Hi everyone:
I''ve decided to come out of the closet! I have spent quite a bit of time lurking on this board doing research on diamonds and commiserating with many of you as you wait for your ring/proposal/engagement. However, over Thanksgiving, my boyfriend of 5 years proposed with a 2.14 carat solitaire - my dream ring and my dream proposal. We are now getting married this summer.
I wanted to tell all of you ladies how much I admire you and how much your words of wisdom have meant to me over the last year. To make a very long story short, my now fiance and I were together for over 5 years (he''s 38, I''m 31). During that time, I watched each and every friend of mine meet and marry their now husbands while I sat around waiting.....and waiting......and waiting. It wasnt easy - there were a lot of "talks" and a lot of tears and there were many times I thought about leaving. He kept promising me that we would be married (he wanted to marry, have a family, etc) but that he just wasnt ready.....even in his mid/late thirties. My friends and family thought I was nuts for hanging around but I did because I always knew that he was the one.
To this day, I dont know if I completely understood what took him so long. He has told me that it was really important to him to have money in the bank and to get to a point in his life where he felt he could be a good husband and father. I guess it takes some men longer than others!
Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone for their advice and their words of wisdom since I found the site early last year. I dont know why I never posted before but I wanted to now offer some advice to everyone that has inadvertantly given me advice in the past. I know how hard waiting is and I know how hard that emotional whirlwind is and I know how much it hurts to hear about others getting engaged/married. You start to think it will never happen. All I can say is that all is not lost and that it really does happen so if you know your boyfriend is "the one", try to hang in there and let him get there too. I was beginning to think it would never come but it did and it has made me happier than I ever have been.
Good luck to everyone - you are all incredibly special women and I wish you all the best.
I''ve decided to come out of the closet! I have spent quite a bit of time lurking on this board doing research on diamonds and commiserating with many of you as you wait for your ring/proposal/engagement. However, over Thanksgiving, my boyfriend of 5 years proposed with a 2.14 carat solitaire - my dream ring and my dream proposal. We are now getting married this summer.
I wanted to tell all of you ladies how much I admire you and how much your words of wisdom have meant to me over the last year. To make a very long story short, my now fiance and I were together for over 5 years (he''s 38, I''m 31). During that time, I watched each and every friend of mine meet and marry their now husbands while I sat around waiting.....and waiting......and waiting. It wasnt easy - there were a lot of "talks" and a lot of tears and there were many times I thought about leaving. He kept promising me that we would be married (he wanted to marry, have a family, etc) but that he just wasnt ready.....even in his mid/late thirties. My friends and family thought I was nuts for hanging around but I did because I always knew that he was the one.
To this day, I dont know if I completely understood what took him so long. He has told me that it was really important to him to have money in the bank and to get to a point in his life where he felt he could be a good husband and father. I guess it takes some men longer than others!

Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone for their advice and their words of wisdom since I found the site early last year. I dont know why I never posted before but I wanted to now offer some advice to everyone that has inadvertantly given me advice in the past. I know how hard waiting is and I know how hard that emotional whirlwind is and I know how much it hurts to hear about others getting engaged/married. You start to think it will never happen. All I can say is that all is not lost and that it really does happen so if you know your boyfriend is "the one", try to hang in there and let him get there too. I was beginning to think it would never come but it did and it has made me happier than I ever have been.
Good luck to everyone - you are all incredibly special women and I wish you all the best.