
#JOTW Help find a Padparadscha for an engagement ring.

OTL|1402418714|3690132 said:
aljdewey|1402418196|3690125 said:
OTL - where in Canada are you?

Vancouver, why?

Because I was thinking that depending on where OP lives, the cost to make a flight to see it might be worth it to him so he could see it in person. I know I'd want to do that on a purchase of this magnitude if there is no return policy and the cost of a flight is anywhere near reasonable. Since Canada spans the U.S., though, it's hard to know if he'd be looking at a less expensive regional flight or a potentially more expensive cross-country flight without knowing where in Canada - hence the question. :-)

Also, on my side of the country (east coast), many of the Canada cities are close enough to the border to make meeting in the middle a possibility, too. But if you were in PEI, for example, that wouldn't really be a workable suggestion.
Elliot86|1402415598|3690092 said:
To clarify I guess I am confused because you say she doesn't want a primarily pink stone but used TGal's ring as the basis for wanting a padparadscha in the first place. You've picked a very particular kind of stone that doesn't play nicely with cameras. She may be better off picking from a lineup of sapphires instead of saying yes to a photo stone unseen.

Some more of TGal's ring

Elliot. She sent me a photo of that ring as a basis for the ring, not the stone. Sorry for the confusion. Having said that, In the photo she sent me, it did look more orangey. It's the photo with the number 9 on the surface it's on. Either way. She had sent me pics of settings. :)
OTL|1402417513|3690117 said:
TL|1402362863|3689819 said:
Chrono|1402315386 said:
This one also has potential but my concern is that the sale is final AND there is clarity enhancement that warrants further questioning.

She must have seen this thread because she just updated the listing to state it's not treated at all. Evidently the AGL reports always say "Clarity Enhancement" first, and then in this case, it probably says "None" as in the Finewater AGL report.

I wish the origin was on the report, but for the price, it's a good deal.

Sorry for not showing full report, the clarity enhancement is none. Just want to clarify that :) Anyway, I have sent OP more photos and report picture (or whoever contacted me yesterday). TL, I didn't ask for origin because I know it is from ceylon, it's bought from a local guy, and has a local certificate as well. To be honest I didn't think origin is that much important for pad sapphire until now. :mrgreen:

OP: I hope you can find the ideal pad sapphire for the special girl.

Wasn't me that contacted you, but thank you for the kind words. :)
aljdewey|1402419176|3690137 said:
OTL|1402418714|3690132 said:
aljdewey|1402418196|3690125 said:
OTL - where in Canada are you?

Vancouver, why?

Because I was thinking that depending on where OP lives, the cost to make a flight to see it might be worth it to him so he could see it in person. I know I'd want to do that on a purchase of this magnitude if there is no return policy and the cost of a flight is anywhere near reasonable. Since Canada spans the U.S., though, it's hard to know if he'd be looking at a less expensive regional flight or a potentially more expensive cross-country flight without knowing where in Canada - hence the question. :-)

Also, on my side of the country (east coast), many of the Canada cities are close enough to the border to make meeting in the middle a possibility, too. But if you were in PEI, for example, that wouldn't really be a workable suggestion.

Good call. And I would actually do that, but I'm in the DC area. I'd have to be very serious and would take my gf with me.
saracen|1402419642|3690147 said:
Elliot86|1402415598|3690092 said:
To clarify I guess I am confused because you say she doesn't want a primarily pink stone but used TGal's ring as the basis for wanting a padparadscha in the first place. You've picked a very particular kind of stone that doesn't play nicely with cameras. She may be better off picking from a lineup of sapphires instead of saying yes to a photo stone unseen.

Some more of TGal's ring

Elliot. She sent me a photo of that ring as a basis for the ring, not the stone. Sorry for the confusion. Having said that, In the photo she sent me, it did look more orangey. It's the photo with the number 9 on the surface it's on. Either way. She had sent me pics of settings. :)

Ah, got it now. I was like "Are you sure she doesn't want pink?!" :lol:
I really don't recommend either LT stones. This isn't anything personal. I would give the same advice to any other vendor provided stone.

The first has a fat giant window with whoa and the color saturation is meh. The silkiness is up to your girlfriend's taste. However, seeing this stone in real life will help both of you make a better decision.

The second one is a known vendor located in Singapore. It's up to you, whether you want to deal with international shipping without an obvious return policy. Even if there is a return policy, returning stones internationally is a pain. I see weird shadowing issues in that stone. This stone also isn't nearly as saturated as the LM stone that your gf was drawn to.

If these two stones are the ones you're seriously considering , I'd switch to another type of stone because yes rarity and something special like a pad can be important but ultimately it's also about beauty. You can get a more beautifully cut stone with better color if you drop the classification of the stone and focus on a specific type of color.
Thanks for your input royalstarrynight.

