts

We ran with the dog today. She''s been a total butthead lately, barking @ dogs in the neighborhood etc. So I figure a 3 mile walk yesterday and a 3 mile run today should help tucker her out. I''m inclined to walk her 1+ mile to Sis''s place and back too, just to get her plum tired and on good behavior.

Dinner last night was chicken skewers and sauteed leeks (LATE!) . TOnight was beer butt chicken or beer can chicken, mac & cheese & grilled corn. One got overdone, so I only ate 1/2 a corn. WIth all the training I''ve been doing James and I end up eating REALLY late because we''re essentially working out until 9PM. Sigh. I dunno if we can do anything any earlier. Today we were done at 8PM so we had some extra time to pet the dog and kinda relax. It was nice. Kinda makes me want to have more of that, but I dunno how inclined I am to work out in the AM.

Question for working parents: when do you workout when you have kids?

lliang, DH and I are not very DIY so I hired someone to do the work. But I did do all the design myself as well as purchase all the fixtures, tile, vanity, toilet, etc.
Lliang - HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Pleasant Winters!!!!! That''s funny. This past winter we got down to the 10s.... yes the 10s.... as in... sub freezing.. as in.. snow 15 mins south of my house. Enough to stay on the ground. I had days when I would go out to let the horses out, break the ice on top of the water troughs... walk back up 5 mins later and it was completely frozen over again. I think we might get a fish tank heater for them this year... I''m still buying sweaters.

Pleasant (snickers to self)
Happy Friday all!
I worked from home today, but had some visits to make in the afternoon, so I wasn''t stuck inside all day. What a week I had! I got to see my friends and family. Wednesday night my husband comes home and says he got a raise after 2months of work because they noticed and appreciated all the hard work he puts into his work. Awesome! THEN, I check our bank acct this morning, and I noticed my paycheck was higher than usual. I log onto our web portal and notice I too got a nice raise! I have no idea why I got my raise, but I''ll take it! our HR dept. completed a comp. study, and my supervisor reported that our "big boss" would be sending letters next Monday, so I''m thinking this has something to do with it. But, we both get raises in the same week! Yay!

Last night I had a veggie burger on half a bun and some ranch style beans. I''ll make tacos tonight, I think. Saturday am, I''ll rise and shine early for my run. Then, I''m going to buy a new pair of running shoes! Woo hoo! I''ve been getting more blisters and my feet are just no longer happy. But, I''m due anyways as I bought a pair in January, so I''m actually stretching these ones to the end of their lifespan
Sunday morning I''ll do 11 miles or so, and just relax by the pool, I''m sure

Tonight is my SRD (scheduled rest day). I''ll do yoga.

Marcy- 100 miles is nothing! So, you are close to Fort Collins, right? My Mom got an iPod touch, and seems to like it a lot too. That was my beef with the iPad. Why buy something that does the exact same thing as your iPhone or iPod? Oh well, to each their own, right?

Pink Tower- I''m sorry you didn''t enjoy ground turkey. I like it, and honestly, don''t taste THAT much of a diff. between it and g. beef. Again, to each their own, right?

Lisa- You make the BEST sounding meals! My training schedule calls for 3 20mile runs. I may modify it a bit, as I have more than 18wks, but I''m going to try and keep the 3 20s in there as I hear those runs are important. My training has a step back week too. For example, I''ll run 13mile LR, 14, then 10. Then 16, 17, and 12. I may attempt to alter it so I''m not jumping TOO much, but we''ll see. I know. I''ve been trying to strengthen my ab/adductor muscles. I read that sore knees and IT band are a sign of weak muscles. I think my yoga helps with lateral movement training. What are you doing for lateral exercise? Still Zumba?

Dragon- I think I may get some mint plants this weekend, so I have fresh mint for my tea in the mornings.
Did I also mention I love a good mojito. Yum!

Happy weekend!
Hey Ladies.........I''m so so so so glad it''s the weekend. No.....I never made it to the gym last night. First, I was so keyed up Wednesday night that I didn''t sleep much. Second, at 7 PM last night, I was still at the office. I was so incredibly beat that I called Charlie and told him I was just coming home and he got me a nice healthy salad for dinner. I didn''t even turn my laptop on last night. And I went to be bed at 10:30, which for me is ''uber'' early. And I slept straight through (didn''t even wake up to use the restroom once) and I slept till 7:30. I had a lot to do wat work, but I just kind of made it a quiet day. Charlie suggested we meet at the new hamburger place we tried a week ago and have that tonight. The hamburger there is perhaps the best I''ve ever had........and we skipped the fries and had coleslaw instead. We stopped off at Sbucks on our way home and had a cup of coffee, but no dessert. Then we came home and since it''s still a billion degree''s down here, we put on our swim suits and enjoyed a nice swim in the pool. Tomorrow will be a pretty routine Saturday. We''ll do the gym in the afternoon, then come home and walk to a restaurant for dinner. We''re going to try a new sushi (at least new to us) place that is on the water. We''ve heard it''s good.

