
Help/advice needed please - fancy vivid yellow diamond


Jan 13, 2025
Hi all, I've been trying to buy a fancy yellow diamond ring recently and been reading a lot of posts from PriceScope. I've looked at several FIY and FVY rings in person and decided I really prefer FVY rather than FIY. Given that FVY can be less common in some of the branded stores that I have access too, I went to BN and started to see if I can find something online. Also b/c my friend got her colorless diamond ring from BN and raved about it, I wanted to give it a try. I narrowed down to one particular piece now, but still some reservations since it's a large investment and I would very much like to get some advice on it. Please see the link shared below for the diamond and all the details are listed on the website.

1. On the GIA report, the symmetry is 'Good'. While I've read posts before that some experts say it's normal that fancy color diamonds sometimes have lower grading on symmetry, but is there a way for me to know if the symmetry being not Excellent/VG actually impacts this particular diamond negatively?
2. With the 360 degree video, I see some dark/black spots as the diamond rotates (red circled below). Is that normal, ie the light reflection of different color? Or is it more like a 'leakage'?
3. Since BN is an online store and does not transfer diamonds, I cannot really see it after I buy it, although they do 30-day free return. Do you recommend only buying something you actually like in person, because pictures are not always accurate especially for fancy colored (for which we normally value color the most)? Or do you think the 30x picture and the 360 degree view would be sufficient enough to evaluate? Also if anyone had experience with BN colored diamond, how would you recommend?
4. Judging by the picture, can someone share thoughts on what you think of the color richness? I know that even for FVY, there's still a wide range of yellow color. And I personally prefer something that's warmer, more orangy, but not brown, also not green. I tried to find something I thought was rich, but still when I looked at some other yellow diamonds (ie, what Graff showed), it just looks so different? Do you think Graff is showing more FVOY maybe? And that doesn't necessarily mean this one is not a good yellow?
5. I've read some price chart before on similar diamond, ie, FVY/2ct/IF and the price range was 30k-40k. I know that was current, but overall do you think this one is fairly priced or overpriced?

Sorry for the long post and many questions, and really really appreciate everyone's input in advance!

Pic for question 2 - dark spot

Picture for 4 - Graff diamond
You’ll have judge it irl with your eyes. I have seen fancy yellows that look incredible in studio lighting, but are meh irl.

Post some pics after you receive the stone.
If you don't immediately love it in real life, you can reach out to Diamonds by Lauren and Leibish to see how they can help. Both of them are vendors who specialize in colored diamonds and while they may not have what you want in stock (especially Diamonds by Lauren who is a smaller operation), they can probably help you source something.

The difference between the Graff and yours might be lighting but also might be color modifiers and intensity. These are all vivid yellows in basically the same lighting and look how different the color tones are:
1. In my experience GIA EX/VG symmetry is not necessary for a well cut cushion. I have a few with good/fair symmetry that looks well cut.

2. Dark/black spots that flash on/off in the 360 videos are typically reflections of the camera or person doing the camera work. These spots add contrast as long as they are well distributed. Leakage is when you can see straight through the stone, which I don’t see much of in your pick.

3. In my experience 360 videos are generally pretty accurate for color, but keep in mind that diamonds will look different in different lighting environments and settings. Diamonds are not going to look the same all the time, so it’s really important to see them in person in as many lighting situations as possible before making a final decision. Don’t hesitate to make use of return policies.

4. The 360 videos are typically taken in more neutral lighting and not edited for color. The photo of the Graff diamond looks heavily edited and it’s anyone’s guess what it actually looks like. The setting can also make a big difference in visible color. Setting a yellow diamond in high carat yellow gold can make it appear warmer.

5. I would not rely on price charts for fancy colored diamonds in fancy cuts for bigger sizes. I don’t think there are enough meaningfully comparable diamonds to give an accurate picture. I would just look around and see whether there are comparable diamonds you are interested in, then ask your vendor if they can come down in price if you see comparable diamonds that are lower priced. I don’t know if your pick is in-house inventory or exclusive to BN, but it doesn’t hurt to ask other vendors if they have access to it for a lower price.
3. In my experience 360 videos are generally pretty accurate for color
4. The 360 videos are typically taken in more neutral lighting and not edited for color

I’m afraid I disagree on this point. Many of the videos online are definitely shot in a manner that accentuates a color- or makes it seem less brown, etc.
Remember, it’s not like taking a snapshot with your phone. The cameras are sophisticated- changing settings really affects the output.
I have experienced this first hand many times - especially with yellows.

I do agree with the rest of your points
Best of luck!!!
The members here are extremely well educated and give very good advice ( until I poke my nose in…. Hahah)
Seriously- when it comes to diamonds of these colors, the ring is extremely important to the final results.
There are many fancy colored diamonds I’ve seen over the years that looked way better in the ring than they did loose. And vice versa.
Something to keep in mind.
Thank you so much for everyone's input! I'm going to order it in and see if I like it when I see it in real life. I also appreciate everyone who recommended vendors and stores. I will try to check out a few more in person myself. And I will keep updating the post once I actually see the one I posted above and if I like it. Thanks again!!
Hi everyone, I received the diamond Saturday and wrote a new post with pictures later that day, but it's still in waiting approval status. It just said 'This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors.' Does anyone know why?