Out of curiosity, what did you think of the Finewater one?
I think the finewater one has an acceptable cut. No major issues of windows and bowties/shadowing.

However, the most important part is that the color doesn't seem to make you or your gf go :love: :love: and that's how a stone at the 15k price range is supposed to make you react.

Color is so personal. It doesn't matter what we think or what the trade thinks or what a specialty identifying name like pad. I think you should ask your gf what she thinks of the colors of the stone on LT or other inspirations and see what her tolerance is away from the LM stone and go from there.

Before purchasing a stone online, I generally toy with the image and adjust saturation +/- 20% on powerpoint or photoshop just to see if I'd still love it. If you find the other two LT stones are saturated enough than maybe you can oversee the cut issues. Recutting a pad wouldn't be recommended because of the value loss and risk.
FrekeChild|1402420419|3690159 said:
Elliot86|1402407322|3690031 said:
What a coincidence. :rolleyes: Guaranteed she saw this thread.

If she did see it and it prompted her to put up her LT listing, I'm not sure why that's eyeroll-worthy. :confused:

If she has something to offer that the OP might find interesting, that's a potential win for the OP. I can't speak for anyone else, but there are times I'm lazy about listing stuff I intend to sell, but I'm more motivated to do it if I know someone's actively looking for something I'm selling. :wink2:
the second loupetroop stone is nice.

Maybe she has to sell it - offer 40 - 50 % - would be a good deal.

The Ebay stone ...... 1 ( ooonnneee feedback)!!! Perfect!!! :lol:

If you think this is unfair - NO - please respect Saracen!!! That would be fair!!!
That would be a deal. :D
Try it!!!

What do you think you will get if you sell such a gem as a private person at a gem show to a vendor....

The stone is very nice. Really.
If the GIA report is real, the vendor has a reasonable return policy, and the buyer is covered by ebay protection, I'm really not sure exactly why a person would not at least *consider* buying from a new vendor. Though there's safety in buying from an established seller, buying from a new vendor seems like a great way to actually get a good deal, as long as you are careful. Ebay's terms are actually quite favorable to buyers.
My advise for LT stones is to ask about the sellers return policy; most private sellers do not accept returns/refunds for many reasons, mostly to protect themselves. If you are very interested in the second LT stone, I strongly caution you to consider that international shipping is a pain, often times with little to no tracking and insurance hassles unless you are willing to go with DHL or FedEx with your own private insurance. Also, I would spring for a GIA report over AIGS since GIA does a better job with catching heat/unheated sapphires as there has been enough cases of stones resubmitted to GIA and coming back with a different result.

I am not brave enough to risk several thousand dollars on a new vendor off eBay. I prefer to start off with a lesser amount that I am willing and comfortable to lose completely. My calculations result in a shallow stone and the GIA lab report collaborates it with a picture of a windowed stone.
Yeah, I'm not comfortable with overseas sellers. I think right now, I like one of the africagems ones and the Finewater one. Both have return policies. I may consider ordering the africagem one to see what it looks like.
saracen|1402426975|3690228 said:
Yeah, I'm not comfortable with overseas sellers. I think right now, I like one of the africagems ones and the Finewater one. Both have return policies. I may consider ordering the africagem one to see what it looks like.

Which one :appl:
If the GIA report is real, the vendor has a reasonable return policy, and the buyer is covered by ebay protection, I'm really not sure exactly why a person would not at least *consider* buying from a new vendor. Though there's safety in buying from an established seller, buying from a new vendor seems like a great way to actually get a good deal, as long as you are careful. Ebay's terms are actually quite favorable to buyers.
Last edited by pokerface on 10 Jun 2014 13:00, edited 1 time in total.

Maybe a "new" seller should start with cheaper stones and earn good feedback - not with a stone like this.
If he/she offers top material - high-end I would expect a homepage like Thegemtrader or Coast to Coast and not fleabay.

But my opinion of course!

On the other hand - a high price is not automaticaly a high quality - many totally overpriced Fancy Diamonds and Natural Untreated Gems
bought in Thailand with the same blablabla certificate offered with a good story that you get something special and exclusive.

Africa Gem : I love the radiant - cut, price and color - beautiful!!!!
I checked out the ebay seller's website ( They have a few Padparadschas but their photography skills are zero. I mean, honestly, It's not difficult to take decent close ups with even a cheap camera on macro setting. Getting color right is another thing, but focused pictures..!
Elliot86|1402415954|3690096 said:
They are definitely chameleons...

I could be wrong, and perhaps Tgal can correct me, but I think the color of her stone in that black and white background photo was enhanced. It's supposedly more pastel IRL, like the other photos on the hand. She noted that I believe, but I could be wrong.

As for the Africagems radiant (not the oval), but the African one, it looks a lot like the color of Tgal's to me, not too pink, and more of a pink-orange.

