Hello ladies,
I've been roaming these forums for a while now, and figured its about time I've introduced myself. I've been with my boyfriend since i was 16 and its been 10 years, and really hoping that this will be the year. we've talked about marriage and both know that after 10 years together, we are still very much in love and will eventually get there. Like many others on this forum, I completely understand the frustration in waiting since he's brought the ring and has been holding onto it since September 2011! it's just the wait that is slowly killing me especially since I know exactly where it is stored. my boyfriend is the type of guy who never seems to be in any particular rush to get things done, so I really don't know how much longer I'd be waiting for *sigh* o well, that's my introduction. I hope to participate in more discussions on this forum to help ease my frustration and to remind me that I'm not the only one waiting.
I've been roaming these forums for a while now, and figured its about time I've introduced myself. I've been with my boyfriend since i was 16 and its been 10 years, and really hoping that this will be the year. we've talked about marriage and both know that after 10 years together, we are still very much in love and will eventually get there. Like many others on this forum, I completely understand the frustration in waiting since he's brought the ring and has been holding onto it since September 2011! it's just the wait that is slowly killing me especially since I know exactly where it is stored. my boyfriend is the type of guy who never seems to be in any particular rush to get things done, so I really don't know how much longer I'd be waiting for *sigh* o well, that's my introduction. I hope to participate in more discussions on this forum to help ease my frustration and to remind me that I'm not the only one waiting.