Anyway, I'm going to try to re-post with fewer pictures and see if it goes through. I think the color in real life is pretty close to the BN pictures I posted earlier. Please let me know any thoughts you have, thank you!

If you have recommendation on a ring setting, please let me know as well, thank you!
Wow. Wow wow. I’m not a big diamond person or well-versed in cuts, but I think it’s absolutely beautiful! I like the sort of honey color, and and it’s very saturated.
I’m afraid I disagree on this point. Many of the videos online are definitely shot in a manner that accentuates a color- or makes it seem less brown, etc.
Remember, it’s not like taking a snapshot with your phone. The cameras are sophisticated- changing settings really affects the output.
I have experienced this first hand many times - especially with yellows.

I do agree with the rest of your points

@Rockdiamond I see exactly what you were talking about now. When I took pics of the diamond using my phone, with different angles or different background, the color doesn't look the same every time. I think the color in general is close to BN 360 degree video or to my pics with white background. Even they look different to me. Also it looks more saturated under the direct light than in a darker environment, I'm not sure if this is expected as well?
. Judging by the picture, can someone share thoughts on what you think of the color richness? I know that even for FVY, there's still a wide range of yellow color. And I personally prefer something that's warmer, more orangy, but not brown, also not green.

I think your picture & the listing picture fits the warmer yellow you are looking for.

Before reading your thread and just seeing your picture - I was expecting to see modifying colors on the report. ‘Honey’ was said in by someone else and I agree.

Cannot speak on price - it’s not available to see. However - imo
Carat and color and clarity - after all that
if you then like the specific cushion outline shape, you like the material distribution (face up size/crown height/table size) the sparkle /facet pattern - all this to your eye, what you want to see, that’s where it lies on finding & then comparing pricing to other stones that may or may not have those same favors, but the core ‘stats’ are similar.

If you have recommendation on a ring setting, please let me know as well, thank you!
You want a solitaire? Cluster? Halo? Fancy occasion dinner ring? Sleek daily driver wear?
This for you to wear or is it a gift?
With colored stones, I like 3 stones with white diamonds on the side to help "pop" the color of the center. You could do small
rounds, bigger Cadillacs, or baguettes. I, personally, would do rounds.
I think your picture & the listing picture fits the warmer yellow you are looking for.

Before reading your thread and just seeing your picture - I was expecting to see modifying colors on the report. ‘Honey’ was said in by someone else and I agree.

Cannot speak on price - it’s not available to see. However - imo
Carat and color and clarity - after all that
if you then like the specific cushion outline shape, you like the material distribution (face up size/crown height/table size) the sparkle /facet pattern - all this to your eye, what you want to see, that’s where it lies on finding & then comparing pricing to other stones that may or may not have those same favors, but the core ‘stats’ are similar.

You want a solitaire? Cluster? Halo? Fancy occasion dinner ring? Sleek daily driver wear?
This for you to wear or is it a gift?

Thank you @Rfisher. Given I’m new to this, when you say modifying, do you mean a secondary color? Or it could also be anything that’s impacting the color presentation whether it’s the cut/setting to etc.
Apologies, I didn’t realize the price was no longer on the website, but this one was about 61k. And please excuse my ignorance, I watched a YouTube guy showing a price chart before and fvy with similar cut and clarity should be around 40k.
For the setting - it’s a birthday present for my mom, and it will be daily wear. She has smaller hands, so prefers something that’s less busy looking, ie three stone or cluster. I think the main goal is to have a setting that can complement the diamond and bring the best look. I spoke with a couple ppl before, for example, one person mentioned that she would not go for halo, because she would like to have the yellow diamond catch all the spot light and would have the simplest solitaire. On the other hand, my mom thought that the diamond cuts pretty deep and doesn’t look as big, so she is quite open to have a halo style.
With colored stones, I like 3 stones with white diamonds on the side to help "pop" the color of the center. You could do small
rounds, bigger Cadillacs, or baguettes. I, personally, would do rounds.

Thanks @tyty333 , I like 3-stone and the idea of contrast to help pop the color of the center. If someone has tiny hands and fingers, would 3-stone looks a bit heavy?
Maybe go with longer side stones, traps or baguettes that are set lower than RBs. A bit more sleek look.

Any styles here catch your eye?

Again thanks for everyone's help. I took my mom to the showroom and she tried on a couple different settings/styles. She decided to go with a halo. We just received the ring today and my mom absolutely loves it. And I was very nicely surprised by the ring myself. It's so beautiful and the richness of the color just blew me away.
@Rockdiamond I can totally see what you said earlier now - the diamond looked wayyyy better in the ring and I'm so glad that I took the plunge to complete the ring.
This is the first colored diamond I bought and I really appreciate everyone sharing your thoughts with me! I read every post carefully. Some of your posts enabled me to learn, to understand better. Some posts simply eased my mind during this purchase experience. I wouldn't have done it without all your support and help. Thank you!
Best of luck!!!
The members here are extremely well educated and give very good advice ( until I poke my nose in…. Hahah)
Seriously- when it comes to diamonds of these colors, the ring is extremely important to the final results.
There are many fancy colored diamonds I’ve seen over the years that looked way better in the ring than they did loose. And vice versa.
Something to keep in mind.

Stunning! LOVE the color!! Congrats!!

That IS intense yellow, what a beautiful diamond. And the setting complements it perfectly. Gorgeous ring - thank you for sharing.