BTW, ask him for additional pictures of the Africagems stone you're considering in various lighting. He's done that before for customers.
saracen|1402429633|3690257 said:
I checked out the ebay seller's website ( They have a few Padparadschas but their photography skills are zero. I mean, honestly, It's not difficult to take decent close ups with even a cheap camera on macro setting. Getting color right is another thing, but focused pictures..!

Padparadschas are often photo manipulated to eliminate any brown, so be careful, and always buy from known reputable sellers. Not sure who Jupitergem is, but ebay can be a scary place to buy these gems. Diffused stones are all over the place.
royalstarrynight|1402421344|3690175 said:
I really don't recommend either LT stones. This isn't anything personal. I would give the same advice to any other vendor provided stone.

The first has a fat giant window with whoa and the color saturation is meh. The silkiness is up to your girlfriend's taste. However, seeing this stone in real life will help both of you make a better decision.

The second one is a known vendor located in Singapore. It's up to you, whether you want to deal with international shipping without an obvious return policy. Even if there is a return policy, returning stones internationally is a pain. I see weird shadowing issues in that stone. This stone also isn't nearly as saturated as the LM stone that your gf was drawn to.

If these two stones are the ones you're seriously considering , I'd switch to another type of stone because yes rarity and something special like a pad can be important but ultimately it's also about beauty. You can get a more beautifully cut stone with better color if you drop the classification of the stone and focus on a specific type of color.

Royalstarrynight, padparadschas aren't supposed to be super saturated per the LMHC guidelines. Actually, they're supposed to be a delicate pastel color, but the less brown, the better.

"Padparadscha sapphire is a variety of corundum from any geographical origin whose colour is a subtle
mixture of pinkish orange to orangey pink with pastel tones and low to medium saturations when
viewed in standard daylight."

Honestly, to me, padparadschas really sing after they're set. One can't really appreciate loose gems, but if in the proper setting, they have a beautiful glow to them.
saracen|1402427918|3690243 said:
I do prefer the shape (face) of the fine water one, but will let my gf decide.

Saracen, you're wise (and considerate) to let your girlfriend decide. People's preferences for color and shape can widely vary.
For example, I personally loooooove radiant-cut colored stones, but many others on PriceScope don't at all. I get the impression that many stones are love-it-or-hate-it, and thus asking for your girlfriends opinion (especially if the AfricaGems radiant is still a contender) is best.

I'm sure she'll be very pleased with whatever you two end up picking together! :appl:
aljdewey|1402423421|3690195 said:
FrekeChild|1402420419|3690159 said:
Elliot86|1402407322|3690031 said:
What a coincidence. :rolleyes: Guaranteed she saw this thread.

If she did see it and it prompted her to put up her LT listing, I'm not sure why that's eyeroll-worthy. :confused:

If she has something to offer that the OP might find interesting, that's a potential win for the OP. I can't speak for anyone else, but there are times I'm lazy about listing stuff I intend to sell, but I'm more motivated to do it if I know someone's actively looking for something I'm selling. :wink2:

Yeah, I don't get why it merits an eye roll. FWIW, I really like that one. The shape and color both look beautiful to me.
Very late to this discussion, but if you have not asked Mark at AfricaGems yet, have him do a video of the two pads together (radiant and oval). His videos are about 105% of the "true" saturation of the stone, but the tone is SPOT on. Additionally, ask him about his orange or pink sapphires. Some of the orange ones may lean a bit pink and some of the pink may lean orange without having the benefit of the "pad" name + price.

Good luck with your search!

Edited to add: Mark typically has a coupon code on his blog that may bring the price down a little bit.
Vidalia|1402439954|3690403 said:
saracen|1402427918|3690243 said:
I do prefer the shape (face) of the fine water one, but will let my gf decide.

Saracen, you're wise (and considerate) to let your girlfriend decide. People's preferences for color and shape can widely vary.
For example, I personally loooooove radiant-cut colored stones, but many others on PriceScope don't at all. I get the impression that many stones are love-it-or-hate-it, and thus asking for your girlfriends opinion (especially if the AfricaGems radiant is still a contender) is best.

I'm sure she'll be very pleased with whatever you two end up picking together! :appl:

Thanks so much. That means a lot. :)
swissmiss|1402441379|3690421 said:
Very late to this discussion, but if you have not asked Mark at AfricaGems yet, have him do a video of the two pads together (radiant and oval). His videos are about 105% of the "true" saturation of the stone, but the tone is SPOT on. Additionally, ask him about his orange or pink sapphires. Some of the orange ones may lean a bit pink and some of the pink may lean orange without having the benefit of the "pad" name + price.

Good luck with your search!

Edited to add: Mark typically has a coupon code on his blog that may bring the price down a little bit.

I asked for a video of the oval one, but haven't received one yet. I'm sure it takes a few days though.

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