Marcy, tHanks about the promotion. It''s taken me a full 2 years to get a little further in my company, but things are starting to work out now. Congratulate Marty on getting his iPad. I''m glad he''s having fun with it. I keep toying with asking Santa for one, but I''m not sure. The new iPhone we''re getting has the same processor as the iPad. I am still pretty stoked about getting our new iPhones!! I hope your mom is doing well after her cataract surgery.

Pink, I''m with you. I''ve never really been a big fan of ground turkey.

I''m looking forward to seeing pics of the remodel Apple!!

Oh thank you Lisa!! So you two are doing what I''ve been doing for a long time. Work during the day, work out at night (though not as much lately as I''d prefer) and eat late.......Sometimes, it''s tough to maintain such a schedule.......When I first started Rebuild Rod, I worked out every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurday night. It was just too much.......

apple, right now, the thought of ice on the water sounds nice. In reality, I''m not very fond of cold weather. Hence why we live in Florida!!

Hey both got raises??!! Congratulations to you both.....WOO HOO!!

In case I''ve missed anyone, my apologies.......I hope everyone''s looking forward to a wonderful weekend!!
Well I think I have another week of no working out ahead of me. My right eye has been red the last few days and I went to the eye dr. today and I have an eye infection. So I can''t wear contacts for a week in addition to using antibiotic eye drops. I don''t like the thought of sweaty workouts in my glasses.
My vision is really bad so no glasses or contacts is not an option for me.
Happy weekend everone!!

Did a 7 miler this morning. It was a beautiful day for a run. Went for my first girlie waxing appt and it wasn''t that bad. Now I a hair cut, then meeting James and some friends for a afternoon bar crawl, I"ll probably only have one or two drinks. Then sis and I are having a Garden Party with the girls. Then meeting James and his friends back up at a street festival. It''s finally nice on the weekend, but tomorrow''s supposed to rain some more. Booo!

Rod, bummer you had such a crazy day, but nice job on the good night''s sleep. That sometimes helps me way more than anything else! Mmmm... burgers sound good. I think I''m in the BBQ/grilling/summer mood now :)

Beach, wowza! 3-20 milers!!! Whew! We also have a step back week, up-up-a little bit back-up-up-a little bit back. Etc. It hink it''s good to help you recover. :) Laterals I''m doing yoga and some Zumba too. Today my knee was kinda bummng me the last mile so I got home and iced it.

Dragon, :) Glad you had a good laugh. I hope you get a heater for the poor horses. Do they get a heated stable or just lots of blankets? It is nice that FL winters end a lot earlier than cold places (a la Marcy''s report of snow last weekned
) G

Apple, bums about the eye infection. I hope it clears quickly. Maybe you can do some long walks and yoga or something. Wow, Impressive you did all the design etc yourself. :)


Hi everyone.We had our astronomy meeting last night.It was kind of fun; someone brought in a sci-fi movie (tv series?) from the 50’s and we watched it and pointed out the bad science in it.

After the meeting we had pie, yes pie.It was delicious.

This morning Marty’s tee time was 7:30 so we got up at 6.I am really sleepy right now so I am going to hopefully get to bed at a decent time tonight.

I went shopping for over 3 hours this morning picking up your general supplies from Target and some tops that look dressy for my niece’s upcoming wedding.The top I like the best is a camisole with a butterfly on it and a sheer ruffled top. The colors are while and mint green.

I met Marty for lunch.We split a sandwich since we were meeting one of his employees for supper tonight.

Pink, that is too bad your turkey spaghetti didn''t taste too good. I know this is wasteful but I have reached a point where I will not waste calories on something I don’t like.I do and will throw away food and don’t have any remorse about it.I remember trying ground turkey and ground chicken in different recipes and did not care for them.

Lisa, Marty is enjoying his new toy right now.I did play with it for about 3 minutes this morning but was too busy to mess with it much.Hopefully the walk / run with your dog will help relieve her buttheadedness.If it works there are some people at work I need to take for a long walk.LOL.

Appletini, I am all for hiring out remodeling projects.Marty tends to enjoy doing smaller projects.I hate to hear about your eye infection.Do you wear soft lenses?I quit wearing my gas perms last fall sometime and just can’t get myself to start wearing them again.My vision with glasses is pretty bad though.Close-up isn’t bad but distance is awful.Good luck and get better.

Dragonfly, you did have a rough winter this year.

BeachRunner, what a pleasant surprise for both you and your husband to get a raise.Congratulations.We live in Cheyenne and I can get to 104th and I-36 in 90 minutes (my favorite jewelry store).I would say my iPod and Marty’s iPad are twins just that his is bigger and more expensive.I may crack soon and get a slightly smaller laptop.Do I need one?No.

Rod, I hope you have a weel deserved quiet and peaceful weekend.Marty really had a rough week at work too (that’s more the routine than not) and will hopefully have a quite weekend without getting paged in to work.He had a great game of golf this morning.He was pretty distraught on Friday.I am glad he is even tempered and generally doesn’t stress much or he’d be knocking on the door for a heart attack or stroke.I am glad he is enjoying his new toy.I was going to check on the stats between my iPod and Marty’s iPad.I think they are pretty much the same.I bet you are quite anxious to get your iPhones.My mom is doing great.She was telling me today she was shocked at some of the things in her house she thought was clean.Too funny.

Have a great weekend.


